With some strategic planning, players using the Holy Roman Empire in Age of Empires 4 can easily build a dominant economy and defeat any attacking rivals. There are special religious units and powerful buffs available in this civilization that make it easy to play and difficult to bring down. However, because some of the civilization’s units are as vulnerable as they are powerful, there are a few strategies players need to keep in mind when choosing to play as the Holy Roman Empire.

Age of Empires 4 has eight diverse civilizations for players to choose from, and each one lends itself to a slightly, or vastly, different playstyle. Like the French Civilization, the Holy Roman Empire relies heavily on its powerful offensive units. However, the addition of the Prelate, a religious figure with special talents, and extra defensive boosts set this civilization apart from the others.


With options for defensive turtling and powerful infantry units available, the Holy Roman Empire has a great deal of raw power. The best way to increase their strength is to use the Prelate’s special skill: they can increase the rate of gathering for villagers, which will quickly boost the civilization’s economy. This can be done from the start of the game, making it very easy for players to develop the Holy Roman Empire at a fast pace in Age of Empires 4.

Holy Roman Empire Strategies in Age of Empires 4

The Holy Roman Empire’s abilities in Age of Empires 4 allow them to swiftly fortify a position, build siege weapons like Springald Catapults, and produce unique units with valuable skills. Along with the ability to increase villagers’ gathering rate, the Prelate also acts as a healing unit in battle and inspires nearby units, granting them abilities. It’s important that these units are protected at all costs when under attack because they are arguably the most valuable and vulnerable characters available in the Holy Roman Empire.

The Landsknecht is another vital unit for success with the Holy Roman Empire. Landsknechts are a light infantry unit that can deal a lot of area damage. When combined with the healing and inspirational powers of the Prelate, Age of Empires 4‘s Holy Roman Empire becomes very difficult for other civilizations to defeat. The real challenge will be building up these units in the beginning, but, once established, it’s easy to win with this civilization.

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Between the special units and the buffs given to the Holy Roman Empire throughout the ages, it is one of the best civilizations in Age of Empires 4. The defense boosts make it very difficult for their structures to be significantly damaged, the Prelates can help create an economic boom, and there are boosts available that increase the speed and power of the infantry units for maximum military efficiency.

Age of Empires 4 is available on PC.

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