Adam Sandler continues to defend the ending of Uncut Gems. The 2019 crime thriller starred Sandler as the morally questionable Howard Ratner, a jeweler in New York’s Diamond District. The film premiered to both critical and commercial acclaim; while it was snubbed at the Academy Awards, Uncut Gems still wowed critics with its intriguing storyline, gorgeous cinematography, and Sandler’s intense performance.

Uncut Gems was a roller coaster ride from start to finish, and pulled off an ending that few expected. Gambling addict Howard Ratner decides to spend all his money betting on Kevin Garnett, despite finally having the cash to pay his brother-in-law, Arno Moradian (Eric Bogosian). After Garnett pulls off a historic performance and wins Howard $1.2 million, Arno is somewhat impressed, but hitman Phil (Keith Williams Richards) is unmoved. The film ends with Phil killing both Howard and Arno, before looting Howard’s jewelry store.


Sandler stopped by NBC’s Late Night with Seth Meyers, where he defended the ending of Uncut Gems. Host Seth Meyers told Sandler that his parents were frustrated with the way the film ended; in turn, Sandler said he’s gotten that response from a lot of people, including his own mother. Sandler, however, stands by the ending, and simply stated that “it had to happen.”  You can check out Sandler’s thoughts on the ending below:

“I agree with your parents – it’s too much on it. Certainly my mother – my mother in law…anybody over a certain age was like, “Ohh, that ending. That was too much, I didn’t need to see that.” I got yelled at the other day on the set here. A guy telling me, ‘Man. Why’d they do that do you at the end of Gems?’ And I have to defend that ending. It had to happen.”

It’s easy to see why Sandler’s family members were shocked — Uncut Gems’ ending was unpredictable, to say the least. While the film features a decidedly unlikeable protagonist, Howard Ratner is just vulnerable enough to make audience members root for him. To that end, he’s also fantastic at getting out of one close call after another, which is why Uncut Gems almost convinces its audience that Howard might make it through the film. Yet at the same time, the deadly ending is also a reflection of Howard’s greed, which is also showcased throughout the duration of the movie. As such, perhaps Sandler is right: Uncut Gems needed to end the way it did to fully show the repercussions of Howard Ratner’s actions.

While fans may disagree on the ending, Sandler’s incredible performance is undeniable. Sandler has long been known as the funny guy, so seeing him in something as gritty and unflinching as Uncut Gems is a refreshing change. That’s not to say that Sandler should step back from cheesy Netflix comedies altogether. However, Uncut Gems proves that Hollywood producer should keep Sandler in mind when casting for their next big crime thriller.

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Source: Late Night with Seth Meyers

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