Warning: contains a preview of The Darkhold: Blade #1!

A new comic starring Blade reveals a dark truth about Pearl, one of his vampire villains from 1998’s Blade, starring Wesley Snipes. While the severely obese archivist got quite a sunburn from his encounter with the legendary Daywalker, his appearance was implied to be a unique outcome of his privileged position. But in Darkhold: Blade #1, fans see an alternate version of Kingpin that appears to be very similar, suggesting that Pearl may not be an outlier, but either a specific kind of vampire or the end-stage of the most powerful and over-fed undead.


Portrayed by actor Eric Edwards, Pearl was the archivist for the House of Erebus who worked alongside Deacon Frost, helping the ambitious bloodsucker translate and understand the long-lost legend of La Magra, the Blood God. Despite the secrecy of his location, Pearl was discovered by Blade and his associate Karen Jensen after brutally interrogating one of Frost’s familiars. The quest for knowledge continued with Pearl, who was tortured with a UV torch, causing his skin to blister when he didn’t give Blade the answers he sought. While it seemed that Pearl’s huge size was a simple rarity, The Darkhold: Blade suggests otherwise.

When Blade reads from the Darkhold to stop the elder god Chthon, the evil book shows him a world where he failed to stop Frost from becoming La Magra. In the story by Daniel Kibblesmith and Federico Sabbatini, this transformation created the V-Wave, which immediately transformed millions (including many of Earth’s superhumans), leaving the remainders of humanity divided between vampires and their dwindling food supply. With Blade continuing his hunt, his former vampire ally Amadeus Cho is kidnapped by what remains of the Avengers and convinced to return to Wilson Fisk, the current Vampire King-pin of New York.

The interesting point about this version of the Kingpin is that he’s basically become Pearl. While always a larger character, Kingpin is far more expansive as a vampire, and is suggested to now be immobile, taking care of matters via subordinates like Pearl. It seems that Pearl’s size is not just a personal quirk, but something which happens to the most powerful vampires when they have unrestricted access to blood. Kingpin and Pearl are ultimately a form of apex vampire, with their undead state making it possible to engage in endless consumption without the risk of ill health. Rather than the aristocratic, corpse-like Dracula of Marvel Comics, the most powerful vampires apparently look far more like Pearl.

Although Amadeus’ interrogation by Fisk is interrupted by the failed attack of the Avengers, Kingpin meets his end due to aerosolized silver spread throughout his penthouse by one of Blade’s weapons. While Blade (and often the X-Men) have kept the Marvel Universe safe from vampire takeover in Marvel’s mainstream reality, the issue solidifies some facts about how their natural hierarchy works, and that rather than being an extreme example of vampire gluttony, Pearl seems to be the natural final form of the undead predator.

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