The Final Fantasy franchise is one of the most recognized JRPG series in the world. Contending with the likes of Shin Megami Tensei and Dragon Quest, the series is known for its fantastical stories and memorable characters — all of whom deal with their own problems as much as their villains.

But one of the elements each game share in common is their soundtracks, which all fit the tone of their games in a way that has garnered fanbases of its own. However, while they are all good, some soundtracks are better than others. Looking back at the mainline games’ soundtracks, fans may consider how to rank them.

15 Final Fantasy – Classic

The original Final Fantasy soundtrack is not bad at all. In fact, as the start of a franchise, the soundtrack for this game more than delivers. It offers fitting music that can reach the adventurous tones of the game while also delivering on mood and atmosphere.

However, it falters due to being the first soundtrack of the franchise. Over time, the music has dramatically improved with each new entry, which sadly leaves the first soundtrack fairly bland in comparison. But it is a solid soundtrack, especially for its time.

14 Final Fantasy III – Dreamlike

The soundtrack for Final Fantasy III seems to almost be an expansion of the first entry. Opposing the second game in the series which evoked a strong emotional connection thanks to the story context, this soundtrack emphasizes more of the adventurous elements that Final Fantasy is known for. Giving out an almost dreamlike undertone to it that helps engross the players further into the game itself.


13 Final Fantasy XI – Orchestral In A Large Scale

Due to the larger scale of Final Fantasy XI as a result of being an MMO, the soundtrack of the game delivers with weight and depth. Powerfully orchestrated, it has emotional elements that help add to the MMO world. Despite the strong power, the orchestra does deliver in a strong atmosphere, as well. However, while the music is memorable, it isn’t as catchy or as recognizable of games that appeared prior to this title.

12 Final Fantasy II – Surprisingly Emotional

Despite being the second entry in the franchise, the soundtrack for the game is surprisingly powerful and emotional. Fitting the darker story that Final Fantasy II presented. With several songs that help the tension, to the quieter melodies that play within the towns, it delivers in establishing an identity in music. This ultimately showed vast improvements over the foundations that the first game presented in its soundtrack.

11 Final Fantasy V – Adventurous

Similar to the original Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy III, the musical tone of Final Fantasy V carries over adventure. Although it is arguably perfected thanks to adding hints of emotion despite the energetic tone. Adding weight with the different melodies that play while also adding some levity. However, what holds the soundtrack back compared to others in the series is how it relies on similar sound bytes and doesn’t have as many powerful tracks that later entries have.

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10 Final Fantasy XIII – Crisp And Clear

Arguably one of the most different Final Fantasy soundtracks in the entire franchise, the 13th entry adds a mixture of orchestral beats with strong acoustics to help give the music crispness. Its clear musical tone allows it to stand apart from the others in the series and is one of the highlights of the game. The violin in particular in certain tracks gives the battle theme life of its own and makes it stay with players.

9 Final Fantasy XII – Dark Epic

One of the most tonally atmospheric soundtracks in the entire franchise, Final Fantasy XII’s music is best described as a dark epic. With strong, atmospheric and relaxing music within the towns while contrasted by the powerful orchestra paired with the conflict of the game. It can be best described as being similar to an epic akin to the Star Wars franchise or any other large-scaled blockbuster. Perfect for both the world and the characters that live in it.

8 Final Fantasy X – Spark Of Life

Befitting the first game in the PS2 era, Final Fantasy X‘s soundtrack is similar to the game in how it approaches everything in bold ways. Although the music still has cues similar to its previous entries, it is added with rock music and plays with emotional undertones fairly well. All of this together creates a symphony that establishes the setting well and brings players into a brand new captivating world.

7 Final Fantasy VIII – Resonance

Final Fantasy VIII is one of the most emotionally resonating games in terms of its soundtrack. Although the game has plenty of tracks harkening back to its predecessor in terms of intensity, Final Fantasy VIII offers many heart-wrenching tracks. This is partially due to the game’s focus on being a love story, which results in the game having softer tones. All of which adds strength to the overall game.

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6 Final Fantasy XV – A New Beginning

The latest game in the Final Fantasy franchise offers the classical orchestra that the series is known for; with the twist of being cinematic and befitting of Final Fantasy XV. The soundtrack adds intensity with the instruments while adding soft piano music on somber notes. The piano also appears frequently in the battle themes in order to add more color similar to a Kingdom Hearts track. It fits well with a fresh take on Final Fantasy.

5 Final Fantasy IV – Powerful Storytelling

Final Fantasy IV is one of the heavier story games within the franchise and also has one of the most memorable soundtracks in the franchise. Combining many of the work done from the previous entries, Final Fantasy IV has a strong variety filled with soft tracks and intense tracks. The variety as well as the different melodies used, allows it to be remembered even with later entries of the series and rivaled only by the best.

4 Final Fantasy XIV – Epic To A Large Scale

Final Fantasy XIV is the ongoing MMO fans have adored over the last few years. With a game as large as Final Fantasy XIV, the soundtrack would ensure that it would be just as grand. Filled with plenty of melodrama, intense and somber music, Final Fantasy XIV soars past other entries from the scale alone. Its sweeping score makes sure the game would stick with players for years to come.

3 Final Fantasy VII – Iconic

Final Fantasy VII is arguably the most iconic entry in the series, having its own personal remake and compilation to increase its popularity. This is thanks to the characters and the powerful soundtrack. As a result, plenty of amazing scores and memorable tracks are present in this game. All of which added to the atmosphere of Final Fantasy. Arguably the most famous track out of all of Final Fantasy appears in this game, with “One-Winged Angel” standing out as an all-time classic.

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2 Final Fantasy VI – Gorgeous Symphony

Final Fantasy VI is considered by many fans to arguably be the best in the franchise. With an amazing story and developed characters, the world of Final Fantasy VI and it’s storytelling is one of a kind for fans.

The soundtrack is no exception as it is arguably the finest in emotional weight. The music perfectly fitting every intricate moment of the game from sorrow to bombastic. The overworld theme and “Dancing Mad” are absolute masterpieces.

1 Final Fantasy IX – Fun And Entertaining

Final Fantasy IX is the culmination of everything the series had to offer in one package. Prior to Final Fantasy X, this is the game that is like the best hits for the series. This is shown with the soundtrack which is not only emotional and atmospheric but also captures the adventurous spirit that the series was originally known for. With some of the best character themes and unique beats in the game, it remains fresh even years after the game is over.

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