It was a long ride for Pretty Little Liars fans. The teen drama premiered in 2010 and came to a close in 2017. For seven years fans were edge of their seats, spending countless hours trying to figure out the true identity of “A”. It’s safe to say that a lot happened during those seven seasons of Pretty Little Liars.

From Mona being the very first “A” to Alison being alive, this show was jam-packed with twists and turns. So much had happened that it’s impossible to remember every storyline from the show, especially when it comes to season one. Keep reading to find out the 10 things that you totally forgot happened at the beginning of the series.

10 Emily Dated Ben

If you haven’t rewatched season one of Pretty Little Liars recently then you probably don’t remember Ben. This supporting character was Emily’s toxic boyfriend at the beginning of the series. He was overly-aggressive and was eventually taken down by Toby in the locker room.

Fans rejoiced when Ben was no longer in the picture as it made way for Emily to explore her relationship with Maya. Many viewers loved these two together as Maya was supportive and helped Emily feel more comfortable in her own skin.

9 Hanna Crashed Sean’s Car

Even though this was a pretty intense scene, it was also relatively forgettable. Early in season one, Hanna found herself repeatedly frustrated that Sean didn’t want to be with her.

In “To Kill A Mocking Girl”, Hanna began to spiral and came unhinged after Sean rejected her at a party. She stole his car and ended up crashing it in the woods. This definitely wasn’t Hanna’s best moment. To make matters worse, she had to work at Sean’s family’s dental practice for the rest of season one to pay off the damage she had done.


8 Caleb Lived At Rosewood High

In case you forgot, Caleb wasn’t always Hanna’s dreamboat of a boyfriend. When Caleb was first introduced in the series, he didn’t exactly make the best impression on Hanna. She viewed him as a sketchy computer hacker and wanted virtually nothing to do with him.

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Luckily, Caleb’s knowledge of technology came in handy and Hanna slowly became invested in his life. When she found out that Caleb was homeless and secretly living at Rosewood High she offered for him to temporarily move into her house.

7 Emily Was Scared Of Toby

Here’s another fan-favorite Pretty Little Liars boyfriend who wasn’t always beloved. The series worked hard to make Toby look like “A” during season one. Toby participated in sketchy activities, said ominous things, and even had a tattoo of the date of Alison’s disappearance.

Emily was the first to defend Toby as she believed that he was a good person. However, she eventually doubted her judge of character and believed that Toby was, in fact, a murderer. To be fair, Toby didn’t help his case by chasing her around the school in “There’s No Place Like Homecoming”.

6 Aria Rebounded With Noel

It’s hard to picture Aria with Noel, but it’s true, these two were briefly together during season one. This should have been a dream come true for Aria, considering she apparently had feelings for Noel for years, but her relationship with Ezra got in the way of her ever truly connecting with him.

Aria and Noel dated on and off for a few episodes until Aria was convinced that he was “A”. While Noel wasn’t necessarily “A”, he was part of the A-Team and he worked to extort Ezra when he found out about Aria’s relationship with him.

5 Spencer Dated Alex

Interestingly enough, Spencer’s first real boyfriend in the series shares the same first name as her long-lost evil twin sister, Alex Drake. Spencer met Alex Santiago at Rosewood Country Club and they dated throughout season one. Unsurprisingly, their relationship didn’t make it into season two as “A” intervened by submitting Alex for a tennis clinic in Sweden.

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This ultimately caused Alex and Spencer to break up and the tennis player was never seen again. It’s all for the best as Spencer and Toby were a much better match anyhow.

4 Caleb Was A Spy For Jenna

This was a pretty heartbreaking revelation for both Hanna and fans. At this point in the series, viewers had grown fond of Caleb and were rooting for his and Hanna’s relationship. Fans were devastated when it was revealed that Caleb was spying on Hanna for Jenna. It made the entire relationship seem like a sham and of course, Hanna was heartbroken.

While it’s true that Caleb had regrets and no longer wanted to be Jenna’s mole, it was too little too late. Luckily, Hanna didn’t stay mad for long and these two became the iconic couple that fans know and love.

3 The Liars Went Glamping

To celebrate Mona’s birthday in season one, the Liars went glamping at Camp Mona. Well, Aria and Spencer went glamping while Hanna hid in the woods with binoculars hoping to catch a glimpse of “A” in order to find out their true identity.

Aria and Spencer got pampered at the camp while Emily was confronted by Toby in an effort to prove his innocence – by hiding in the back of her car. Aria later snuck away to have a private moment with Ezra, while Hanna witnessed Noel write “I see you” on the back of Ezra’s car. While this was an action-packed episode, it still managed to be rather forgettable.

2 Hanna Got Hit By A Car

Right after Hanna witnessed Noel write “I see you” on the back of Ezra’s car, Hanna was confident that she knew the true identity of “A”. Unfortunately, on her way to tell her friends the news, “A” ran Hanna over with their car.

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Following the accident, Hanna lost her memory and couldn’t remember what she was going to tell the Liars. Of course, it didn’t matter much anyway. Hanna thought “A” was Noel when in reality, Mona was “A” for all of season one. While Noel was involved in the A-Team at one point in the series, he was never the one pulling the strings.

1 Toby Was The Prime Suspect

Emily and the rest of the Liars weren’t the only ones convinced that Toby was Alison’s murderer. There was a witch hunt for Toby in season one and he was eventually arrested. While Toby was innocent, he didn’t help his case by any means. He attempted to run from the police by hiding in the town’s church and he planned to flee Rosewood.

Luckily, there was insufficient evidence so Toby was released from jail shortly after his arrest. As Pretty Little Liars fans know, Alison’s actual attempted murderers were Charlotte and Mrs. DiLaurentis.

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