Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, the longest-running MCU TV show, officially came to an end this year after 7 seasons. After 7 years of following Phil Coulson and his team of super-spies, it was time for the story to end with Marvel TV being phased out in favor of Marvel Studios’ shows on Disney Plus.

What will happen to the beloved characters post-series finale in the MCU remains to be seen, for now. But throughout 7 years of intense, captivating, and action-packed arcs, the characters garnered a massive following as they became part of the Marvel family. Several of the original players even went as far as becoming characters in Marvel Comics, making them permanent within the canon.

Something that is normal with shows like Agents of SHIELD is the amount of fan-art, memes, and devotion that comes out of fandom. With several inside jokes that only viewers would get, there’s a lot to reflect upon the show’s run.

10 When Batman Was Inhuman For A Season

The fourth season of the Marvel drama became a fun little crossover with the DC Universe, to a degree. One of the new characters to arrive, straight from the comics, was Jeffrey Mace, better known as Patriot, who acted as SHIELD’s new face/new director. Posing as an Inhuman, Mace was played by Jason O’Mara who was no stranger to playing comic book characters. For anyone who watches the DC animated movies may have had a fun moment when realizing that Batman was now in the MCU.

9 The SkyeWard Of It All

One of the ships that were born early in Agents of SHIELD’s run was the Skye and Ward dynamic (or SkyeWard as fans called it.) While the relationship had its potential, the moment it was revealed that Ward was with the villainous organization HYDRA, any chance of them getting together was out of the window. With Skye (later revealed to be Daisy Johnson) evolving into a full-on agent the following season, Ward did his best to win her heart.

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But his attempts were pointless and yet it didn’t stop fans from still hoping that one day, they would see the two of them get together. This meme, however, is pretty much how they felt anytime they saw Daisy with someone who wasn’t Ward.


8 SHIELD’s Official Parents

If Agents of SHIELD had parent figures, officially, it would have been Phil Coulson and Melinda May, without a doubt. Being two of the most experienced agents in the entire MCU, these two were leader figures within the show more or less. From Daisy to FitzSimmons, anyone younger than them was basically the kids on the bus. But if Coulson ever had to prove himself as a parent, even though he has never had children of his own, he can just turn to FitzSimmons who are his surrogate.

7 Guess Who’s Back

Despite being one of their enemies, Agent Ward had a tendency to come back over and over again. At least until he was officially killed off in the third season.

But anytime the former SHIELD-ally reentered the lives of ex-team members, Ward was slick about it. Anyone of his returns always came with a little bit of style and Ward was proud of it, without a doubt.

6 Fitz The Survivor

For some reason, the writers definitely seemed to enjoy putting Fitz and Simmons through hell in more ways than one. It started as early as in Agents of SHIELD season 1 as they put their lives at risk multiple times. Longtime fans will likely never forget the tragic events of the season 1 finale where Fitz’s fate was left up in the air after they almost died at the bottom of the ocean.

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This meme was literally how most fans felt that the entire summer as everyone wanted to know if Fitz would be alright. Fortunately, he survived, but Fitz was definitely changed forever and that was a heartbreaking reveal in the season 2 premiere.

5 The Battle For FitzSimmons

To say that FitzSimmons went through hell would be the best and most accurate statement to make about these characters. For 7 seasons, it was a roller coaster for viewers to see the couple fighting through one obstacle after another.

Despite eventually getting a happy ending, the writers sure didn’t make it easy for them. Fans having to see the two agents go through so much trouble and pain makes this meme perfectly understandable.

4 When SHIELD Used To Be Big

While Agents of SHIELD mostly followed a set group of characters, the first season was still when they were part of the organization as a whole. After the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, everything changed. But prior to the film changing the course of the series for good, viewers could feel the larger presence of the spy organization. From visiting The Hub, SHIELD Academy and more, it definitely felt like there were agents everywhere.

3 Justice For Lucy Lawless

A major surprise for the second season was when it was announced that Xena herself, Lucy Lawless, was coming to Agents of SHIELD. Playing Agent Isabelle Hartley, the season premiere came with a twist for her character as she was killed off by the end of the episode. Given how iconic Lawless is, it was a shock that the writers decided to axe her character after only one episode. While she did return later in the season in a flashback episode, this meme still holds up to this day.

2 Don’t Mess With SHIELD Fans

As successful as Agents of SHIELD became after a 7-year long run, the series didn’t have the easiest start in its first season. While garnering a fanbase, there were still a lot of critics who were harsh on the show for various reasons. But once the twist of The Winter Soldier affected the Marvel drama, those critics discovered that there is more to Agents of SHIELD than they realized.

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1 Secret Spy Organization, Not So Secret

For anyone who had been following SHIELD in the films and then on the show was all familiar with how much secrecy there was surrounding the organization. From every time “that’s classified” was ever uttered, the show kept getting more mysterious. However, as secretive as they intended to be, SHIELD certainly didn’t have an issue in marketing their existence.

This meme only references a handful of objects that were SHIELD-branded, which makes it more hilarious. Despite claiming that everything is classified or above a certain level, Agents of SHIELD should have maybe reconsidered the idea of branding their things. Perhaps the Nick Fury-centric series won’t advertise SHIELD as much as they did in the past.

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