Ever since the Alien mythos launched with Ridley Scott’s original film, synthetics or androids have been a major factor in the overall plot and storytelling, almost as much as the Xenomorphs themselves. Whether they are programmed to murder an entire crew for the sake on one alien creature or forbidden to do anything that could conceivably result in the harming of a person, synthetics of nearly every form have appeared in Alien lore. While most androids appear in the form of humans, including all that exist in the films, Alien’s craziest synthetic is a cigar-smoking, blaster-wielding Xenomorph. 


The Xenomorph synthetic named Jeri was first introduced in the 1994 Dark Horse limited series Aliens: Stronghold by John Arcudi and Doug Mahnke. In the four issue limited series, a small crew is sent to investigate a doctor named Caspar Nording who is allegedly conducting unsavory experiments near a Xenomorph hive, claiming he is working on a deadly virus that would wipe out the alien species. In the mad doctor’s employ are a number of synthetics, including one resembling Iron Man Mk 1 Armor that is the perfect Xenomorph-killing machine named Dean, as well as the Xenomorph synthetic Jeri. 

Jeri was designed to infiltrate Xenomorph hives unnoticed for a number of reasons including for the purpose of scientific research as well as the collection of Royal Jelly, a powerful drug derived from Ovomorph excretion. While Jeri may look like a Xenomorph, his personality tells a whole other story. In contrast to his threatening appearance, Jeri is a helpful, quirky synthetic with a sarcastic streak. While working under Nording, Jeri suffers immense abuse by the doctor’s hand, forced to constantly smoke cigars for Nording’s enjoyment and being sent into Xenomorph hives only to have Dean go into the same hive later and nearly kill Jeri because of his appearance, all for laughs. 

Jeri truly finds himself after it becomes clear that the crew sent to investigate Nording is in danger, and he sides with them over his master to save their lives. While in battle with a Xenomorph horde, Jeri’s control center is damaged and his directive to do no harm to Dr. Nording is disabled. After his new friends are able to escape with their lives, Jeri stays with Nording and instead of ensuring his one-time master’s safety, he uses the doctor’s own experiments against him. The virus Nording has been working on to extinguish all Xenomorph life is packed into one of Jeri’s cigars, and after Jeri lights up in front of the doctor, Nording suffers an excruciating fate. 

Jeri is easily one of the most well-rounded synthetic characters in the Alien mythos with the added benefit of looking like a Xenomorph. By the end of the series, Jeri can make his own well thought out decisions and has emotional feelings fueling those decisions. Jeri proves he is basically human in terms of his mental capacity, plus he looks like a Xenomorph so he is an extra benefit when fighting a horde. Alien’s craziest synthetic is a cigar-smoking Xenomorph and is one of the coolest additions to the series since it first began.

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