Allison and Lydia’s time together is cut far too short in Teen Wolf, but they still manage to have one of the best dynamics on the showThey become best friends instantly, and Lydia makes Allison feel welcome the moment she sets foot in Beacon Hills High School. The two evolve over the course of the series and help each other grow into the people they’re meant to be.

Teen Wolf isn’t the same after Allison’s death, and the loss affects Lydia most of all. She carries her best friend’s memory with her long after Allison is gone and uses it as an inspiration. However, even Allison and Lydia had their fair share of disagreements, and they didn’t always prioritize each other’s feelings.

8 Lydia Calls Allison A Prude

Scott and Allison’s relationship is still new at the beginning of the first season, and the couple is just getting to know each other. But when they make plans to study, Lydia’s take on the situation causes Allison to grow nervous.

Allison is keen on sticking to schoolwork, given that they’ve only been on one date, but Lydia tells Allison not to be a “total prude.” While Lydia thinks she’s helping her friend, she’s also pressuring Allison into doing something she might not be ready for.

7 Lydia Makes Fun Of Allison Through Kate

Kate Argent is one of the most irredeemable villains in Teen Wolf and she deserves every bad thing the characters say about her. The actions she takes against Scott are so drastic, that Chris sides with a pack of werewolves over his own sister.

Regardless of how unlikeable Kate is, Lydia’s comment is insensitive. When she makes her return to school, Lydia jokes that her fugue state is nothing compared to Allison having a serial killer for an aunt. Allison had just attended her aunt’s funeral and come to terms with her loss, making Lydia appear thoughtless.


6 Allison Leaves Lydia For The Entire Summer

It’s understandable that Allison wants to get away after the events of Teen Wolf season 2. She enters a dark place after losing her mother and even turns against Scott to seek revenge on Derek and his pack. However, Allison leaves Lydia at the worst time.

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Lydia also goes through a world of hurt, but the difference is that she has no explanation for what’s happening to her. By the time she finally discovers the truth, Jackson moves away and Lydia is left to deal with the fallout on her own. Lydia doesn’t act bothered by it, but Allison should’ve been there for her best friend.

5 Allison Hangs Out With Lydia’s Ex-Boyfriend

Allison’s friendship with Jackson is disrespectful to Lydia on every level. There’s nothing wrong with being friendly and hanging out with him in a group setting, but Allison and Jackson form a relationship outside of Lydia. Despite how badly Jackson treats his girlfriend, and the rest of the characters for that matter, Allison indulges him.

She continues to spend time with him after his breakup with Lydia and they go to the school dance together. It could be considered justified after what happens between Lydia and Scott, but Lydia appears uncomfortable over Allison and Jackson prior to her own betrayal.

4 Allison Brushes Lydia Off When She Needs Her

As the only main character still unaware of the supernatural, Lydia feels neglected by her friends in Teen Wolf Season 2. She almost bleeds out on the lacrosse field, spends days wandering around the woods naked in a fugue state, and begins developing abilities that she can’t understand.

With everything going on in Beacon Hills, Lydia’s emotional state is treated as a petty problem. She goes to Allison because she needs someone to talk to, and Allison tries to send her away so she can deal with more important things.

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3 Lydia Makes Out With Scott

There are plenty of opinions when it comes to whether Scallison or Stydia is the best couple in Teen Wolf, but almost everyone can agree that Scott and Lydia are a bad combination. They form a sibling-like bond later in the series, which makes their kissing session an uncomfortable scene to rewatch.

Lydia knows how much Allison still cares about Scott and witnesses her heartbreak first-hand. Yet, she jumps on Scott the first opportunity she gets and insults Allison while trying to seduce him. On top of betraying her best friend, Lydia also cheats on Jackson.

2 Allison Lies To Lydia For Seasons

While he shouldn’t be dating her if he can’t be honest, it’s easy to understand why Scott lies to Allison about being a werewolf. Not only had the two just met, but his life would be in danger if the secret made it back to Allison’s family.

Allison doesn’t have a good excuse for keeping Lydia in the dark for so long. Lydia becomes directly involved in the supernatural world, and rather than telling her the truth, Allison lets Lydia believe she’s crazy. Because Lydia has no idea what she’s up against, she’s in even more danger than the rest of the characters.

1 Allison Ignores Lydia’s Warning

Although there are plenty of ways Allison could’ve returned in Teen Wolf, her death in Season 3 Episode 23, “Insatiable,” is final. Risking her life to save Lydia is Allison’s most selfless act, and it proves she’s the best friend Lydia could ask for.

Yet, Allison coming to find her is the last thing Lydia wants. Before she gets taken, Lydia’s banshee powers tip her off to Allison’s fate. She leaves Allison a message asking her to stay behind, but Allison doesn’t listen. The worst comes to pass, and although Allison dies outside in Scott’s arms, Lydia feels her best friend slip away.

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