A Plague Tale: Innocence is a bleak yet thrilling experience, comprised of insurmountable odds that its main characters must overcome. This is not a journey for those who aren’t up for a challenge. Amicia and Hugo must attempt to survive in a plague-ridden France with little more than a slingshot as protection. Stealth and quick wit are their only true advantage over the rats seeking prey and the men seeking to cause them harm.

Stealth gameplay comprises a good majority of A Plague Tale’s campaign. Surviving the story depends on the player learning these tried and true mechanics early and honing the skills with each near-death encounter. Luckily, the game starts out slow and introduces each concept in an intuitive fashion. This guide will explain the best ways to avoid detection while playing A Plague Tale: Innocence.


Stealth Mechanics in A Plague Tale: Innocence

Stealth in A Plague Tale: Innocence works similarly to other stealth titles. The player should feel mostly at home if they are used to games such as Assassin’s Creed and Horizon Zero Dawn. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when approaching stealth in this particular title.

One large difference in A Plague Tale’s gameplay is that the player is tasked with looking after Hugo, the kid brother of our protagonist, Amicia. Hugo can be commanded to aid in certain tasks, as well as to stay put while Amicia takes care of something. Staying hidden relies just as much on properly positioning Hugo as it does on positioning Amicia. The player can not just leave Hugo anywhere and run off. Make sure he is told to remain in a safe spot where enemies won’t find him. The game will end if he is caught.

Beyond Hugo’s general position, stealth is comprised of hiding in tall grass and crouching behind objects. There are certainly sections of the game that involve enemies turning their backs to allow the player to navigate the characters out of bad situations. These instances are few and far between, as enemies will mostly be on high alert. They are very receptive to small movements, so stay low and move slowly when possible.

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Combat and Distractions During Stealth in A Plague Tale: Innocence

Combat is mostly comprised of using Amicia’s slingshot to knock out enemies. It is established early on that the slingshot is a very noisy weapon. Avoid using it when trying to stay hidden. The same rocks that are used as ammunition can be thrown to distract enemies. Rocks work best when they are being thrown at specific noisy items like shields or windows. When these items are not available, use pots as throwable projectiles. These are much less plentiful as rocks, so use them wisely.

When it is absolutely necessary that an enemy be taken down, Amicia is able to take down certain enemies from behind. This should be a last resort, as Amicia is not nearly as powerful as most of the enemies in the game. As the game progresses, Amicia will gain access to various companions who can be ordered to perform swift stealth take-downs. Keep in mind that any other attempts to engage the enemy directly will result in Amicia’s immediate discovery.

A Plague Tale: Innocence is Available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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