The third installment in the Toy Story franchise premiered eleven years after the sequel. Toy Story 3 picks up in the present day. Andy is now seventeen and preparing to go to college. Woody, Buzz, and all of Andy’s other toys are starting to feel like effects of their human’s looking adulthood.

They haven’t been played with in months and know it’s only a matter of time before they end up in storage or donated to a different child. While preparing for the worst, the unimaginable happens as all of Andy’s toys are accidentally donated to a day care center and they must find their way back to Andy before he moves away to start his new life.

10 Funny: The Toys Steal Andy’s Phone

In a desperate attempt to be played with, the toys do what every parent of a teenager has to do to get their attention, they steal Andy’s cell phone. With the help of the always handy and ready for battle Army Men, Woody and friends manage to snatch the phone and hide it underneath themselves in Andy’s toy chest. Woody clings to the phone for dear life, hoping Andy decides to play with Woody once he seems him with his phone, but it’s no use. Andy gets his phone back and tosses Woody back in the chest.

9 Sad: The Army Men Leave

After another, more final attempt to get Andy’s attention, the toys realize it’s no use and there’s no hope left for them. Andy has officially grown out of all of his toys and that’s just a fact they will have to accept. Buzz tells everyone to “prepare for attic mode”, while the little green army men choose a different route.

The men gather on the window sill and inform their fellow toys that it’s been an honor serving with all of them. After a salute, they jump from the ledge and parachute into the distance, going whoever the wind may take them.


8 Funny: Woody Whistles For Buster

Woody and Andy’s dog Buster have a very special relationship. Buster is the only living thing in Andy’s house that knows Woody is also a living thing. In the past, we’ve seen Buster help Woody on his adventures by giving him the occasional lift and of course, slobbering all of the toys. In Toy Story 3, Buster, like all of the other characters, is much older. Woody whistles for Buster while trying to save his friends, and after a few attempts, Buster, old, gray, and chubbier than in the past, comes waddling in and doesn’t provide much help once he gets to Woody.

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7 Sad: Andy Throws Away His Toys

Andy’s mom tells Andy that he must go through all of his things and either pack them for college, put them in the attic, or throw them away. Andy does as he’s told and starts putting all of his old toys into a garbage bag, except for one. Andy holds both Woody and Buzz in his hands, thinks for a moment, then places Buzz in the trash bag and Woody in the box marked “College”.

Woody climbs out of the box and sees that Andy isn’t throwing the bag of toys away, he’s just bringing it to the attic. Of course, a series of unfortunate events unfold and the toys accidentally end up curbside.

6 Funny: “Watch Out For Puddles”

The toys manage to evade the garbage truck, and instead, end up at Sunnyside Daycare. At first, Andy’s toys aren’t sure how they will be received by the other toys at the center, knowing that toys are quick to jealousy. The other toys at Sunnyside couldn’t be more happy and welcoming to Woody and friends. Lotso, a stuffed bear, offers to give the gang a tour of their new home. While passing through the children’s bathroom, Mr. Potato Head slips and all of his parts go flying everywhere, to which Lotso warns the group, “…watch out for puddles!”

5 Sad: Woody Decides To Leave

As nice as Sunnyside is, Woody knows he belongs with Andy. Woody’s loyalty to his first and only kid is powerful, so powerful that he decides to leave the entire group to make his way back home where he belongs. The group doesn’t want to go back after Andy clearly rejected them and knows that Woody is Andy’s favorite so it’s easy for him to go back because he’ll be going to college with Andy.

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“So this is it?”, Woody asks the group. Buzz reaches out his hand, Woody refuses it, and walks away, Bullseye tries to follow Woody, making an already sad scene even more tear-jerking.

4 Funny: Woody Meets Bonnie’s Toys

While trying to find his way back to Andy, Woody ends up in the hands of another, much younger, child named Bonnie, who brings Woody back to her room to play with him and all of her other toys. While Bonnie takes a bathroom break, Woody and the others, including a hedgehog named Mr. Pricklepants, meet. Mr. Pricklepants isn’t much for chatting, though. In a very British accent, the hedgehog informs Woody that he’s trying to stay in character. “We do a lot of improv here”, says another toy, a unicorn with a very husky voice.

3 Sad: Buzz Gets Reset

Something doesn’t seem right at Sunnyside Daycare and Buzz quickly learns what that is. Buzz is captured and tied up by some of the other toys at the daycare. Initially, it seems like Ken (as in Barbie and Ken) is the ring leader, but when Buzz demands to talk to Lotso, it’s revealed that the huggable bear is actually not a good guy.

To make Buzz one of them, Lotso orders the other toys to hold Buzz down, and as they do so, Lotso read the instructions on how to reset Buzz, making him believe he’s a real space ranger again.

2 Funny: Mr. Potato Head’s Escape

Woody goes back to Sunnyside to help his friends break out of the daycare-turned-nightmare. Mr. Potato Head acts as the bait in a classic Woody-type plan. Mr. Potato Head escapes his cage and is spotted trying to get out of the room, when Ken and Buzz approach Mr. Potato Head, he’s heard saying in the distance, “…and I would’ve gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you pesky toys”, which is a nod to another classic cartoon, Scooby-Doo. It’s a subtle line, which makes it even funnier when it’s picked up on.

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1 Sad: The Garbage

It’s one of the saddest moments in Pixar movie history and the image of all of the toys holding hands as they face the end is one most audiences can’t get out of their heads. The toys have accepted that this is the end for them and they decide that if they’re going to go, at least they can all be together. It’s a beautiful moment, especially once all of the toys are saved by “the claaawwwww”. It also makes everyone want to rethink what they decide to throw away into their own garbage.

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