Blue Box Game Studios, developer of the mysterious upcoming game Abandoned, has issued a statement after being notified and discovering that its YouTube channel has been hacked, and the miscreant is scamming players with pre-order emails. Announced in April 2021 as a PlayStation 5 exclusive, Abandoned was revealed as an enigmatic title announced to be a cinematic horror survival shooter. This led to the studio finding itself enclosed in controversy after fans jumped to their own conclusions about the game and speculated that Abandoned was a secret Hideo Kojima project set to revive Silent Hills.


Despite the studio repeatedly denying that they have any relation with the long-famed video game designer or Abandoned being a new Silent Hill title, scrutinizing fans believe otherwise. Its ongoing unveiled mystery has led the title to become one of the biggest conspiracies in recent gaming, with some even going far enough to accuse the developers of being scammers. Though created in 2015, deep digging has revealed that Blue Box Games Studios has a track record of unreleased projects. This has raised suspicion and many believed that Abandoned will suffer the same fate and not see the light of day. This was further proven when the studio failed to deliver a debut Abandoned trailer on an exclusive five-gigabyte app and instead reused an animation snippet they had previously shared on social media.

In a new post on the studio’s official Twitter account today, Blue Box Game Studios has announced that the studio’s official YouTube account has been hacked. The developer adds on by stating that in addition to the channel being compromised, the studio has received emails from players stating that they’ve been receiving emails to purchase a pre-order of Abandoned from them. While the hacker is unknown, Blue Box warns players to not open these malicious emails and not to transfer any type of funds, as the emails are a scam. No further updates have been made from the studio about the situation.

With the negative reaction revolving around Abandoned‘s presence in 2021, the studio’s misfortune continues to show. In addition to hackers and online death threats, Blue Box revealed that instances of physical violence also occurred against its employees late last year and that they would be working with law enforcement to take action against the abuse. Though remaining quiet about threats since the statement, it appears that the maligned title continues to be targeted.

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It’s unknown who the hacker is or if the studio has begun taking action, but Blue Box Game Studios hopes that players are aware of the situation. Further information and development updates for Abandoned can be found on the studio’s website, as the development for the cryptic survival title continues.

Source: Blue Box Game Studios/Twitter

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