There are few impressive achievements in 2004’s flawed crossover Alien Vs Predator, but one Xenomorph from the film boasts a kill streak no other franchise figure can match. Released in 2004, Alien Vs Predator arrived on cinema screens to huge expectations from fans of both sci-fi horror franchises. Surprisingly sanitized, slow, and bloodless, director Paul WS Anderson’s Alien Vs Predator was a resounding disappointment for many viewers and critics.

The long-awaited match-up failed to satisfy Predator and Alien audiences alike due to its lack of solid scares or gore, owing partially to a more family-friendly PG-13 rating. The subsequent 2007 sequel Alien Vs Predator: Requiem proved more gore alone would not make for a more successful Alien Vs Predator face-off, with the sequel receiving even worse reviews than the original.


Despite the failure of either Alien Vs Predator movies to resonate with audiences, there is a franchise record-breaking character in the somewhat underrated original Alien Vs Predator. A Xenomorph named ”Grid” manages to kill not one, but two Predators all by itself during the movie’s action. This is a feat no other Xenomorph – or human character, for that matter – has pulled off before or since.

Grid’s kills come in rapid succession in Alien Vs Predator, and both occur in the same scene. First, Grid kills the Predator Chopper by impaling him with its tail while the hunter was trying to kill a human character. It’s one of the movie’s best kills, as the cloaked Predator is hidden from view until he is skewered on the Xenomorph’s tail, and the death soon prompts the Predator Celtic to pursue Grid. After trapping Grid in a constrictive net, Celtic managed to subdue the alien for long enough that the net cuts distinctive grid-pattern scars into its head. Grid, however, uses his acidic Xenomorph blood to break through and score bloody revenge on Celtic, clamping its teeth shut on the Predator’s head.

Thus far in the series, Grid is the lone figure who can claim to have felled a pair of the accomplished hunters, besting even Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Dutch. Despite this feat, Grid doesn’t last past the end of the movie, dying alongside his Xenomorph brethren when their entire pyramid hive is destroyed by a departing Predator and his human accomplice. Of course, the Xenomorphs still get the last laugh as this Predator is carrying a Predalien in his chest, prompting the Alien Vs Predator sequel’s opening scene and the subsequent bleak brutality of Alien Vs Predator: Requiem.

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