While striking the Star Wars Expanded Universe from canon back in 2014 may have been a divisive choice, Disney has been making up for it by subtly incorporating many of the Sith Lords from Legends back into canon. The original Star Wars introduced a sprawling mythos bursting with storytelling potential outside of the tale being told by George Lucas on-screen. Audiences were desperate to see more of the world that had been created by Lucas, and after the conclusion of the original trilogy, there was no indication that there would be more Star Wars movies.

Among fans, there’s much debate as to when the Expanded Universe officially came into being. However, it didn’t become the massive storytelling collective it’s known as today until the simultaneous release of Timothy Zahn’s novel Heir to the Empire and Dark Horse Comics 6-issue storyline Dark Empire, both of which served as officially licensed sequels to the original trilogy. This opened the floodgates and contributed to what is known as the “Star Wars renaissance,” a period of time in the 1990s marked by the rapid expansion of the Star Wars universe through games, comics, and books.


As a result of the storytelling expansion provided by the existence of the Expanded Universe, the Sith lore and history was greatly covered in a multitude of different mediums. New Sith Lords were introduced, as well as new eras of dark side of the Force. However, back in 2014, Disney wiped all of this away with the de-canonization of the Expanded Universe, erasing dozens of popular Sith Lords from the annals of Star Wars history. Now, slowly but surely, Disney is slyly reintroducing many of those same Sith back into current canon.

Naga Sadow

In the original Star Wars Legends timeline, Naga Sadow was a legendary Dark Lord of the Sith, a half-breed who originated on the planet Ziost. He first appeared in Tom Veitch’s Tales of the Jedi comic book series, where he was a member of the original Sith Empire, and his expansionist ideologies led to tensions between him and the other members of the Sith Council. In 5000 BBY, Sadow saw an opportunity to exercise his desire for conquest; after defeating his Sith rivals, Naga Sadow seized the title of Dark Lord and used his newfound status to instigate a war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. Despite initially overwhelming the Galactic Republic with the combined forces of the Sith, Naga Sadow suffered several betrayals which crippled his forces. He soon realized that the Republic forces were simply too great for him to defeat, and retreated to Yavin 4. He remained there in suspended animation for over 600 years, until he was awoken and killed by a fallen Jedi seeking to steal his knowledge.

Despite Naga Sadow’s larger-than-life status in the Legends stories, little is known of his legacy in the current canon. He was reintroduced in the pages of the junior novelization of The Rise of Skywalker, in a scene in which Kylo Ren enters the Sith temple on Exegol and sees statues that resemble several ancient Sith Lords, including Naga Sadow. While there’s no indication that his life played out the same way as it did in Star Wars Legends, Sadow had to have been a Dark Lord of status to receive a statute from the Sith Eternal cult.

Exar Kun

A fallen Jedi turned Dark Lord of the Sith, Exar Kun was responsible for the Great Sith War that ravaged the galaxy in 3996 BBY, as well as the invention of the double-bladed lightsaber. First introduced as a dark spirit in the Jedi Academy series of novels by Kevin J. Anderson, Kun received an expansive backstory in the Tales of the Jedi comics as a skilled Jedi Knight who was tempted by the allure of dark side knowledge. After leaving the Jedi Order, Kun soon discovered the spirit of Freedon Nadd, the same Sith who killed Naga Sadow centuries earlier. Nadd manipulated Kun into embracing the dark side of the Force, and in retaliation, he dispelled the spirit and began hunting down his disciples. During this quest he met Ulic Qel-Droma, a Jedi who had been seduced by the dark side, and briefly fought him, before they were both visited by the spirit of the ancient Dark Lord Marka Ragnos. Ragnos revealed to Exar Kun that he was destined to become the new Dark Lord of the Sith, and with Ulic as his apprentice, the two vowed to bring the Sith back to their former glory.

Together, master and apprentice formed a new order, the Brotherhood of the Sith, and allied themselves with the warriors of Mandalore and the Krath Cult in order to wage a war against the Republic. They attacked the capitol of Coruscant and even murdered the Supreme Chancellor himself, before Kun was betrayed by his apprentice and his forces defeated. While his physical form was destroyed, Kun managed to free his spirit from his body using an ancient Sith ritual, and remained on Yavin-4 for centuries until he was finally dispelled by Luke Skywalker and his students in 11 ABY. Kun remained strictly a part of the Legends series until 2018, with the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story. The visual dictionary of the film revealed that the obsidian stone at the base of Dryden Vos’ desk was stolen from the Sith temple of Exar Kun. A year later, the Sith Lord was name-dropped in a 2019 supplement to the Star Wars role-playing games made by Fantasy Flight.

Darth Revan

Arguably the most iconic Sith Lord to appear outside of the main saga, Darth Revan was first introduced in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. He was once a Jedi Knight who, along with his childhood friend and fellow Jedi Malak, defied the Jedi’s inactivity in the Mandalorian Wars and became the Republic Military’s Supreme Commander against the Mandalorian forces. However, the war took its toll on both Revan and Malak both morally and mentally, and after the Republic’s victory, they were both corrupted to the Dark Side by the Sith Emperor Vitiate. Unable to control the two, Revan and Malak formed their own Sith Empire, in an attempt to take control of the Republic so that they could defeat Vitate on their own. Their war was initially successful, until Revan was betrayed by Malak, who destroyed his flagship and left him comatose.

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Revan was then captured by the Jedi Order who wiped his mind and retrained him as a Jedi, turning him against his former apprentice. Revan defeated Malak and destroyed the Sith Empire he helped to create, discovering his true identity along the way but rejecting the influence of the Dark Side. Revan retreated from the public eye until he was drawn back into conflict by the Sith Emperor Vitiate, who was still at large, and whom Revan died trying to defeat once and for all. After de-canonizing the Expanded Universe in 2014, fans were left wondering whether or not Disney would ever reinstate the character and his history. They received their wish with the release of The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, a reference book that made Revan canon in Star Wars. The book confirmed that the Sith Eternal’s 3rd Legion was named after the famous Dark Lord, although his canon history still remains unknown.

Darth Desolous

Darth Desolous made his first appearance as a simulacrum in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, designed as a Trial of Skill to be completed by Padawans seeking to become Jedi Knights. In life, he was born in 3522 BBY and became a Jedi Master, until he fell to the Sith and was expelled from the Jedi Order. After becoming the new Dark Lord of the Sith, he began forming an army made up of recruits from his native species, the Pau’uans, and trained them in the art of war in order to seek revenge against the Jedi. In a battle on the planet Yaga Minor, Desolous and his army killed nearly two-thousand Jedi, but were ultimately defeated with Desolous being killed. Darth Desolous was officially re-canonized in The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, in which the 44th Sith Legion was named after him.

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Darth Phobos

Similar to Darth Desolous, Darth Phobos first appeared as a simulacrum in the Jedi Temple, activated in 3 BBY by Vader’s apprentice Starkiller. The program was based on the Theelin Sith Lord Phobos, who rose through the ranks of the Sith by killing many of her peers. She became so ruthless that the surviving Sith attempted to kill her, but she survived, amassing a religious cult which she used to indiscriminately assassinate both Jedi and Sith until the two rival factions allied to kill her. Darth Phobos remained a relic of Legends lore until she was canonized as the namesake of 39th Sith Legion.

Darth Bane

Darth Bane’s place on this list is an interesting technicality, as he first appeared in several Legends novels that existed to serve as backstory to the Rule of Two; however, he was officially canonized before Disney took over Lucasfilm as a result of his appearance in Clone Wars season 6. In the Legends mythos, Bane was born in 1026 BBY and lived a meager existence as a poor miner on the Outer Rim until he killed a Galactic Republic ensign. In order to escape his fate, he fled to Korriban to join the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness, eventually rising through the ranks of the Sith Academy. Despite being recognized as powerful in the Force, Bane became disillusioned with the Brotherhood, specifically the weakness of its leadership. Because of this, Bane traveled off world to the planet Lehon, where he studied the holocron of Darth Revan, before returning to destroy the Brotherhood of Darkness and begin his own Sith Order.

Bane took an apprentice, Darth Zannah, and instituted the Rule of Two, which postulated that because of the Sith’s natural proclivity for jealousy and betrayal there should only be two at a time: a master and an apprentice, who will eventually outgrow their teacher. Darth Bane ruled for decades, surviving several assassination attempts by the Jedi, until he was eventually killed and replaced by his apprentice. The Rule of Two persisted throughout Sith teachings, and eventually Palpatine, a follower of Bane’s legacy, would achieve his ultimate goal of Sith rule throughout the galaxy. While Disney has de-canonized much of Bane’s convoluted backstory, his legacy as the inspiration for Darth Sidious remains, as well as his irreplaceable teachings regarding the Rule of Two.

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Darth Tenebrous

A male from the Bith species who eventually grew into a Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Tenebrous was an ardent follower of the teachings of Darth Bane, specifically his “Grand Plan,” which was a plot to corrupt the Galactic Republic through the usage of secrecy and subtrefuge. With a massive intellect and proclivity for scientific studies, Tenebrous lived two lives: one as Rugess Nome, an aristocratic starship designer with connections to the galaxy’s political circuit, and the other as a diabolical Sith Lord who would eventually train and be replaced by the infamous Darth Plagueis the Wise. Tenebrous had an obsession with shaping the future, and manipulated certain events that would become crucial to Darth Sidious’ takeover of the galaxy, including the birth of Darth Plagueis as well as the rise of the Trade Federation. Darth Tenebrous was folded into canon alongside many other Sith Lords with The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, naming the 26th Legion after him.

Darth Andeddu

Not much is known about the mysterious Darth Andeddu, who first appeared as a holocron in the Star Wars: Republic series of comics from Dark Horse. Legend has it that he was the architect of the “Darth” moniker, and was also believed to have discovered the ancient Sith ability of life-essence transfer. However, Anededdu was deeply paranoid, and believed that his fellow Sith Lords coveted his power. He was correct, as he was eventually betrayed, but Anededdu had the foresight to escape deep into the galaxy, where he took over the planet Prakith until his physical “death,” despite his Sith spirit remaining very much alive through his holocron. His ancient knowledge was so powerful that it was sought after by the Sith for generations, and even the Jedi sought to destroy his legacy from history.

Darth Andeddu has once again found his way back into canon, courtesy of Disney’s repeated reference to him. For starters, the character was referred to in the pages of Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader’s Castle 2, where Darth Vader’s servant Vaneé used the expression “Andeddu’s flames” in a piece of dialogue. Darth Andeddu was again referenced in the visual dictionary for The Rise of Skywalker, as the 5th Sith Trooper Legion was named after him. While Disney hasn’t provided expansive context on the new histories of each of these Sith Lords, it’s hard to believe that they would re-introduce them to canon if they didn’t have distinct plans for how they factor into the Star Wars mythos.

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