While the main series of Adventure Time would, unfortunately, see its end in 2018, fans didn’t have to wait too long to see the Land of Ooo again. Thanks to HBO Max, Adventure Time now gets to live in the digital world in its spin-off series, Adventure Time: Distant Lands. This series of specials is meant to bring a closer focus on some key characters while exploring the changes in the aftermath of “Come Along With Me.”

Fans have already enjoyed “BMO” and “Obsidian” and are currently looking forward to the fantastical adventures in “Wizard City” and the very likely feels trip in “Together Again.” While fans wait for those two, there’s no harm in examining a few more Adventure Time characters that could do well with their own Distant Lands special.

10 Tree Trunks

One of Adventure Time‘s most historied, recurring characters is the tiny, Southern elephant, Tree Trunks. Tree Trunks has had some of the most eccentric stories in the series. She’s an avid pie maker, a several-times divorced woman, a clear activist against Princess Bubblegum, and is currently the adoptive mother of personified, nuclear death.

A live wire if people ever saw one, Tree Trunks’ quaint sensibilities and strong ambition could easily lead a story of their own, whether she’s trying to bake a special pie or going on another romantic journey.

9 Orgalorg

The conceit behind “BMO” was obvious: give fans an hour’s worth of content behind the series’ cutest character. And while BMO was pretty quirky and fun in his own way, the little robot isn’t the only cute face in the series. Almost as beloved and adored as BMO are the Ice Kingdom’s penguins. This adorable corps of flightless birds have faithfully followed Simon’s command for years.

With Simon having returned to normal, it would be interesting to see what their new life is like and if they’re ever tempted to being naughty once again. In particular, it would be interesting to see Orgalorg (aka Gunther) try to rise to power once again and maybe even do so with an entire army of penguins and the newly crowned Ice Thing.


8 Lumpy Space Princess

Lumpy Space Princess is a clear, fan favorite in the series, adored for her Valley Girl-esque attitude and John DiMaggio’s incredible voice acting. Throughout the series, she’s been on an entire tirade across Ooo to find fun, mooch off of people, and rebel against her Lumpy Space parents.

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At the end of the series, she was apparently made into the queen of Lumpy Space, meaning that LSP now has even more power and responsibilities than she had before. It would be interesting to see her new life explored into more depth and what an entire kingdom under her rule would be like.

7 Fiona

While Simon Petrikov is far from the same delusional, lonely soul that he once was as the Ice King, one does hope that his love of fan fiction didn’t go the way of his ice powers. While Fiona and Cake are clear platforms for fan service, fans got to enjoy the characters and their romantic entanglements as a near-exclusive experience to the main story.

With so much coming to light and changing within the actual world, it would fun to see how it would change (if anything) the world of Fiona and Cake. It would also just be fun to see Fiona be given enough time to have a full-fledged adventure of her own.

6 Lemon Grab

As fun as Distant Lands has been, the specials have been noticeably a little too quiet without Justin Roiland screaming into people’s ears. The Earl of Lemongrab is one of the most eccentric and volatile characters in the entire series.

While he was initially just meant to be an annoying, side character, he became infinitely much more intriguing as he began to grow Castle Lemongrab and later turn it into a totalitarian state. Though it was cathartic to see his subjects rise up against him, the series really needs more Lemongrab chaos rampaging across Ooo, either collecting more power or just asserting his presence the same way that he asserted it in the Mountain of Matthew.

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5 Lemon Hope

Lemon Hope may have not been featured a lot in the story, but he was entrusted with having an entire, two-part arc to himself, something that few other characters got to enjoy. As the “hope” of Castle Lemongrab, Lemon Hope was always meant to use his art and presence to save the kingdom, despite his own wishes to just live a carefree life.

The “Lemonhope” episodes got to explore this with surprising depth while examining an entire, existentialist adventure. It would be fun to see this explored even more after he saved Castle Lemongrab or what his life is like after he returned.

4 Sweet P.

Sweet P. was the Chekhov’s Gun that never fired in the series. Using the life-preserving gels from the Citadel, Finn was able to revert The Lich, the wizard of endless destruction himself, into the purest embodiment of life, an innocent child. For a while, it seemed like the series was just saving his evil nature for a rainy day, but it surprisingly just let Sweet P. live a happy-go-lucky life with Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig.

At the end of “Come Along With Me,” it’s revealed that Sweet P. still lives 1000 years later but as a bearded giant with a sword. Distant Lands has a huge opportunity to explore the rise of one of the series’ budding adventurers and the unique life of the god of destruction becoming a protector of life.

3 King Man

An unstoppable and unpredictable force of chaotic energy, Magic Man was a special spice in the world of Adventure Time. It was fun seeing the various ways that he tried to mess with people, as well as his surprisingly sad back story and fall from grace from Mars. He would go on to redeem himself after Betty stole his powers; and after helping save Ooo from her and GOLB, he now presides over Mars as King Man.

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While it seems like his redemption arc is complete, it would be cool to see a nice epilogue of his time ruling Mars and any of the possible challenges that he may come across as the ex-Magic Man.

2 Flame Princess

It was disappointing to see Flame Princess slowly fade from the screen after her break up with Finn. As the usurper of the Fire Kingdom and its now benevolent ruler, Flame Princess had plenty of potential to carry a series of her own and not just rap alongside Neptr.

Distant Lands could really give one of the most interesting and complex female characters in the show some time to shine even more than she already has by giving her a good story exclusive to that of the main cast. It shouldn’t be too hard to give a ruler and an elemental being something to do.

1 Simon Petrikov

When Distant Lands was announced, it was strange to see that it didn’t have anything planned for Simon Petrikov. He has lived one of the most exciting and complex stories in the series and had a clear gateway into having a story of his own when Betty fused with GOLB. It doesn’t make sense for the story to leave off letting Betty go without a fight.

Given that Betty already worked so hard to save Simon, it just makes sense that he would have an entire adventure to try and bring her back. It would also be great to get more glimpses of his new life without the crown.

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