Robin Williams is unanimously accepted as an outright genius, boasting an equal share of dramatic and comedic talent. However, he’s definitely better known for the latter, with an astonishing level of energy and creativity. That boundless personality resulted in the iconic, heartwarming Genie from Disney’s quotable original.

With rapid fire impressions and Williams’ distinct personality, it’s surprising how much flexibility was allowed on screen. It’s nothing short of brilliant, and that goes for any of his memorable jokes. So, literally ranking them by humor is nearly impossible, though some are more recognizable and memorable than others. That makes this more of an overall celebration of Williams’ trademark wit and charming personality.

10 “No, I’m Mythology!”

Spoilers! At the end of the film, the richly developed Genie has finally been freed. Many of the film’s preceding jokes are an expression of Genie’s difficulties and restrictions. Genie had desired freedom more than anything, and all of that pent up relief is a joy to watch. Genie already had a boisterous personality, but Williams’ burst of pure enthusiasm is so cathartic.

Excited to exercise his newfound freedom, Genie says that he’s “history”. Then, he quickly corrects himself, and admits that he’s “mythology”. Few can successfully break the fourth wall so cleverly, and without losing an ounce of investment.

9 “That’s Right, He Can Be Taught!”

Throughout his adventures, Aladdin predominantly outwits people. That proves true when he evades capture, and even tricks Jafar into defeat. Aladdin even gets Genie to help him without using his wishes. But Genie is very observant and intelligent himself, and his friendly ribbing is quick to point out when others are acting foolish. After all, he tries to convince Aladdin to be himself the entire film.

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When the two first meet, Aladdin slowly realizes that he is Genie’s new master. Genie quickly hands Aladdin a diploma and graduation hat, teasing Aladdin’s hesitation. It’s immediately followed by a barrage of voices, all of which are fantastic. Not to mention the subsequent iconic musical number.


8 “Tall, Dark, And Sinister Ugly Man”

Genie uses humor to filter all of his emotions. He uses it to give Aladdin advice, to cushion his frustration, and even as a coping mechanism when he is afraid. When he suddenly realizes that the mysterious, villainous Jafar will be his new master, Genie swiftly mocks the man’s appearance.

It’s hilarious enough, but Genie also breaks the fourth wall. He refers to a script, and mentions that the role of Aladdin is being replaced. Again, such jokes could easily get out of hand, or even feel cheap, without Williams’ expertise.

7 “You’re Getting Your Wishes, So Sit Down!”

Trapped inside the Cave of Wonders, Aladdin cleverly challenges Genie’s magical skills. This convinces Genie to prove himself, and inadvertently helps Aladdin escape without fulfilling a wish. Aladdin is quick to point that out, later on, which turns Genie “sheepish”.

But in the moment, an insulted and confident Genie is an absolute joy to behold. The reaction escalates through a range of emotions, briefly touching on adamant frustration. This helps to emphasize Aladdin’s manipulation, which probably earns respect from Genie.

6 “Not That I Want To Pick Out Curtains”

When Aladdin nearly drowns, Genie chooses to rescue him, without a wish to obey. Genie later admits that he did so because he sincerely cares about Aladdin, which is sweet. However, Robin Williams’ edgy sense of humor slips through here.

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Younger audiences wouldn’t have understood the ensuing reference, regarding a couple moving in together and choosing curtains for their new home. It’s just the kind of humor that sets Williams apart. It’s a little biting, yet friendly and slick.

5 “Itty Bitty Living Space”

In this classic line, which has been referenced just about everywhere, Genie points out the duality of his troubles. He laments the contrast between his “phenomenal cosmic power”, and complete lack of freedom. Despite his great ability to make fantastical wishes come true, he is perpetually confined. This would surely make freedom feel barely out of reach.

It’s a very sympathetic plight, wherein Genie is frequently obligated to make others’ dreams come true while unable to grant his own wish. This conflict is just one of many things that allows Genie to transcend simple comic relief, or even sidekick status.

4 “Much Too Third Century”

Aladdin’s first official wish is to become a prince, so that he can freely pursue the fan-favorite princess Jasmine. Genie excitedly dons the appearance and attitude of a stylist, and begins evaluating Aladdin’s clothes. Ultimately, he decides that Aladdin isn’t very fashionable, and looks like a “beggar”.

It’s a frenetic, fun scene that also results in one of Aladdin’s main conflicts. He pretends to be something he’s not. Regardless, it’s great fun watching Genie work his magic, finding the perfect look for Aladdin’s new identity. And it speaks volumes that he seems to take some joy in indulging Aladdin’s first wish.

3 “Alaskan King Crab”

Disney’s self-aware references to other iconic characters is a staple of their films. And with so many beloved movies on record, it’s almost always a welcome reference. Disney’s remakes have made divisive changes, but when they remade Timon and Pumbaa in live-action, their self-aware jokes were easily the highlight of the film.

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And just as Timon borrowed Lumiere’s song, a bit from “Under the Sea” accompanies the abrupt appearance of Sebastian. As Genie searches for a recipe to transform Aladdin into a prince, he pulls Sebastian out of his cookbook. Sebastian pinches him, and Genie quickly tosses him aside. The brevity really helps jokes like these succeed.

2 “I’m Losing To A Rug”

Robin Williams’ ability to impersonate people is always tremendous fun to watch. Rodney Dangerfield would have been a dated reference for kids back in 1992, let alone for today’s kids. But his brand of personality was a perfect fit for William’s quip about the magic carpet.

Genie challenges the carpet to a game of chess, and subsequently uses an imitation of Dangerfield to vent about losing the game. The very notion is funny to begin with, and Williams’ impersonation adds some playful flair.

1 “Such A Crick In The Neck”

First impressions go a long way, and there is no denying the impact of Genie’s introduction. He is full of unstoppable energy and wit right out of the lamp. His snappy one-liners are a testament to Genie’s personality, as he instantly makes light of his frustrating jail. Reducing his thousands of cramped years into a “crick in the neck” is highly commendable.

After this iconic line, Genie transforms and makes timely pop culture references, before subsequently breaking into song and dance. His personality is a perfect iteration of Robin Williams—overwhelming, glowing, joyous, and beloved.

NextThe 10 Best Hockey Movies, According To Ranker

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