The League of Legends Red Bull Solo Q tournament is back for 2021. A competition for amateur players, Red Bull Solo Q changes up the traditional 5v5 League of Legends gameplay by implementing 1v1 matches. Additionally, instead of a three-lane-and-jungle experience, Red Bull Solo Q only allows players in the top lane. Because of these changes, it’s critical for tournament participants to carefully choose their LoL champions, as their main may not be a good choice for flying solo.

Anyone can sign up for the Red Bull Solo Q League of Legends tournament, and the third US National Open Qualifiers take place on Sunday, August 29 at 12 PM PT. Last year’s tournament attracted over 80,000 participants. Interested parties can sign up on the Red Bull website and must create a Battlefy account to participate.


Because its matches are only 1v1, the objectives for Red Bull Solo Q’s version of League of Legends are different. Players can win by getting first blood, destroying the first enemy tower, or being the first to kill 100 minions. Champion selection will hinge on which strategy a player hopes to employ. As pointed out in Red Bull’s champion guide, though, Tanks are never a good option for 1v1 matches, due to their low damage output and poor defense against ranged opponents. Fighters are overall the best class to choose for League of Legends solo play. However, there are many other champions that could prove useful for Red Bull Solo Q competitors in search of victory.

Best Red Bull Solo Q Champions: Irelia Is A Powerful Damage Dealer

Irelia is a strong League of Legends Fighter who can deal massive damage and tends to have good lane control, and she’s recommended by Dark Wings, winner of the 2020 Red Bull Solo Q USA Qualifier. Irelia’s Bladesurge ability allows her to attack enemies while healing herself; Flawless Duet can damage multiple enemies at once; and her ultimate, Vanguard’s Edge, creates a barrier that prevents opponents from escaping, leaving them vulnerable to attack.

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Players hoping to use Irelia in the Red Bull Solo Q tournament will need to be well practiced, as most of her abilities require extreme precision to be useful. She is also highly susceptible to crowd control, so players should stack items that weaken those effects.

Best Red Bull Solo Q Champions: Olaf Is Great For Aggressive Players

Olaf is an easy-to-master Fighter. Though he may not seem like an obvious choice for the Red Bull Solo Q tournament, his raw power makes him an ideal candidate for those who want to play aggressively. His passive and Undertow attacks deal quite a bit of damage, and his ultimate makes him immune to crowd control. Those who select Olaf should stack items and runes that maximize his damage output and health so they can focusing on destroying opponents.

Players using Olaf as their League of Legends champion should try to ban fast characters with dodge abilities. If faced with one regardless, they’ll need to carefully time his axe attacks to ensure they hit. Additionally, when Olaf’s ultimate is on cooldown, he’s extremely vulnerable to crowd control attacks.

Best Red Bull Solo Q Champions: Syndra Is The Best Mage Option

Syndra is one of the best Mage champions for solo play. She has strong crowd control effects that can significantly hamper opponents’ abilities and a burst attack that deals heavy damage. Additionally, her Dark Spheres ability can push enemies back, clearing her a relatively safe path on the lane.

When playing Syndra, or any other Mage, it’s important to carefully monitor the champion’s mana. Once their mana runs out, League of Legends Mages don’t have many useful abilities, and going back to base to regenerate mana can cost precious time. Fortunately, several items (such as Guardian Angel) and runes (such as Manaflow Band) can be equipped to increase maximum mana or improve mana regeneration.

Best Red Bull Solo Q Champions: Kalista Can Win Through Minion Farming

One of the harder Marksmen to master, Kalista is an excellent choice for players hoping to win by killing minions. In regular League of Legends matches, she’s best played in the Bot lane, using her abilities to farm quite easily. Her Rend attack sends spears into enemies. When she recalls them, additional damage is done, and the enemies hit are slowed. Kalista is strongest in the early game, and players should focus on items that inflate her damage output as the match goes on.

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As with many champions, Kalista is extremely vulnerable to crowd control attacks, so getting hit with one could be the difference between victory and defeat in LoL’s Red Bull Solo Q tournament. Similar to Irelia, Kalista’s attacks also need practice and precision to succeed.

Best Red Bull Solo Q Champions: Lucian Is A Versatile Ranged Fighter

League of Legends’ Lucian is a Marksman with deadly power. Almost all of his abilities can deal heavy damage and be used in combination with one another, and he has the ability to root out hidden enemies via his Ardent Blaze attacks. Lucian is also a fast character, and his Relentless Pursuit ability allows him to dodge attacks or sneak up on slower enemies. His versatility make him a solid champion choice, whether Red Bull Solo Q players want to win via first blood, tower takedown, or minion count.

As with most League of Legends Marksmen, Lucian starts the game very powerful. But as the match continues, his abilities will level out, so items that continue to boost his damage output are key. He is also subject to vulnerability while his Relentless Pursuit ability is in cooldown, but that will only last a maximum of 22 seconds, and Lucian has enough defensive maneuvers to keep himself relatively safe.

Best Red Bull Solo Q Champions: Akali Is The Best Assassin Option

Though Assassins aren’t recommended for solo play, League of Legends’ Akali could be an exception with the right build, and she has been used many times in past Red Bull Solo Q tournaments. Akali’s abilities are focused on dealing damage while propelling herself through the air, making her tricky for opponents to hit. Additionally, her Twilight Shroud ability drops a cloud of smoke on the playing field, which can be advantageous for sneak attacks and is highly disorienting for opponents on the offensive.

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Akali doesn’t have a lot of stamina, as is common for the League of Legends Assassin class. Players who want to choose her, or any other Assassin, should build out items that increase her energy. She is also one of the more difficult champions to master, as her attacks require precision of both timing and placement to successfully deal damage and avoid being hit with an attack. Knowing a champion’s weaknesses and practicing their strengths is key to victory in League of Legends, especially in a 1v1 tournament like this year’s Red Bull Solo Q competition.

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