As the protagonist of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aang is a character loved by many fans. As a 12-year-old kid who also has to handle being the Avatar and having the fate of the world on his shoulders, he’s an interesting character that’s both silly and mature.

Given how Aang was raised with the monks and other air benders and with his connection to his past lives, it’s not surprising that Aang has a surprising amount of wisdom given his age, but he also has a great sense of humor that is insightful, inspiring, and occasionally hilarious.

10 “Will you go penguin sledding with me?”

When Katara and Sokka first discover Aang trapped in the ice with Appa, he doesn’t understand what has happened or that he’s been lost for 100 years.

He’s rather immature and also hiding what happened when he left the air temple, and mostly he just wants to have fun. This line reflects his desire to have a good time and his overall upbeat personality.

9 “Flameo, hotman!”

While Sokka might be seen as the funny person in the Team Avatar group, Aang definitely has his moments as well. When he briefly pretends to be a Fire Nation kid and attends a school there, he picks up on a lot of strange and hilarious slang.

One of the most memorable is the phrase “flameo, hotman” which he says a few times.


8 “Relax, Sokka. Where we’re going, you won’t need any pants!”

This is another hilarious and silly line that Aang says early on in season one on the way to Kyoshi Island. It’s a funny line when taken out of context, but it also speaks to Aang’s lightheaded attitude in season one and how he doesn’t take things too seriously.

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He is generally good at going with the flow and doesn’t let the little things get to him.

7 “The past can be a great teacher.”

This quote is a good one to pull from the series out of context because it contains a lot of wisdom, but it’s also rather funny because of what happens after Aang says this. He says this line to Zuko when they are trying to get into the Sun Warrior civilization, and he soon finds himself dealing with the old booby traps.

However, even though the following scene is funny, the idea that we can all learn from our past is a true one and something that’s important for us all to remember.

6 “When We Hit Our Lowest Point, We Are Open To The Greatest Change.”

This is another quote Aang says that’s filled with a lot of wisdom and truth, but in this case, this is a quote that Aang doesn’t say when he’s a young kid.

This line actually comes from The Legend of Korra series and is Aang speaking to Korra through the Avatar connection of past lives. This line is about the fact that people can learn from even horrible things happening and find a way forward.

5 “Baby, you’re my forever girl.”

This is another funny quote that Aang says from this series, but this is one he says in a dream-like state when he’s unable to sleep before Sozin’s Comet.

He imagines a fantasy where he tells Katara about his feelings for her, and he tells her this cheesy, romantic line. While he might not actually say this to Katara, it is a cute and humorous moment.

4 “I laugh at gravity all the time.”

Given that Aang is the only air bender left in the entire world, he has skills that no one else has. He can manipulate air and fly with ease because of this ability, and this means he can do things that others only dream of.

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Luckily, even though he sounds a bit arrogant in this quote, he’s really just being his lighthearted, happy self that is glad to get to enjoy his air bending skills.

3 “Anyone’s capable of great good and great evil. Everyone, even the Firelord and the Fire Nation, have to be treated like their worth giving a chance.”

This is a quote that reveals Aang’s good heart and deep wisdom. He’s a non-violent, caring person who doesn’t want to hurt anyone, and he understands the importance of forgiveness.

He knows that all people are connected, and he doesn’t blame the entire Fire Nation for the actions of a select few. This definitely shows the maturity that Aang has gained.

2 “It’s easy to do nothing, it’s hard to forgive.”

This is a line that Aang says to Katara during the Southern Raiders episode. When Katara feels she has to get revenge over the man who killed her mother, Aang implores her not to.

It’s a great moment because Aang and Katara both have times where they try to help one another see the right thing to do, and they always have each other’s best interests at heart.

1 “The monks used to say that revenge is like a two-headed rat viper. While you watch your enemy go down, you’re being poisoned yourself.”

Just like some of the other quotes on this list, many of Aang’s most inspiring lines have to do with forgiveness and acceptance.

While Aang does have moments where he struggles to forgive, such as when Appa is kidnapped, overall, he tries to live his life in a way that grants mercy to those around him.

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