Things certainly worked out better than anyone expected for Steven McBee and Calah Jackson as they moved in together after the Joe Millionaire finale aired. The show’s finale seemed like anyone’s game as Steven and Kurt struck up strong connections with two women each, making it difficult for them to choose who to go home with. Throughout the season, Annie Jorgensen seemed like a no-brainer for Steven. The two had an incredible date during episode 6, and the Missouri-based bachelor seemed head over heels in love with the New York City native. However, as the finale neared, he began developing feelings for Calah, a contestant who piqued Steven and Kurt’s interest due to her mysterious and closed-off nature.


During the finale, Steven admitted that his love for the chase was drawing him into Calah, and while one might think that could be a red flag, Steven saw it as a reason to crown her the Joe Millionaire winner, along with Amanda Pace, who won Kurt’s heart. Fans were surprised to see Steven pick Calah as Annie couldn’t have been a more perfect choice. The intelligent and kind contestant was seemingly heartbroken upon elimination but seems to be doing well as she got together with fellow runner-up Carolyn Moore to watch the season finale together. Calah had quite the reputation on the show for not opening up to the bachelors, however one episode before the finale, Calah became more vulnerable, leading Steven to believe they could have a future together.

While Amanda has confirmed on Twitter that she and Kurt are no longer in a relationship, Steven and Calah are doing better than ever as they’ve just moved in together. In an exclusive interview with Distractify, the couple revealed where they stand after the show’s finale and what their plans are for the future. “We actually bought a house down in Kansas City that will be done at the end of March,” Steven revealed. “So we’ll be living down there full-time, and then … we’ll be coming up to the house I have here at the farm every weekend or so.” The pair began living together shortly before the Joe Millionaire season finale aired and are currently staying in Steven’s Missouri home.

Unfortunately, since the show was filmed months before airing on Fox, the couple had to keep their relationship a secret to avoid spoiling the ending. “It’s hard, you know, not to be able to tell anybody or go out on a normal date and be public about it,” Calah shared. Luckily they were able to schedule regular FaceTime calls and secret trips to see each other, but they’re very excited to finally be able to show off their relationship to the public. While Annie was understandably hurt by Steven’s choice, the former bachelor reveals that there are no hard feelings between her and Calah.

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It’s great to see at least one of the Joe Millionaire men were able to find true love. Though it may have been shocking for fans and seemed like the wrong decision, luckily, they’re proving everyone wrong, and Steven is sure he made the right choice. Steven prides himself on being a small-town boy, so the jump to Kansas City will definitely take some adjusting for him. Fortunately, he doesn’t have to go through the process alone and will have Calah by his side throughout the journey.

Source: Distractify

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