Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has just come out with its version 13.0 Sora update, and it’s a huge one for fans of low tier characters. The update focused on buffing many of the games weaker fighters rather nerfing stronger ones. Considering that the new character that came along with Smash Ultimate‘s latest update, Sora, is going to be the last new fighter, these changes may be the final most important to game.

In past updates, much of the focus was dedicated to nerfing DLC characters who ended up being too strong. Between Joker and Kazuya, Nintendo has had a streaking of making Smash Ultimate‘s DLC fighters pay-to-win. However, the version 13.0 update seeks to amend the lack of attention paid to character like Jigglypuff and Little Mac, both of whom have been weaker fighters since Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.


The main way the update addresses the weaknesses of low-tier fighters is by boosting their strengths. This means that Dr. Mario and Little Mac will hit stronger, and Zelda will be a more terrifying presence for anyone trying to get back on stage. Nevertheless, there are still more specific nerfs and buffs that will add interesting dynamics and options to Smash Ultimate.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s Kazuya Loses His Infinite

Kazuya is Smash Ultimate‘s only character to receive a nerf in the game’s most recent update. As the most recent DLC character before Sora, Kazuya’s nerf makes sense, as new characters added to the game often come with extra strong kits to encourage players to pick them. However, Kazuya’s nerf is actually a buff granted to all characters who can no longer be foot stooled by Kazuya after he uses his side special.

Kazuya’s nerf addresses his infinite combo that was discovered merely days after his release. To perform the infinite, players would foot stool their opponent while jumping forward and then use Kazuya’s side special in the opposite direction. Players could repeat this combo as much as they wanted because Kazuya’s side special causes players to fall in place, meaning they would never move away from Kazuya regardless of the damage they received. Kazuya will remain a strong Smash Ultimate character after this nerf, but fans of the character may be saddened to know his easy infinite combo has been removed.

Little Mac Still Can’t Recover In Smash Ultimate But Probably Won’t Need To

Fans of Smash Ultimate’s Little Mac are excited to see that their character has finally received buffs. Since the beginning of Smash Ultimate – and really since the character was introduced in Smash for Wii U – Little Mac has been one of the game’s worst fighters. This is primarily because his recovery is abysmal, and his combos do not continue into the air.

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Smash Ultimate gave Little Mac a buff at the launch of the game that made his recovery slightly better by allowing him to use two of his special moves to get back to the stage when knocked off of it. However, aspects of Little Mac’s grounded game – the character’s main appeal – were scrapped. Namely, Little Mac’s easiest kill confirm was removed because knockback from his up special was decreased. This has left Little Mac very difficult to use, as he can wrack up damage easily without having any opportunities to turn this damage into KOs.

In the update, Little Mac’s up special was buffed, meaning that his down tilt to up special kill confirm is back in the game. Additionally, Little Mac’s up tilt had its knock back reduced, meaning it can now combo into itself at low percents. This means Little Mac players will now be able to wrack up damage and reliably get kills with their character. But even if these new buffs do not help, Little Mac’s neutral special now has more knock back and is quicker to use, giving Little Mac a plethora of options he did not have before.

Smash Ultimate’s Jigglypuff Is Returning To Melee State

Since Super Smash Bros. Melee, Jigglypuff has not been able to come near the top tier of characters. In Smash for Wii U, Jigglypuff was considered the worst in the game, an unfortunate legacy that has continued into Smash Ultimate. This is especially unfortunate considering Jigglypuff’s airspeed makes the character seem like an excellent option in a game that is highly focused on edge-guarding.

However, Melee Jigglypuff could be back with Smash Ultimate‘s most recent update. Jigglypuff’s back air has always been a threatening move because of its speed and range, but in Smash Ultimate, these two traits have been cut back. The update brings speed back to Jigglypuff’s back air by reducing its vulnerability, making it a fearsome tool to edge-guard with.

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In general, many of Jigglypuff’s moves now have reduced vulnerability after they are used, meaning she now has a lot more combo potential. This is an especially important change for Jigglypuff’s down special Rest, as players may find combos that set up Rest to get an early KO. Jigglypuff looks to have a much healthier future in Smash Ultimate after this last update.

Zelda Could Become Smash Ultimate’s Best Edge-Guarder

In Super Smash Bros., Zelda’s defensive move set has always held her back, but this recent update could help make her more viable. Zelda’s weakest spot has always been her speed and close-range combat. While her projectiles are useful for both keeping enemies away and edge-guarding, she has almost zero devices to protect herself when enemies are able to dodge the obstacle courses she creates with her moves.

The Sora Update has boosted many of Zelda’s close-range Smash moves to make her a better fighter. Her neutral attack has both reduced vulnerability and more damage, turning it into a viable option to push enemies away. Her up and down smash attacks have also gotten an increase in knock back, making them viable kill options. Zelda’s best buff is the increased sweet spot range of her down air. With Zelda’s recovery and projectiles, she is already a terrifying opponent for anyone knocked off the stage. But with a move that now has a higher chance of spiking, she’ll truly be a scary foe for any character with a bad recovery.

Dr. Mario Hopes To Compete With His Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Alter Ego

Save for Melee, Dr. Mario has always been second to his more popular alter ego, Mario. In Smash Ultimate, Dr. Mario pales in comparison to Mario because of the latter’s speed and near endless strings of combos. But with the most recent update, could Dr. Mario see more usage?

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Dr. Mario has two things that Mario just doesn’t have: power and super armor. Dr. Mario hits and hits hard, which makes his smaller combo pool less of a detriment. Dr. Mario’s down special also grants him super armor that allows him to get out of combos easier than Mario could. The latest update boosts both of these attributes, as several of his moves have more knock back and his down special’s super armor activates faster when used while grounded. By leaning into his strengths, Dr. Mario could potentially become an equal fighter to Mario and a viable pick for Smash Ultimate.

King K. Rool Is Stronger But Still Isn’t Good Enough For Smash Ultimate

King K. Rool has had a rocky start as new addition to the Super Smash Bros. series. His projectiles, super armor, and power have made him an appealing pick, but he’s also slow, predictable, and limited in his options. This has come at a huge cost for King K. Rool over the lifetime of Smash Ultimate, as he has only become worse as players have become more familiar with the game.

Unfortunately, King K. Rool’s weaknesses have not been directly addressed in the most recent update. Instead, his best assets have been made stronger. The already long-lasting and far-ranged hitbox of his side smash attack was made to last longer and hit further. His devastating forward air now has less vulnerability as well. While these buffs may encourage players to use these moves more, it looks as if King K. Rool will remain a predictable character.

While it’s great to see many of Smash Ultimate‘s weaker characters get buffed, it is unfortunate that their glaring weaknesses have not been addressed. Little Mac desperately needs an improved recovery, and Jigglypuff needs reliable setups for Rest if they ever want to become competitively viable. Nevertheless, the version 13.0 update is exciting for fans of low-tier fighters and should prove to change the dynamics of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for months to come.

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