Beautiful new Avatar: The Last Airbender fan art shows Aang and his sky-bison Appa flying high above the clouds. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a Nickelodeon animated series that has been a hit with fans since it first premiered in 2005. The series follows Aang, a young boy (of 112) who is destined to undertake a quest to fulfill his role as the Avatar and bring peace to the world.

Recently, interest in the Avatar universe has been renewed with Netflix’s announcement that they would be releasing a live-action adaptation of the original cartoon series. This reveal stirred mixed feelings among Avatar followers. While many are excited to see their favorite characters represented by live actors, others remember all too well the show’s previous live-action adaptation, The Last Airbender, helmed by M. Night Shyamalan in 2010. This adaptation was almost universally panned by fans, leaving many with no desire to see another live-action adaptation. The Avatar fanbase is certainly one of the most passionate in the world, and they take their love of the characters and the world very seriously.


There is no easier way to see this passion than through the fan art created for the show. Artist Devin Elle Kurtz recently posted one such example on her Twitter page that truly depicts her love for the show. The image shows Aang astride his sky-bison and spirit guide, Appa, as they soar above the clouds. The scene depicted seems to be taking place during a sunset, as all the clouds around the characters are hued with a vibrant orange, which beautifully match Aang’s Air Nation robes.

The art is made even more delightful when Kurtz’s caption is taken into account. The caption reads, “First-ever flight above the clouds.” Aang seems to have a very wide smile on his face as he enjoys his first time in the air on the back of his bison. The image also shows Aang sitting with a leg over either side of Appa, which indicates that Appa is not fully grown yet. During most of Avatar: The Last Airbender, the members of Team Avatar are all able to ride Appa by sitting in his rather spacious saddle. Ultimately this image depicts the first bonding of two soon-to-be lifelong friends.

This fan art, while beautiful on its own, is also an example of the passion and love that fans have for the Avatar universe. While Netflix has proven itself before with previous adaptaions, there’s no doubt that the new live-action Avatar series is going to have some pretty big boots to fill. However, Netflix does have an advantage in the fact that if the show’s creators are ever lacking inspiration, they can always turn to the art designed by fans of the original Avatar: The Last Airbender. 

Source Devin Elle Kurtz (via Twitter)

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