The dystopian thriller Last Survivors premiered at London’s Fright Fest in October. The film, starring Alicia Silverstone, Drew Van Acker, and Stephen Moyer, takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where a father (Moyer) has raised his now-grown son in a perfect utopia away from the decayed cities. But when his father is wounded, Jake (Van Acker) is forced to travel to the outside world with all the dangers it entails – including a mysterious woman named Henrietta played by Silverstone.

Screen Rant spoke to Silverstone and Van Acker about what drew them to Last Survivors, working together for the first time, and their Frightfest premiere.


Screen Rant: This is coming off Frightfest UK. What was that experience like, being a part of the premiere atmosphere again, having that crowd energy just absorbing the film?

Drew Van Acker: Yeah, it was a lot of fun. It was exciting because I’m a big fan of the festival. I think there’s just something kind of unique about getting to see the film. And this was the first time I’d seen this version of it. So getting to see it with a live audience was kind of fun… and scary, because you get to see their reaction. So it was cool. It was good. And their energy, you kind of feed off that. We got a really, really, really strong response. So that was exciting.

When you got the script, did you know the twists and turns?

Alicia Silverstone: When I was reading it for the first time, I had no idea what was gonna happen. So I just went on the ride. What I love the most about watching the movie is how emotional I got at the end as an audience goer. I think it’s so moving, and that just tells me how much I cared about these people as I went on the journey. I found myself blubbering in tears at the end.

You both have played these characters that fans adore with massive fan bases. What was it like when you two met for the first time? What were your first impressions of each other? 

Drew Van Acker: Well, first and foremost, I don’t think it’s quite fair to compare the characters I played to…

Pretty Little Liars has a massive fan base!

Drew Van Acker: But obviously, I was very familiar with Alicia and her work. It was cool for me because I was intrigued by her as an actress, and I really thought that there was something kind of hidden there. It was fun to meet her for the first time because she’s so different because I grew up with her. This is weird to say, I’m sorry, Alicia, but I grew up with you.

She’s so instinctive and brilliant. She kind of blew me out of the water the first time we met, the first time we read together. I was shocked. I don’t know if she would say the same.

Alicia Silverstone: That’s so nice! I didn’t know that.

Drew Van Acker: Now you do.

Alicia Silverstone: I think that Drew and I first met each other while he was running in the hills, and that was fun. Then, we had a meeting at a tea place in Los Angeles to talk about everything and he was so passionate and open to going on this journey.

I really just got a sense from him and from the director, Drew [Mylrea] that this was going to be a really fun experience. And when we worked together on set, I think we had such a good time together. He’s so brilliant in the movie. I just felt when we were working together, his vulnerability and openness and depth. I think that everything he was bringing in his heart and his innocence and wide-eyedness was everything that Henrietta was looking for in the world.

It was this purity. He was so present and undamaged. I mean, of course, he’s got a lot of damage that we’ll figure out but he’s so available and excited by everything. It’s just so pure and loving and lovely, of course, there’s parts that aren’t when they first meet. But, I think that’s what was really fun, to work with and play with him in that state. I think we work together beautifully. I loved being with him. I loved working with him. I loved staring into his eyes. All of that was good. I think Henrietta’s reaction to him is just like, “Wow, this is the most… Everything I could have ever wanted is happening right now. This is what I want the world to be.”

I mentioned both of your fan bases and Alicia, one of my favorites from you is Batgirl. What do you think of Leslie Grace taking on the Batgirl mantle? I know she’s doing Barbara Gordon, but any chance you two have spoken or will speak?

Alicia Silverstone: I’m the least up to speed on anything in our industry. So I don’t know anything about this. You’re bringing the news to me, right now. So I have nothing to say about it because I don’t know but I’m sure she’ll be fantastic. I don’t even know who that is. I live under a rock.

Are you shooting something right now? Atlanta is the hotspot for filming things. What are you working on?

Alicia Silverstone: This is my gorgeous apartment in Atlanta. I’m working on a movie with Benicio Del Toro, Justin Timberlake, Eric Bogosian, Frances Fisher, and Michael Pitt. It’s really, really cool.

And I have a 10-year- old son. So, I never know what’s going on with our industry at all. So, back to Leslie, I’m sure it’s gonna be amazing.

Last Survivors will be released in February 2o22.

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