Warning! Spoilers for Timeless #1 by Marvel Comics

Marvel Comics is teasing a new generation on Young Avengers, and it seems possible they might be connected to another group of heroes. In Timeless #1, Kang the Conqueror takes a deep dive into the timeline, showcasing several events that occur across time simultaneously. In one of the timelines, a new group of Young Avengers are shown alongside the Thunderbolts. The heroes aren’t named, but we’ve got a few guessed who they might be.

The Young Avengers are one of the most fun superteams in the Marvel Universe. The team, originally created by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung, has featured Marvel’s up-and-coming heroes, introducing readers to Kate Bishop, Patriot, Hulkling, and Wiccan. The last team featured those members, as well as Marvel Boy, America Chavez, Prodigy, Speed, and Stinger. The team hasn’t had their own ongoing series since Jame McKelvie and Kieron Gillen’s excellent 2013-14 run, but with several of the heroes being introduced in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there’s no better time to bring them back. Now, Timeless #1 is teasing an all-new team taking up the mantle.


In Timeless #1 by Jed MacKay, Kev Walker, Greg Land, Jay Leisten, Mark Bagley, Andrew Hennessy, Marte Gracia, and VC’s Ariana Maher, Kang the Conqueror sees a number of events happening across time in the current Marvel timeline. Among the events teased include Thanos wielding an Infinity Stone-powered Mjolnir, Iron Man taking his throne as a god, and Doyle Dormmamu striking down his father with the Twilight Sword. However, one of the most exciting teases is a new Young Avengers team on the rise.

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The Young Avengers in the picture are intentionally hard to pinpoint, but we’ve got some guesses who could be on the roster. First in the helmet in the top right seems to be Alex Wilder’s Doc Justice, who was last seen in the Runaways series – although someone else could be wearing the helmet. Beside them could be Kate Bishop (or if they’re keeping with the Runaways theme, Molly Hernandez). Next to them, it appears to be Victor Mancha, who’s sported a similar costume in the past. Next, that could be Karolina Dean – although it could be another blonde hero, Stature. The fifth member is the hardest to pin down, but it could be Rikki Barnes or Cloud 9, both of who wear similar goggles seen in the image.

Is the Young Avengers the next evolution for the Runaways? It would make a lot of sense. Plus, Runaways writer Rainbow Rowell has a knack for young adult heroes, so it would be the perfect marriage of superteams. However, we could be completely wrong in our guesses. Marvel’s new Young Avengers team can be seen teased in Timeless #1 by Marvel Comics, in stores now.

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