The Dick Van Dyke Show is a classic 1960s sitcom starring Dick Van Dyke as Rob Petrie and Mary Tyler Moore as his wife, Laura. The two were great together, living their everyday lives, usually having an adventure, and going through the ups and downs of life. The two were always there for one another and were guaranteed to make audiences laugh with their antics.

Some episodes more than others outlined their relationship—especially in episodes where flashbacks showed how the two met and married, for example. There are also a few episodes in which they argued, but later sweetly made up with one another. Whatever the case, Rob and Laura are a great couple, and there are plenty of Rob-and-Laura-centric episodes for audiences that love them to watch.

10 “The Night The Roof Fell In”

Both Laura and Rob have had difficult days, and they end up taking out their frustrations on one another, leading to a very big fight between the two. Rob storms out, and, following this, the two remember the fight very differently compared to what actually happened.

However, their fight leads to making up, as their love for one another conquers all else, with Laura cooking Rob’s favorite dinner and Rob bringing her favorite dinner to her as part of their apology to one another. They’re a great couple, and, though they have their bad days, their good days are more frequent.

9 “No Rice At My Wedding”

In this episode, audiences see when Rob nearly lost Laura to Clark, starting with when she was raffled off as a date after winning the title of “Bivouac Baby” while Rob was still in the military. While Laura goes on a few dates with Clark and admits to liking him, Rob ends up giving her an ultimatum, forcing her to choose between him or Clark.

While Laura is upset, Clark helps her realize that it is Rob she loves, and she hurries over to Rob to tell him she wants to be with him, which would lead to their happily ever after.


8 “Never Bathe On Saturday”

Rob and Laura head off to a romantic weekend getaway, but things are far from romantic. As Laura recounts to Millie, she got her toe stuck in the bathtub faucet, and, while she was stuck, Rob was dealing with hotel staff, a house detective who believed Rob was trying to hurt Laura and trying to break the locked door down to get to her.

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Eventually, Rob gets the door open by shooting the lock, and Laura’s toe is freed. The episode is hilarious, and it ends with Rob and Laura back in their living room with Millie, with Rob unable to get the mustache he previously drew on himself off.

7 “Oh How We Met On The Night That We Danced”

Despite the fact that Laura and Rob are now a loving, wonderful couple together, they didn’t exactly start out that way. In this season one episode, they tell their son Ritchie about when they first met. While Rob was instantly smitten with Laura, she didn’t return his feelings, especially when he accidentally ended up breaking her toes while doing a dance number with her.

However, as Laura tells their son, Rob visited her every day while she recovered, and she fell for him after getting the chance to get to know him better.

6 “October Eve”

While checking out an art gallery, Sally comes across a painting of Laura and phones her about it. Realizing the painting is one that Laura had thought she’d destroyed years ago, she immediately accompanies Sally to see it. Years before, Laura had had a then-unknown artist (played by Carl Reiner) paint a photo of her, fully-clothed, that she wanted to surprise Rob with. However, the artist took some artistic liberties and wound up painting her nude, which horrified Laura.

When Laura tells Rob the story, he’s not bothered until he finds out that it’s where everyone can see it. Finding out that Laura did pay for the painting, Rob works with the artist to sell it to a specific buyer who plans to put the painting in his home, where no one will be able to see it, and thus protect his wife in the process.

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5 “Draw Me A Pear”

Laura urges Rob to take an art class with her, but she soon comes to regret it when the instructor, Valerie, clearly develops an interest in Rob. While Rob begins to enjoy the class and becomes the focus of the teacher, Laura’s worries only increase.

However, the best moment of the episode is when Laura witnesses Rob refusing the instructor’s passes at him and insisting he loves his marriage and his wife. She never had anything to worry about, as Rob loves her more than anything.

4 “Laura’s Little Lie”

Laura mysteriously disappears every time the couple’s insurance agent comes around. Rob continually gets suspicious, especially when she won’t sign some papers. Then, the truth comes out: Laura lied about her age when they got married and never told Rob. Initially, Rob understands, until he realizes that it may mean he and Laura aren’t legally married.

3 “Very Old Shoes, Very Old Rice”

Continued from the previous episode, “Laura’s Little Lie,” Laura and Rob decide to discreetly get married without their friends finding out. However, Laura ends up telling Millie, and Rob is less than pleased when he finds out.

It leads to a big spat between the two, prompting Judge Krata, who’s set to marry them, to refuse to marry them altogether. However, Rob’s declaration that he’d go anywhere and do anything to marry Laura, given he knows they’re meant for one another, wins over the witnesses, and the judge, and the two are happily—and now legally—married.

2 “The Attempted Marriage”

Rob and Laura tell the story of when they got married to their son, Ritchie, in this season two episode. In flashbacks, audiences see how nervous Rob was to propose, and then the disastrous events that led to him missing the first wedding ceremony, as his vehicle had broken down, he’d sprained his ankle, and had to make a long trek back to the chapel.

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Meanwhile, Laura is heartbroken, thinking that Rob had stood her up, but he arrives and explains, and they set another date. Unfortunately this time, Rob is now very sick, and it ruins their second ceremony. The couple eventually did get married in the hospital, and the rest is history.

1 “My Blonde-Haired Brunette”

Laura fears that Rob is losing interest in her and confesses this to her best friend, Millie. To rekindle romance, Laura follows Millie’s advice and dyes her hair blonde. However, she seriously begins to doubt her new look, especially after a phone call with Rob.

She and Millie hurriedly try to change Laura’s hair back to its natural brunette, but Rob arrives home just in time to see only half the dye job completed, resulting in Laura sporting a hairstyle similar to Cruella de Vil’s. Despite being shocked by Laura’s look, Rob consoles a crying Laura and reassures her that he understands where she was coming from and that he loves her dearly, ending the episode on a sweet note.

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