The CW smash hit program, All American, follows a handful of diverse characters who overcome the highs and lows of living in Crenshaw and Beverly Hills. Even when their personalities clash and things seem to head downhill, the characters pick up the pieces and find a solution.

Each sign of the zodiac has its strengths and weaknesses that make them unique, just like this cast. Any viewer of the series can relate to these characters, specifically based on their zodiac sign.

12 Aries: Jordan Baker

The ambitious and bold Aries is one that is not afraid to take a stand, even when it makes others uncomfortable, like Jordan. Whether it’s about football, girls, or his family, he dives headfirst into challenges and speaks his mind while trying to find a solution.

Jordan loves to be number one, like a typical Aries, and has an issue when other people try to step in the spotlight and take that away from him. However, he always tries to stay optimistic and look for the best way to satisfy everyone around him.

11 Taurus: Olivia Baker

A Taurus is known to be very trustworthy and a dependable person, just like Olivia. They are big on feeling secure in their situations and enjoy more laidback environments to build a more comfortable, personal connection with others.

Similar to Olivia’s substance abuse issues in the show, Taureans may sometimes stay in unhealthy relationships and situations to prove a point to others around them. Nevertheless, she is one of the more enthusiastic signs that take on the world with grace.


10 Gemini: Layla Keating

Layla is the textbook definition of a Gemini, known for having two sides to her personality. She may be the sweet, girl-next-door type, but when anyone crosses her the wrong way, she can become very harsh and bold with others at the flip of a switch.

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Being a hard worker is in her blood, and like a Gemini, she can handle many different tasks at once, such as being on the student council and helping manage music artists with her father.

9 Cancer: Simone Baker

Cancers can feel a range of emotions constantly and are usually labeled as a moody zodiac sign, making Simone a great example. Although difficult to approach, at first, she warms up to those she cares about and becomes a very loving, protective partner and friend.

Simone is more comfortable in smaller groups and tends to stick with hanging out with her family. There is no denying that she likes to get her own way and has a stubborn side, just like many Cancers.

8 Leo: JJ Parker

It is known that JJ is the life of the party at Beverly Hills High School, and his conceited, confident personality makes him the perfect Leo. His charismatic, warm aura is one that is hard to miss when he walks down the halls.

Leos can be headstrong and passionate, which JJ demonstrates in the football team locker room, with his friends, and when trying to win over girls. JJ means well, but his ability to make a conversation or situation about himself puts him in the Leo category.

7 Virgo: Coach Billy Baker

Like the coach he is, Billy is the more logical, practical person, who is a perfectionist at heart, just as Virgos are. He has had his own share of mistakes, but he is not afraid to make improvements through diligence and practice, just like he was as a football player himself.

Virgos are very hard workers, with some being called workaholics, but they tend to overthink due to their need to do everything correctly. They can be critical of others, as well, which shows in his coaching and parenting style. However, he is one of the more patient signs, trying his best to stay calm in any situation his family comes across.

6 Libra: Patience

Libras are a diplomatic sign who are very cooperative with others, just like Patience. Unlike Coop, she tends to avoid confrontations and violence and would rather move forward with her life as peacefully as possible.

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As her name suggests, she is very patient and works hard for what she wants, even when she doesn’t have the confidence to do so. Patience is all about being true to yourself and being who you are, which is a major part of what Libras believe in.

5 Scorpio: Spencer James

As the main protagonist of the show, Spencer is a natural-born leader and a great friend, just like a Scorpio. Scorpios have a reputation for being intense, demanding, and very honest, just like Spencer conveys in many of the series’ episodes.

Even though he is an honest person, he is a great observer and has the ability to keep things to himself until he sees the best time to share them with others. Although Scorpios can be the jealous type, they are extremely loyal to their loved ones, no matter what.

4 Sagittarius: Asher Adams

A highly effective leader like Asher is the perfect definition of a Sagittarius. He is a high-energy individual who loves to be social and hold conversations with others.

Being in football fits him well since he loves his life full of action. One downfall of the Sagittarius is their fear of commitment, as they can get bored easily, stir up drama, and walk away from serious situations. That said, Asher puts his all into what he wants and never stops working hard for his coaches and peers.

3 Capricorn: Laura Baker

One of Capricorn’s biggest qualities is their ambition and drive in what they do, just like Laura and her work as an attorney. They can be a bit obsessed with status, which is also supported by her lavish lifestyle living in Beverly Hills.

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Capricorns are a persistent, realistic personality type, which shows in Laura’s commitment to helping her daughter, Olivia, with her addiction and working out her marital problems with Billy. She is very disciplined and practical, which is common for many Capricorns.

2 Aquarius: Grace James

Spencer’s mom fits the Aquarius mold as she is an easy-going, independent woman making a living in Crenshaw. Aquarians are known to be assertive, which we see a lot of when Grace helps out her sons in many situations.

Furthermore, they tend to bring pure intentions into the world and are sometimes labeled as being humanitarians. Grace is always ready to help her town and her school district when they are in need in an original yet creative way.

1 Pisces: Tamia “Coop” Cooper

Coop is always learning from her surroundings in Crenshaw, using her hopes, fears, joys, and pain of the neighborhood to grow as a person. This is just like a Pisces, who is known to constantly struggle between their dreams and reality.

Just like Coop, they are very creative types who have great intuition about others. In addition, she is known for empathizing and trying to help her loved ones. However, the sign can be known as being overly emotional due to this need, since they feel it is their duty to solve everyone’s problems on their own.

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