After being injected with a serum during WWII, Captain America becomes S.H.I.E.L.D.’s first super-soldier in an effort to eradicate the threat of Hydra as well as the Axis powers. But during the Vietnam War, America becomes desperate, and S.H.I.E.L.D. decides to create the next generation of super-soldiers… by using the blood of an ancient symbiote dragon.

Although Captain America is not the only one to be injected with the super-soldier serum, he is still the first ever to be used by S.H.I.E.L.D. And although Captain America became one of the greatest superheroes the world has ever known through not only being a hopeful and strong-willed individual through his courageous acts while working with the Avengers, not every action that S.H.I.E.L.D., as well as Director Nick Fury, takes is justifiable. In fact, one of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Fury’s greatest mistakes occur in the comic Web of Venom: Ve’Nam as they try to create the next generation of super-soldiers.


In Donny Cates, Juanan Ramírez, Felipe Sobreiro, and Clayton Cowles’s Web of Venom: Ve’Nam Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. informs Wolverine as to why he needs his help. He begins by telling Wolverine that since America is not excelling in aiding the South Vietnamese in defeating the North, Fury leads a team into Scandinavia to assess some seismic activity in the hopes that it may be the weapon they need to win the war. After excavating a massive glacier in Scandinavia, Fury and his team uncover a large alien-dragon. Immediately after uncovering the dragon, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s scientists begin researching its blood and molecular makeup in general by injecting it into rats. After realizing the blood of the alien is symbiotic in its nature and takes control over its host – making them significantly strong, Fury and the S.H.I.L.D. scientists begin to inject a group of American soldiers.

At first, the symbiote-soldiers appear promising after being released into South Vietnam. They shred the North Vietnamese soldiers into pieces. But of course, it’s difficult to control a creature such as a symbiote that has a mind of its own. Fury continues to inform Wolverine of the horrifying situation by telling him that the symbiote soldiers have been killing not only the North Vietnamese soldiers, but everyone that they come in contact with. After explaining the entire symbiote-solider issue to Wolverine, the longtime X-Man can’t help but wonder why does he need him? Fury responds with “I was hoping I could appeal to your sense of patriotism.” Which prompts Wolverine to say, “Heh… No dice bub. I’m Canadian.

Based upon the symbiote-soldier issue that arises in Web of Venom: Ve’Nam, it’s obvious that S.H.I.E.L.D. creates more problems than solutions. But there’s also an issue in the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D., as well as Nick Fury, consistently chase one of humanity’s greatest flaws – the idea that they can control everything – even a being that doesn’t originate on Earth.

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