The season six finale of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. certainly prepared fans to send the show off with a bang. After defeating Sarge and Izel, the team jumped back to the 1930s to stop time traveling aliens the Chronicoms from taking over Earth and making it their new planet.

Season seven, the show’s last, will feature the team traveling to important points in S.H.I.E.L.D. history to save the future. Though Marvel has been its usual tight-lipped self, the show has never been afraid to take big swings. With that in mind, fans have high expectations for the finale, and these are the 10 craziest fan theories about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s series finale.


One of the short teasers the show released hinted that the team may have to save Hydra to preserve S.H.I.E.L.D. From Captain America: The First Avenger fans know that Johann Schmidt was given command of Hydra after his use of the super soldier serum turned him into the Red Skull.

If fans’re going back to the ’30s, this is a chance to see Schmidt at the beginning of his career, where fans get hints of who he becomes. Of course, this is a long shot as it would require an appearance from Hugo Weaving.


Though the season will start in the early ’30s, the team will be jumping through time to stop the Chronicoms. With time travel as the central plot of Avengers: Endgame, there’s a small chance the two groups could cross paths.

The fact that Cap, Tony and Natasha never found out about Coulson’s resurrection remains one of the MCU’s biggest plot holes. The conclusion of Endgame means time travel is the only way to solve this. What better episode for a fairly huge cameo to take place than the series finale?



Time travel can be tricky. Shows that do it regularly like Doctor Who and Legends of Tomorrow have their own distinct set of rules. However, one that comes up in every movie and TV show is that you can’t interact with yourself.

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Of course, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is known for walking its own path, so fans are expecting a moment where S.H.I.E.L.D. teams of various time periods have to work together to defeat the Chronicoms. It would be an organic way to bring back past cast members, while saluting the show’s history one last time.


Following his successful run in season four, Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider was set to have his own show on Hulu. However that didn’t pan out, so he definitely needs to come back and help the team with the Chronicoms.

The agents are in an all hands on deck situation, so fans wouldn’t be surprised if they call on one of the most powerful beings they’ve ever come across. Since Daisy and Coulson had the most direct contact with Robbie and Ghost Rider, it’s possible the Chronicoms aren’t aware of his strength or importance.


As the team worked to defeat Graviton and prevent Earth’s destruction, there were simultaneous reports of an alien attack in New York. A clear reference to the Black Order fighting Iron Man and Doctor Strange. However, nothing ever came from those plot points, as the series chose to completely ignore Thanos’ invasion.

With Bruce and the Ancient One discussing how time travel creates multiple branches in time, it’s possible the S.H.I.E.L.D. crew are doing this very thing and it leads to them existing in the multiverse. Something that wouldn’t be revealed until the very end, so it could properly blow viewers’ minds.


It wouldn’t be the end of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s story without an appearance from Nick Fury. Like always, fans expect Fury to show up when they least expect it. The Chronicoms have Fury’s black box with all the knowledge the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. has, but as Tony pointed out “his secrets have secrets.”

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There’s no way our favorites will be able to travel through history and save S.H.I.E.L.D. without help from Fury. Fans really hope that help comes in the form of bringing the team into the movie universe.


Fans first met Phil Coulson in Iron Man, which means he’s been with the MCU from the very beginning. When Loki killed him in The Avengers, fan outcry led to his resurrection in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

For five seasons fans got to fall in love with him all over again. Then he sacrificed his second chance to defeat evil LMD Aida, and fans were once again heartbroken. With a new LMD version of Coulson assisting the team in season seven, viewers are still holding out hope that the original Coulson somehow returns for the finale.


No couple on TV has been put through the ringer more than Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons. After waiting for them to finally get together, their love was tested by the Framework, time travel, death and space travel. Season six ended with the duo forced to separate so the plan to defeat the Chronicoms would work.

Since Deke is their grandson, fans know they have a future. Our two biggest hopes for the final batch of episodes is that FitzSimmons isn’t kept apart long and that when they’re reunited they are given the happy ending they deserve.


Like all movie studios, the coronavirus pandemic has thrown Marvel’s release schedule into flux. The movies have all been pushed back, but fans have no word on how long the delay will be for the Disney+ shows. Originally, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was set to be the first series up.

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Since no one connects their universe like Marvel does, fan are thinking the finale would be seen as a passing the torch moment which leads into the new series. It’s rumored Sam and Bucky won’t have government support and will be looking for someone to trust. Our heroes know all about going rogue.


The whole reason for the agents to jump back through time is to protect the future from the Chronicoms. LMD Coulson was created because he knows S.H.I.E.L.D. history better than anyone. However, they will need allies in the time periods they visit to guide them.

As one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., Peggy Carter will no the crucial moments that need to be protected. Fans know that she was still with the agency as late as the ‘80s, so that opens up a big swath of time where she can jump into the action.

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