Impractical Jokers is arguably one of the funniest programs currently airing on TV. It takes the traditional hidden camera prank show and turns it on its head, making the prankers themselves the subject of each joke.

Typically this comes at their extreme embarrassment. And when it comes to punishments, Sal often gets the short end of the stick. Knowing that Sal is personable and friendly, they often put him in the most confrontational situations imaginable. And even though he doesn’t like it, Sal often takes it like a champ.

These are ten of the most shameless things that Sal ever did.

10 Asking For More Tips

One of the worst punishments in the show’s history sees Sal posing as a food delivery man and vocally criticizing the tips that he receives. He goes from subtle (“So is this all of it, then?”) to straight-up confrontational (“This tip is s***”), all while maintaining a pin-straight face. Studying the expressions is an exercise in embarrassment, especially the sweet young woman who looks like she’s about to cry after her tip is insulted. Well done, Sal.

9 Wearing Oversized Suits

One of Impractical Jokers‘ funniest running gags has to be Sal’s ridiculously oversized suits. For some bizarre reason, whenever Sal is required to wear a suit (like when he’s posing as a professional consultant or something), he wears the most nonsensically large and obscenely oversized suit imaginable. He practically drowns in the fabric, and while it makes for a great visual gag, viewers get second-hand embarrassment just watching him stand there.


8 Picking Up Dog Poop

The punishments in season one were relatively tame, but even tame Impractical Jokers makes for gut-busting hilarity. As Sal is a bit of a germaphobe, many of his punishments involve doing something nasty. His very first punishment sees him walking around a public park, picking up dog poop, and holding it in his hand for twenty seconds. Now just imagine seeing someone in the park actually doing that…

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7 The No Apology Gauntlet

One of the most creative punishments has to be the No Apology Gauntlet, in which the otherwise personable and friendly Sal is forced to do rude things without apologizing.

This includes stepping on someone’s feet, “woofing” at a baby, sneezing on someone, blowing an airhorn in someone’s ear, and sticking his middle finger at an elderly woman. He accomplishes most of them with a straight face, but he breaks when it comes time to flipping off a sweet old lady.

6 Ringing Telephone

Another one of Sal’s most infamous punishments comes in season five. While writers are sharing their stories and poetry with a small crowd, Sal’s phone continuously goes off and loudly blares an annoying ringtone. The crowd grows increasingly incensed and annoyed at Sal, and he can only sit there and take it. It’s not totally shameless, as Sal is clearly uncomfortable with the situation. But the Jokers can’t turn down a punishment, so he was forced to just go with it.

5 “I Got The Bingo!”

The phone sequence is torturous, but it’s nothing compared to season three’s Bingo punishment. This is widely praised within the Impractical Jokers fandom as the greatest punishment of all time, and for good reason. It has it all– Sal getting yelled at by angry old people, nonsensical behavior (like yelling “Bingo!” after one square has been read), and Sal eventually being escorted from the building for being a nuisance.

4 Digging Through A Giant Pile Of Elephant Poop

Another poop-related punishment came in season two, when the gang took Sal to see Beulah the elephant at the State Fair Meadowlands.

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They told Sal that they had hidden his car keys within the pile of elephant dung, forcing Sal to shamelessly dig through the poop (while often recoiling and gagging in disgust). In the end, Joe reveals that Sal’s keys were in his pocket, meaning that Sal had rooted through elephant poop for nothing.

3 Rooting Through Garbage

The elephant dung fiasco was such a success that the Jokers decided to do it again– only, this time it was with a giant pile of garbage instead of elephant poop. The Jokers had lifted Sal’s brand new phone and hid it within a giant pile of garbage on a trash barge. He is forced to root through things like dirty diapers, messy food, and spoiled milk. And when he claims that he will never forgive the Jokers for this, he means it.

2 The Jaden Smith Tattoo

Season three saw a punishment fittingly titled The Permanent Punishment, and it saw Q, Murr, & Sal getting embarrassing tattoos. Sal’s is completely nonsensical, as he had to get a tattoo of Jaden Smith’s face on his thigh. He hated getting the tattoo, but would shamelessly show it off in later seasons as a joke. He might as well. What else is a Jaden Smith tattoo good for?

1 Criticizing Children

A season four punishment saw Sal posing as a judge at a school talent show. Unfortunately, he was ordered to act like Simon Cowell and wasn’t allowed to act favorably. The punishment saw Sal criticizing the performances (“good, not great”) and acting in a generally rude fashion– like loudly asking for food and eating chips directly into the microphone. He stumbles on a few comments, but for the most part, he soldiers through with commendable aplomb.

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