Warning: contains preview pages for Darkhold: Omega!

The Scarlet Witch has been on a quest to turn back the evil influence of the Darkhold in Marvel Comics, and now she is about to make her final stand against the sinister book—which has corrupted the five heroes she assembled to help her. In a special preview for Darkhold: Omega, on sale in print and digital January 5, Scarlet Witch must find a way to free her friends from Darkhold’s influence and stop its evil once and for all.

A book of evil spells compiled in antiquity by the evil sorcerer Chthon, the Darkhold is one of the most powerful objects in the Marvel Universe; the book is responsible for creating vampires on Earth as well. Chthon and the Darkhold have been reasserting themselves in our reality and it fell on the Scarlet Witch to stop them. She hastily put together a new team of Darkhold Defenders: Blade, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Wasp and Black Bolt to help in her crusade. In order to fight the book, each Defender had to read from it—an act which drove them mad, showing them horrifying visions of their lives and what could have been. Now the Defenders have returned to our reality, completely under the Darkhold’s evil influence—ready for revenge on the Scarlet Witch. The issue is written by Steve Orlando, with art by Cian Tormey, inks by Roberto Poggi, Marc Deering and Walden Wong, colors by Jesus Aburtov and letters by Clayton Cowles.


The preview opens with the Darkhold Defenders—now the Darkhold Defiled, attacking the Scarlet Witch. She tells Victorious that the Defenders have read too far and have gone “completely rabid.” She pleads with them to shake the book’s influence—but nothing is working. Scarlet Witch then takes the Darkhold itself, passing it on to Victorious who will in turn take it to Doctor Doom. The Darkhold Defiled continue their assault, taunting her, teling her they will kill both her and Chthon. Scarlet Witch then ensnares them in the Bands of Belasco and the preview ends with her pushing the button on an unspecified device—one that might help her friends.

The Scarlet Witch is about to make her final stand against the evil Darkhold and its author Chthon. So far, almost everything she has tried—including assembling the Darkhold Defenders, has backfired. The Defenders she put so much faith in have been taken from her and corrupted. Yet it still appears Scarlet Witch has tricks up her sleeve, as the machine at the end of the preview proves.

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The Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful sorcerers on Earth, but even her magic may not be enough to stop the evil Darkhold from consuming not only her friends, but the entire world as well. Will she be able to free her friends from the Darkhold? And will she be able to put an end to the evil book for good?

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