One of the most iconic science fiction shows of all time is Star Trek:The Next Generation. The second show in the Star Trek franchise is to many the best, due in no small part to the characters. There are plenty of legendary characters found throughout the series run.

Each season features episodes that showcase specific characters and have them stand out among the others, which in a show such as this is no small feat. From series regulars to legacy characters, it is a true testament when a character manages to overshadow the others.

7 Season 1- Q

One of the most iconic and beloved antagonists to come from TNG made his debut in the very first episode. Encounter at Farpoint not only introduced audiences to the new Enterprise crew but also the godlike Q. Q, played by John de Lancie, is portrayed as a being who can do practically anything, and shows up in each season of the show to torment the crew, particularly Picard.

What makes Q such a stand-out character, is the fact that while very much an antagonist, the things he does are for his own enjoyment more or less. It is implied as the show goes on he actually has a fondness for humans, which is one of several facts about Q fans may not know.

6 Season 2 – Data

Commander Data has been a beloved character since his debut in the first episode of the series, but he really shines in the season 2 episode, “The Measure of a Man.” In it, Data is ordered by a commanding officer to be dissembled and studied, which he refuses. Data then has to stand trial and defend his rights as a living being. This is an episode with a powerful message, as most great Star Trek episodes are. The plot of an android defending his rights can be interpreted in many ways, and all of them are still relevant today.

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Nobody should have to do something that demeans them, and no living person should have to defend themselves as such. Every character is excellent here, but Data is an all-star that proves he is just as human as anyone, adding to the fact this is one of the greatest episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation.


5 Season 3 – Picard

Calling the two-parter The Best Of Both Worlds iconic is nothing short of an understatement. The first part aired as the finale to the show’s third season and ends on a cliffhanger that many fans still haven’t recovered from. Captian Picard has shown on multiple occasions that he cares for the safety of his ship above all else, and this episode proves this.

The Borg have already proven to be one of the most dangerous threats in all of Star Trek by the time the third season rolled around. Backed into a corner, Picard decides the only way for the Enterprise to escape the Borg is by him sacrificing himself. This selflessness is a key trait of the Captain, and the outcome of his decision still haunts him in his self-titled series which is preparing for its second season.

4 Season 4 – Worf

In yet another example of a two-part episode bringing out the best in characters, the fourth season finale Redemption sees Lt. Worf deciding where his loyalties lie, with the Federation or the Klingon Empire. The Klingons are heading to a civil war, and both Picard and Worf are caught in the middle. As the series progressed, Worf became much more three-dimensional and, for lack of a better word, human.

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This arc showcases this, as he is willing to resign his position on the Enterprise to help the race he once abandoned. Worf may sometimes be a jerk, but he is a character with the depth all great characters need, and this episode exemplified this.

3 Season 5 – Spock

Arguably the most popular character to come from Star Trek is Spock portrayed by Leonard Nimoy. It is no surprise then that the character made a guest appearance in the two-part episode, Unification. After Sarek, Spock’s father passes away, Picard seeks out the famed Starfleet ambassador who is rumored to have defected to the Romulan Empire.

While only appearing at the end of the first part in a cliffhanger, Spock’s appearance was much larger in the second part and was a huge deal to fans when the episode first aired. In typical Spock fashion, he uses logic and reasoning to explain his actions, and his presence is one of the best parts of the season.

2 Season 6 – Scotty

Another classic character to return to the Enterprise in TNG is Scotty, the Chief Engineer from TOS. Scotty’s last appearance was in the final TOS-centered movie, The Undiscovered Country, which to many is the best TOS-era movie next to Wrath of Khan. Seeing the classic character in the episode Relic was refreshing to fans and offered a nostalgic throwback to the classic show.

There is even a scene on the holodeck that shows Scotty and Picard on the classic Enterprise bridge from TOS. While this episode may not have extremely high stakes like Spock’s guest appearance, it is still a fun episode that brings together fans of both Trek eras together, which makes the episode, and Scotty, shine along with the other episodes of the season.

1 Season 7 – Riker

It is no secret that Riker’s biggest dream to be the captain of his own starship, and the two-parter Gambit in the show’s final season shows he is more than up to the challenge. After learning that Captain Picard supposedly died while investigating an archeological dig, Riker is the acting captain, and he leads the crew on a quest to discover the truth about Picard’s disappearance.

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Riker is highly respected among the crew, and even though they believe him to truly be dead, they follow Riker in his investigation the same way they would follow their supposed late Captain. William Riker is a beloved character and has shown multiple times he is captain material, and this episode is one of the best examples of this. A lot happened in the show’s final season, and yet Riker still managed to make his mark.

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