Assassin’s Creed Odyssey brings Ancient Greece to life faithfully and, at times, beautifully. The game takes players through every corner of the war-ridden Greek world, facing constant and dangerous threats that only become tougher as the narrative progresses.

The Legendary Beasts are some of Odyssey‘s hardest battles in the open-world game. These animals possess incomparable strength and speed that pose a grave danger to the player. While not all of them are difficult to kill, most of these beasts are fearsome and savage brutes that even experienced players will have trouble vanquishing in battle.

8 Kallisto The Bear

Players can find Kallisto the Bear in Arcadia, the region located in the southern part of the Golden Fields. Like any of the other bears in the game, Kallisto is strong but also somewhat sluggish. The bear will fight alone with no extra support from any other kind of beast.

There aren’t many places to hide on the battlefield, but it’s not particularly difficult to outrun Kallisto. There isn’t much strategy required for this battle; it’s just a matter of dodging all of its attacks before charging with full strength. Explosive and fire arrows will also come in handy, and enhancing them with the Devastating Shot ability will make the battle end quicker than usual.

7 The Hind Of Keryneia

The Hind of Keryneia is like a regular deer but oversized and intimidating. Players can find it in a marshy area within Artemision Point in Euboea. It doesn’t have an arsenal of moves and its attack pattern is easy to identify and avoid. The hind is quite fast, which makes it a tad difficult to dodge, giving it an edge. However, in comparison to the other beasts, the Hind of Keryneia is relatively easy to subdue.

The hind attacks with its golden horns and can cause considerable damage. Players need to find the right moment to strike, preferably from the back. At one point, the hind will try to pin the player down; if dodged, its horns will become stuck on the ground, providing the perfect opportunity for players to attack. As a reward for this kill, players receive Death Arrows, one of the game’s most valuable and powerful tools.


6 The Nemean Lion

The Nemean Lion is famous for its role in the legend of Hercules. The demigod slew it as part of his twelve labors and wore its pelt afterward. The animated movie Hercules even has a reference to it, although it’s vague and fleeting in the Disney film. In the game, the Nemean Lion inhabits the Sinkholes of Heracles in southern Argolis.

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Like other lions in the game, the Nemean’s pride of lionesses surrounds and protects it, so it’s best to take them out with a couple of arrows before engaging the lion in battle. Players can also deal considerable damage to the lion from the top of the crater it inhabits. Death, explosive, and fire arrows will deal massive damage to the animal and can even kill it. If the player unwisely decides to fight face to face, the lion will charge with its paws and bite the player, dealing almost fatal damage with each bite.

5 The Lykaon Wolf

Players will first encounter the Lykaon Wolf in Lakonia at the Dioskouroi Peninsula. When encountering the Lykaon Wolf, players will discover a pack of smaller wolves nearby. Like its fellow Legendary Beasts, the Lykaon Wolf will summon these other wolves throughout the battle to inflict damage on the player. However, the smaller wolves are more of a nuisance than an actual threat, so dispatching them won’t be problematic.

The battle can be a tad challenging because the Lykaon Wolf’s movements are erratic and quicker. The animal constantly jumps and runs around the battlefield, which causes the player to chase it to strike a blow. It might also take some time before players can identify the wolf’s consistent behavior pattern, so dodging will be crucial. Flaming swords and powerful weapons like the Fanged Bow will be a hunter’s best friend, and abilities like Hero Strike and Bull Rush will also go a long way in defeating the beast.

4 The Kalydonian Boar

The Kalydonian Boar is the first beast that most players will face, and it’s a challenge worthy of Artemis herself. It lives in one of the highest areas in northwestern Phokis, directly west of the Daughter of Artemis temple.  Savage, merciless, and furious, the boar’s strikes can instantly kill any player who doesn’t dodge in time. Fortunately, the boar doesn’t have a wide variety of attacks, so it’s easier to identify a pattern after a while.

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However, things get complicated when it calls its horde of smaller but equally vicious boars. This cruel lot will strike from behind, so players need to be alert; otherwise, they’ll find themselves trampled by this group of angry piglets. The Kalydonian Boar isn’t an ordinary foe and can be challenging for inexperienced players. The Second Wind ability is imperative in this battle, while Slow Time provides extra and valuable seconds that can make all the difference in the heat of battle.

3 The Kretan Bull

The Cretan Bull inhabits the center of Messara, and players will find it in the Fertile Battleground. Fire is effective against most beasts in the game. It will come in handy against almost all of them, and when used properly, can even kill them.

The Cretan Bull is the one exception to this rule. While using fire will weaken the beast, it will also cause it to lose control. The bull will go berserk and rampage around the battlefield, ramming its deadly horns against anything, or anyone, that comes in its way. The best strategy to defeat the bull is to stay close and prompt the beast to attack. The player then should dodge at the right second and strike with mighty, successive blows before quickly retreating. If this line of attack is repeated several times, the bull will finally weaken and die.

2 The Krokottas Hyena

The Krokottas Hyena will most likely be the last beast players find, as it inhabits the southernmost point of Kythera Island. The primary challenge in battling the Krokottas Hyena is dodging the beast’s wildly erratic movements on the battlefield.

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The Krokottas Hyena has a mighty jump that allows it to travel the entire length of the battlefield with just one leap. Players can stay put in one place and strike the hyena every time it jumps by them, or they can actively pursue it if they want a more dynamic fight. Getting too close to the hyena will result in the beast biting the player, thereby inflicting a mortal wound that will quickly end the fight. Arrows will be crucial to use during this battle, and a combination of explosive, fire, and death arrows can end this violent encounter without too much damage to the player.

1 The Erymanthian Boar

Who would’ve thought a farting boar would be the most challenging battle in the game? Players can smell the Erymanthian Boar’s foul stench north of Elis, in the Erymanthos Foothills. The Boar is by far the most intimidating Legendary Beast, and one of the toughest enemies to battle in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

The Erymanthian Boar is a nightmare for players to fight due to its deadly poison that can end the clash before it even begins. The cloud of toxicity will deal massive damage, but players need to stay close to attack the boar. Second Wind is imperative in this fight, as it will prevent the player from dying on the first try. Patience is also key, as it will take a while, and a lot of pain, before the Boar finally succumbs.

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