John Krasinski’s runaway hit A Quiet Place had an even more successful sequel, with numerous awards being won and records being broken by A Quiet Place Part II. The sore absence of Lee was felt a little less because of the flashback scene to the first day the alien monsters landed on Earth, and Cillian Murphy’s Emmett gave audiences, and the characters, the father figure they needed in the movie.

Despite the post-apocalyptic movie receiving almost unanimous acclaim, members on Reddit forums aren’t fully convinced by the brilliance of the movie. Take a spin down the unpopular opinion lane to see what made netizens feel less than satisfied by A Quiet Place Part II.

8 The Pregnancy Made No Sense

The Abbotts had already lost their young son, so they had an emotional void left in their hearts. Having a newborn baby in the dystopia that John Krasinski had created made for sensational cinema, but Redditors could not understand why Evelyn’s character would choose to get pregnant in this situation. Reddit user MansonsDaughter says “What bothered me was why the hell did she get pregnant in that situation?”

The world was over as they knew it, so bringing a baby into that terrible environment was a bad decision. However, it’s entirely possible that Lee and Evelyn had no access to birth control of any form. There’s also a possibility that the pregnancy could have represented the Abbott family’s attempt at returning to normality.

7 The Ending Was Lazy

The horror of A Quiet Place Part II ended suddenly after Marcus and Regan defeat the monsters they’re fighting respectively with the feedback from the hearing aid and their weapons. Most people loved the action-packed ending, and the abrupt ending left them wanting more, but Reddit users, like Backupaccount11, said “To me, it’s a lazy way to end a movie.”

This Redditor is basically saying that the ending of the movie was not cinematic, but bad. However, it’s clear that the ending was written that way to pave the way for a third film, much like the first movie. It left the audience wanting more and set the tone nicely for the next one.


6 It’s Overhyped

The world has heaped praise and reward on both the original and sequel movies of A Quiet Place, but everybody does not agree on the universal appeal. They felt that the entire movie was a giant plot hole that they had to tolerate, and it insulted the audience’s intelligence at every step.

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Redditors like jsteelflex7 couldn’t believe the high scores it got on Rotten Tomatoes and even went so far as to call it “utter garbage” and “perhaps the most overhyped movie ever.” However, the truth is that John Krasinski managed to create a movie in which every single second was gripping without the use of cheap jump scares, which makes it pretty accolade-worthy.

5 The Monsters Could Not Have Defeated Humanity

The interplanetary monsters in the movie were lethal – they could track down the slightest sound and were incredibly quick to kill with their armored and weaponized bodies. For Redditor jsteelflex7, they believe that it was unlikely that this race could have beaten humanity as quickly as it did. They say that “The military would have set up extremely loud speakers” which would have helped to take them down.

This could be true, had it not been for the speed at which the monsters descended and attacked the planet. Nobody had time to think, and the carnage was too much for any coherent plan of action to be made. Based on the drawing board in Lee and Evelyn’s basement, no one knew what the creatures’ weakness was until the feedback from Regan’s hearing aid startled them.

4 The Premise Was Foolish And Not Thought Through

Some viewers opined that once the world had figured out the creatures hunted by sound, realistically, it wouldn’t have taken long for people to use this very thing against them. However, this did not happen, which led Reddit user Lax01 to complain about how the movie was a “Half-baked premise in a well-shot and well-acted film…but you had to swallow so much to get through the 90 minutes.”

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A Quiet Place Part II featured wonderful acting by a great cast and the reason why people couldn’t use their weakness against them was because there was hardly anyone left on Earth. The survivors were scattered, and something that so easily made as sound led to many mistaken deaths early on.

3 Marcus’ Decision To Go Above Ground Was Incredibly Silly

Young Marcus Abbott was tasked with protecting himself and the new baby when Evelyn went to get oxygen and medication. In his anxiety, he exited the boiler room to get a visual of his mother returning. This was a very silly move, according to the internet. Reddit user Peking_Meerschaum opined “I was extremely angry and annoyed at Noah’s pointless decision to leave safety and wander out to the upper floors of the warehouse. What was he looking for? Why do that? He should have just listened to instructions!”

While Marcus’ survival ability on A Quiet Place Part II was not as high, it seems unfair to say that his motive didn’t make sense. Marcus was worried about his mother and wanted to check if he could help in any way. Besides, he was 12 years old and kids don’t think straight under that much pressure at a young age.

2 The Monsters Should Have Been Able To Hear Bodily Functions

With the creatures being so perceptive of the slightest sounds, it didn’t compute with audiences that they couldn’t hear the bodily functions of the people they pursued. As Redditor Afellowchuckerehh said “If the creatures’ ears are so sensitive, would it not matter how quiet they try to be since they’d still hear their breathing, food digesting, quietest steps, etc.?”

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This wasn’t so much of a plot hole. The earth has a lot of ambient, continuous noise that it makes, and sounds like heartbeats and breathing get lost in the continuous cacophony of natural sound. The monsters could most likely hear these hushed sounds when they got very close to their prey.

1 The Destruction Was Enjoyable

It’s safe to say that everybody was rooting for the Abbotts and other humans in A Quiet Place Part II, but as always, there is a minority that enjoyed watching the monsters hack at humans and wreak havoc on the planet and groups of people. This Reddit user said “I just wish it was a liiiiittle more gory. I didn’t want a full-on bloodbath, but these things were WRECKING S*** and the most blood I saw was from the bear trap.”

This could be seen as an unpopular opinion, as very few people want to see the destruction of humanity in general, especially in awful ways. The monsters were killing machines, and audiences sat with bated breath, wishing for their characters to survive each time they were hunted down.

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