Avengers: Age of Ultron explains the reason behind Captain America’s (Chris Evans) big Avengers: Infinity War mistake. The 2018 Joe and Anthony Russo-directed film started the culmination of the Infinity Saga and set the stage for Avengers: Endgame. In it, all MCU heroes came together to stop Thanos (Josh Brolin) from decimating half of life in the universe. Unfortunately, despite their gallant efforts, the Mad Titan still achieved his nefarious plans, largely thanks to a controversial decision made by Captain America. However, although the mistake proved costly, the MCU actually laid the groundwork for Steve Roger’s choice several films previously.


Ever since its release, fans have dissected the events of Avengers: Infinity War countless times. As the first MCU film to end with the defeat of the good guys, people have examined what exactly led to the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ heartbreaking loss to Thanos. Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) has been often blamed for his inability to control his emotions, which derailed their plans to steal the Infinity Gauntlet on Titan. There have also been arguments that Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is to blame for not going straight for the Mad Titan’s head in Wakanda. The Marvel‘s director Nia DaCosta, however, has a different opinion. According to her, Steve Rogers is ultimately at fault for the Decimation.

The filmmaker explained in a recent interview that if only Captain America allowed Vision (Paul Bettany) to sacrifice himself early on, then Thanos wouldn’t have been able to get his hands on the Mind Stone. It was clear that the synthezoid was more than willing to give up his life to ensure the galaxy’s safety at the start of Avengers: Infinity War. However, Steve wouldn’t let him do it. DaCosta pointed out that the Super-Soldier’s decision was illogical since he’s choosing one life over the fate of the whole universe. As flawed as his thought process was at that point, Captain America’s stance on the matter checks out with his characterization. And this is better explained by his refusal to leave the floating Sokovia in Avengers: Age of Ultron unless every civilian on it had been evacuated. Despite the possibility of a bigger tragedy if they continued to stay in the flying piece of land, Steve was adamant not to abandon anyone. Fortunately, Nick Fury’s (Samuel L. Jackson) Hellicarriers came in time to save the day.

Captain America’s refusal to sacrifice anyone in the Avengers: Age of Ultron third-act battle parallels his decision to not let Vision give up his life in Avengers: Infinity War. Somehow, it’s also an extension of Steve’s core trait, which is being unrelenting and persistent. Best represented by his iconic tagline: “I can do this all day,” the Super-Soldier was always willing to go to great lengths for something he genuinely believed in. In Avengers: Infinity War, he didn’t want to accept the idea that there’s no other way to stop the snap except for Vision dying. This particular Captain America trait is good on paper. Having a superhero who’s wholly committed to his beliefs and is unwavering in carrying out his sense of duty is commendable. But, if it’s overdone, it could also backfire. Steve’s inability to make a difficult call in Avengers: Age of Ultron was risky; fortunately, Fury arrived. Unfortunately,  there was no similar cavalry in Avengers: Infinity War. Not only did Vision ultimately die, but Thanos also succeeded in wiping half of life in the galaxy.

So, is it safe to say that Captain America was indeed to blame for the Decimation? Not necessarily. There were a lot of other factors that played into Thanos’ win in Avengers: Infinity War. That includes Star-Lord’s meltdown on Titan and Thor’s mistake in Wakanda. Because of that, it is quite unfair to hold Steve solely responsible for it, especially since his similar thought process worked well in Avengers: Age of Ultron. However, while he’s not wholly to blame, he is not completely free from guily either.

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