American Horror Story season 10 brings back the notable alien concept from season 2’s Asylum, including a shared connection between the aliens mysteriously impregnating characters. Aliens have a much larger presence in Death Valley than Asylum, serving as the core conflict in which characters in the 1950s are confronted with mysterious reappearances and President Eisenhower must make a deal with the alien lifeforms, while Death Valley’s characters in the present day become subject to the decades-in-the-making conspiracies. Death Valley even makes the aliens full-on characters that take over the bodies of humans instead of the odd, hardly visible creatures in Asylum.


While American Horror Story season 2 focused far more on the atrocities of mental asylums in the 1960s, the conflict was kicked off by the wife of Kit Walker (Evan Peters) being abducted by aliens. The alien story led Kit to be confused as Bloodyface and placed in Briarcliff Manor, but they kept coming back throughout the season as they manipulated Grace, sent artifacts investigated by Doctor Arden, brought Alma back down to Earth, and mysteriously abducted Kit for good in Asylum’s finale. The specific look of the aliens seems to differ from Asylum in Death Valley, but they do share a bizarre connection with human characters being impregnated by aliens after apparent abductions.

The clearest aspect that connects Death Valley’s 1950s and modern-day timelines with the aliens is that several characters are mysteriously impregnated. When Amelia Earhart is found by President Eisenhower, she hasn’t aged a day since going missing over two decades before and is somehow two months pregnant. After American Horror Story’s college student characters return from their camping trip, they all have morning sickness and take pregnancy tests which turn out positive – even for the two male characters. This was also a significant alien storyline in Asylum, where Grace becomes pregnant post-death after seeing a bright light and being abducted by the extraterrestrials. In the aliens’ care, Grace sees Kit’s wife Alma who has also become pregnant since her abduction, which seemed to have been an intentional plan as the women were both sexual partners of Kit. Both return back to Earth, alive, with Kit’s highly intelligent children.

American Horror Story: Asylum explains that Grace and Alma’s children are protected by the aliens, and Grace believes the aliens will one day return for their “miracle” children. It’s so far unclear in Death Valley why the aliens are impregnating men and women alike, but it may be a way of making the human-alien hybrids that an inhabited Maria Wycoff suggests to President Eisenhower. Asylum ended with Kit’s children growing up successful and without supposed reclamation by the aliens, though Kit is taken by them in the AHS season 2 finale. Since Death Valley’s black-and-white timeline takes place in the last 1950s and Asylum in the 1960s, it’s possible Kit somehow connects to one of the earlier human-alien hybrids introduced in Eisenhower’s storyline. If the aliens believed he had some genetic predisposition or exposure to something that would give him a perfect species of children, it would make sense why they were so obsessed with making sure he reproduced.

Since Death Valley also takes place in the present day, it’s possible the humans who have been seemingly possessed by the aliens after abduction will be able to explain Kit Walker’s fate. His children led normal lives, so it’s unclear why they needed him to impregnate women for the aliens. If this is revealed, it will also explain why Amelia Earhart and American Horror Story season 10’s modern-day college students were also used to birth more alien-made humanoids. Kit Walker’s children came out looking perfectly human, so it’s unknown if they are same type of creepy alien-human hybrids that American Horror Story has teased in promos for Death Valley.

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