The Anxiety Mosquito in Big Mouth is Tito Taylor Thomas, and she forms the main source of stress for the eighth grade this season. She’s irritating by herself, what with her eternal whining about how bad everything is and how worse it’s going to get, but her partnership with Depression Kitty is truly dangerous (as Jessi learns.)

Tito grows in size according to how much influence she’s having, as do the other monsters, beings, and assorted creatures in the show. The only one who has any chance of defeating this pesky thing is the Gratitoad, who is a toad as well as the embodiment of gratitude. Of course, this doesn’t mean that anxiety in real life can be fixed so easily, but it’s still another great representation of an inner world in this animated hit.

10 Funniest: “You’ll Be An Old Man With Your Untouched, Dusty Little Dick!”

Tito warns Nick that his “inadequate” endowment would cause severe problems later in life, worsening the extent of his already fragile sense of anatomical self-esteem (what with his as yet undeveloped body.)

However, the way she says it is downright hilarious, even if Nick is unable to see it that way at the time. Granted that his fears, however irrational, seem real to him, the quote in itself reads like something someone would say with oodles of satire and irony thrown into the mix. It’s just not a normal sentence.

9 Heartbreaking: “Nick, You Need To Save Yourself!”

The one interesting thing about anxiety is that it places self-preservation as the most important goal a human should have, as it’s the most effective (and most inefficient) path towards obtaining the instant gratification of inner peace.

When imaginary adult Jessi threatens to blow up the rich-people spaceship that Nick Starr is on, Tito exhorts him to protect his own interests above those of the folk he has left behind on earth. At the end, only two of them remain, floating in the vacuum of space for all eternity.


8 Funniest: “You’re Basically The Coach Steve Of This School”

Jessi’s new school in NYC is leagues beyond Bridgeton Middle in every possible manner — from academics to sports to extracurricular activities. However, having been tossed into the system without any warning, she finds herself rather embarrassed at being left behind, regardless of the fact that the syllabus itself is quite advanced.

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Instead of understanding that it always takes time to adjust to a drastically new situation, Tito literally refers to her as Coach Steve (which is both comical and relatively accurate at the same time.)

7 Heartbreaking: “You’ll Have No Friends”

One of Tito’s commonly repeated lines, it revolves around one of the core fears of pubescent life: the lack of any kind of camaraderie with one’s peers. Playing on this terror seems to be the main task of the Anxiety Mosquito, as it happens to be the easiest way to trap her victims in a downward spiral of self-hatred.

In fact, this succeeds on Nick, because while the others undergo a transformative experience, he resorts to a crude, uncaring personality to come to terms with what he perceives to be his major failure.

6 Funniest: “People Hate It When I Do That. They Hate It When I Do Everything”

Tito introduces herself by randomly and non-consensually biting Nick’s skin, but when he reacts with displeasure (as one would), she moans that everyone hates her no matter what she does.

This trait is central to anxiety disorders, as it reinforces the person’s worthlessness by flatly assuming that nobody will ever find them useful. And yet, Tito’s wheedling voice and nasal tone make the quote sound less repugnant and a lot more humorous.

5 Heartbreaking: “I Feel Crazy”

To make it absolutely clear, referring to people suffering from mental illnesses as “crazy” is a horribly offensive thing to do, and the same applies when anthropomorphic cartoon characters do it.

When Tito’s head transforms into a vague caricature of famed artist Vincent van Gogh — who went through painful episodes of psychotic breakdowns during the course of his life — it mocks the very fabric of human compassion. This act assumes that a person can be reduced to their most visible qualities, especially if they are negative in nature.

4 Funniest: “Last Time You Yanked Your Sick Little Chode… You Killed Your Grandfather”

Andrew’s first departure from the Glouberman method of masturbation (after his interaction with Nick) ends up syncing with the passing of Zadie, his paternal grandpa. Being a child, he does not seem to grasp the idea that correlation has nothing to do with causation, and they are both independent, unrelated events.

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The anxiety in him goes for a drastically different approach, one that involves him not pleasuring himself at all as a form of penitence. Tito takes this opportunity to warn him about the consequences of his routine. Cue: laughtrack.

3 Heartbreaking: “We’re All Gonna Die!”

Tito latches onto young Andrew’s latest boogeyman, the Grim Reaper itself. On one hand, he is relieved to know that death does not occur with a specific reason in mind — that it can be random and totally out of the blue.

His parents entrench this into his psyche by listing out different ways to die, and the Anxiety Mosquito amplifies it into an apocalyptic scenario in Andrew’s head. No child should be afraid of the fragility of life.

2 Funniest: “Stop Appreciating Me!”

As the Gratitoad and Tito battle each other inside Nick’s brain, the fight rapidly swivels in favor of the former. The lovely toad is built on the emotional concept of gratitude, which means he uses these weapons to vanquish anxiety.

The clash continues, with a three-headed Tito screeching about the Gratitoad and his empathy, all the while losing power and becoming a tinier version of herself. Whether in context or not, this line is priceless.

1 Heartbreaking: “As The World Explodes From Global Warming”

Tito basically guides all of (future) Nick Starr’s actions, mocking him for everything terrible he has done to others, while being the major source of his stress.

If losing loved ones is not enough, what about the whole world being destroyed by the effects of Global Warming? This issue is in the forefront of ever teenager’s mind, given that they will have to inherit the problems of the older generations. Tito’s employment of this apprehension is spot-on.

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