NFL star Aaron Rodgers reveals exactly where his cameo appearance can be spotted in Game of Thrones season 8. The final season of HBO’s blockbuster fantasy series featured a lot of massive battles, shocking twists and character moments that frankly disappointed fans. It also featured a very brief cameo by MVP Green Bay Packers quarterback Rodgers.

Rodgers of course was not the first major star from another field of entertainment to cameo on Game of Thrones. Most of the notable cameos over the show’s 8 seasons were in fact performed by musicians, with everyone from the bands Coldplay to Mastodon to solo artist Chris Stapleton journeying to Westeros for their own brief appearances. But the most infamous of these musician cameos of course was performed by Ed Sheeran, who annoyed many fans with his small speaking role as a traveling Lannister soldier in season 7 (it was later explained that his character had his face burned off by a dragon). Compared to Sheeran’s cameo, NFL star Rodgers’ own appearance was entirely unobtrusive and in fact it was difficult for fans to even spot where he showed up in his episode.


Now though, Rodgers himself has gone on record to clear up the confusion about where exactly he appears in the Game of Thrones season 8 episode “The Bells.” As it turns out, fans who thought they spotted Rodgers in various shots were altogether wrong, and his cameo is actually much smaller and more anonymous than anyone realized. See video where Rodgers tells exactly where you can spot him in the space below (via The Ringer):

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As Rodgers explains in the clip, previous speculation that he was the man seen running through King’s Landing and being set on fire was not correct (Rodgers points out that he runs better than the actor in that particular shot). Rodgers also says that fans who thought they picked him out of a shot of soldiers in line were also wrong. In fact, Rodgers’ face doesn’t even really appear in the episode in any recognizable fashion, as he can only barely be glimpsed in a few shots during a scene where Arya surveys the devastation in King’s Landing amid Daenerys’ merciless dragon-bombing attack.

Indeed, it’s fair to ask why Game of Thrones would even bother having a recognizable athlete like Rodgers show up in an episode only to disguise his presence entirely. But then again, there have been plenty of such anonymous cameos by famous people in other movies and shows, notably the Star Wars sequel trilogy, which featured hidden Easter egg appearances by the likes of Daniel Craig, Princes Will and Harry and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Obviously, for some people just being on the set of their favorite movie franchise or show is reward enough, and they don’t actually need to be recognized on-screen. In Rodgers’ case, he’s in the show so little that, were he totally embarrassed by season 8 of Game of Thrones (as many people are), he could plausibly deny that he was ever in it in the first place.

Source: The Ringer

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