Following up the 2020 action role-playing game Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, Bandai Namco recently announced an all-new Dragon Ball game titled Dragon Ball: The Breakers. The Breakers is a unique take on the Dragon Ball video game series as it features asymmetrical gameplay based around a powerful Raider hunting down a group of seven weaker survivors. The Raiders are able to use classic Dragon Ball transformations to become more powerful as they hunt down the survivors and pick them off one by one. The survivors aren’t completely helpless, however, as they can use items and vehicles to stave off the Raider and escape the Temporal Seam that has trapped them with the Raider.


Many have compared Dragon Ball: The Breakers to Dead By Daylight as it features a deadly supernatural enemy facing off against average citizens. Regardless of its comparable titles, Dragon Ball: The Breakers is certainly a departure from the traditional Dragon Ball game style as much of the existing titles are either fighting games or RPGs. While the gameplay can’t be fully analyzed until The Breakers’ closed beta begins, the game is certainly a refreshing take on the series that is sure to generate plenty of interest closer to its release.

Although only a reveal trailer and a brief producer’s message have been released this far, the small peeks into the game have allowed players a glimpse at several of the playable Dragon Ball: The Breakers characters. The Raiders are familiar main villains from the Dragon Ball Z arcs, and the survivors are some of the less powerful protagonists from the series. The game is also set to feature compatibility with previous save files of Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2 which could be a hint at future characters that may be included. While classic characters such as Goku, Piccolo, and Krillin haven’t yet been confirmed, it’s reasonable to assume that more survivors and Raiders will be announced as the game gets closer to its 2022 release date.

Bulma Is A Character In Dragon Ball: The Breakers

The first of the survivors in Dragon Ball: The Breakers is one of Dragon Ball’s most memorable protagonists: Bulma. Bulma first appeared in the original Dragon Ball series and has been a mainstay in the series ever since. While she’s not especially powerful on her own, Bulma is a resourceful scientist who has used her brains time and time again to aid Goku and friends against the forces of villainy. Her scientific prowess will likely be the basis for her abilities in the latest Dragon Ball video game as her time machine (which could hint at the inclusion of Trunks in the game) was showcased in the announcement trailer. The game trailer also featured several alternate costumes for Bulma that hardcore fans of Dragon Ball will surely recognize from the original series.

Dragon Ball: The Breakers Characters – Oolong

Another survivor, Oolong is a long-time member of the series who first appeared in Dragon Ball. Oolong is an anthropomorphic shape-shifting pig whose ability to change into any object at will caused Bulma to recruit him on her and Goku’s quest for the Dragon Balls. While he’s relatively weak and cowardly throughout the series, Oolong’s powers make him a solid choice for a survivor for The Breakers, as opposed to a Xenoverse fighter. His shapeshifting powers were on full display in the trailer as he transformed into a vase and a rocket to avoid the Raider, and they’ll surely come in handy for players who want to take a stealthier approach.

Players Can Customize Their Own Character In DB: The Breakers

Asides from Bulma and Oolong, the only other survivors shown in the announcement trailer for Dragon Ball: The Breakers were un-named custom characters. The game will feature some sort of character creation options as multiple different customizable characters were shown in the announcement video. This isn’t the first Dragon Ball game to include character customization as Dragon Ball: Xenoverse and Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2 recently also featured a fully customizable Dragon Ball fighter.

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While it hasn’t been confirmed, there is the possibility that having a Xenoverse 2 save data will allow players to import their Xenoverse 2 fighters into The Breakers as playable characters. It would explain the Xenoverse 2 compatibility and could tide players over until the speculated release of Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 3, which players know little about. Regardless of whether or not the customizable characters do end up linking into the Xenoverse 2 save data, it should be interesting to see what kind of customization options they do end up having and how each custom character behaves compared to survivors from the main cast such as Bulma and Oolong.

Cell Is The Main Raider In Dragon Ball: The Breakers

The Raider shown in the trailer was no other than the main antagonist of Dragon Ball Z’s Android Saga, Cell. Cell is regarded as one of the most fearsome Dragon Ball villains whose quest for perfection nearly destroyed the entire earth. The trailer for the latest Dragon Ball game showcased all three of Cell’s powerful transformations, from his unsettling first form to his intimidating perfect form. Some of his abilities were also showcased as he shot a Kamehameha wave and absorbed one of the survivors to reach his second form.

Frieza Will Appear In Dragon Ball: The Breakers

Although no gameplay of the notorious space emperor has been shown yet, Frieza is set to appear in the game as mentioned in the producer message video. Frieza is a powerful tyrant known for conquering entire galaxies and destroying entire planets with his sheer might. Despite the fact that gameplay of Frieza hasn’t been shown yet, one can only assume that he’ll have his four iconic transformations and several of his classic powers such as death ball and death beam. His inclusion could also open the door to different maps such as Planet Namek and even more characters, such as Dende or another Namekian, to make an appearance.

Majin Buu Is One Of Dragon Ball: The Breakers’ Playable Raiders

The chaotic Majin Buu was also confirmed as a playable Raider in the producer message video. Despite his child-like attitude in his first and final forms, Majin Buu is one of DBZ’s strongest villains. From his playful innocent Buu form to his chaotic and destructive Kid Buu form, Buu is a force to be reckoned with that pushed Goku and Vegeta to their very limits, and will surely be a terror for survivors when Dragon Ball: The Breakers launches next year.

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