Few friendships have left an impact on Marvel Comics readers like the one between Deadpool and Spider-Man. While the Merc With a Mouth and the Web-Head are very different heroes with very different senses of justice, their shared love of quips and humor makes them natural friends. However, the iconic bromance between Wade and Peter takes a romantic turn in a fan cover so well-done that it’s a crime Marvel didn’t officially commission it.

Though the relationship is now iconic, the two heroes didn’t actually meet each other until 2006’s Cable and Deadpool #24. The two started off as enemies there, but it didn’t take long for writers to realize that the two had chemistry. Though Deadpool is usually a huge fan of Spider-Man, the feeling isn’t always mutual. Peter’s strict moral code often makes it difficult for him to justify Deadpool’s mercenary lifestyle. That, on top of Wade’s innate obnoxiousness, can even give a famous quipster like Peter Parker pause. Still, none of that changes the fact that they usually work well together, leading Peter to eventually soften up to Wade’s antics. It’s only natural then to wonder what it would look like if the two took their partnership in a more passionate direction.


In a piece of fanart posted to Twitter by artist @thefuzzyaya, an intimate moment between Peter and Wade during a Pride parade is interrupted. The artist clearly has an eye for facial details, as Peter and Wade’s shock at being watched is clear, even with half of Peter’s mask covering his face. The artwork is incredibly well-done and rich with details that make it stand out. The Marvel VoicesPride tag in the corner definitely makes it feel like a real cover. Even without that though, the piece is so stunning that it clearly tricked many who saw the Tweet, as one of the top comments claims, “I thought this was a real comic for a second-“. The comment directly under it summarizes the whole art piece best, “It should be.”

One thing that this piece of fanart gets right better than most things published by Marvel hinting at a Deadpool Spider-Man romance, is that the scene isn’t a joke and isn’t played for laughs. Though Deadpool’s pansexuality makes sense for the character, Marvel has often used it as a punchline more than a legitimate part of his identity, which can be seen anytime Marvel implies that Wade’s feelings for Peter are more than platonic. Still, Marvel’s LGBTQ content (as seen with Black Cat coming out as bisexual) has made great strides recently. So even if a relationship between the main 616 Spider-Man and Deadpool wouldn’t make much sense, there’s no reason the two couldn’t have variants that hook up.

Regardless of whether a relationship between the two will ever been seen in a real Marvel Comic, this piece of fanart makes a convincing case for Wade and Peter as a couple. Spider-Man and Deadpool have one of comics’ greatest bromances and it’s refreshing to see a potential romance between the two taken seriously.

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Source: @thefuzzyaya

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