When his daughter was kidnapped by an Albanian human trafficking ring operating in Paris, Bryan Mills took matters into his own hands to find her. Utilizing all of his skills as a former CIA operative, Mills managed to track down those responsible, dish out some punishing justice, and save his daughter from a fate worse than death.

Through the first Taken film, Mills broke a ton of laws, and violated a lot of societal norms. His singular goal of finding his daughter and bringing her home safe and sound trumped everything else, including his morals. That would factor very heavily into the equation if Mills were ever brought before a court to answer for his laundry list of crimes committed throughout the film.


Uttering Death Threats

Bryan Mills solidified his character immediately after his daughter Kim was kidnapped by a human trafficking cartel. His message to them was simple – he would find them, and kill them all. It’s an understandable sentiment from a father who just listened to his daughter being kidnapped over the phone, from halfway around the world.

Nevertheless, Mills wouldn’t be able to utter death threats and get away with it. The jury might hear his case and understand the circumstances, but the charge itself would stick right up to the court date. Threatening to kill someone, no matter the circumstance, is a major to-do. Still, this scene did make Liam Neeson an unexpected action movie hero, which is a definite plus.

Breaking And Entering

When Mills makes it to Paris, his first order of business is to gain access to the apartment where Kim was kidnapped, in order to search for clues. He’s off the books, and off the record, meaning he’s doing it without the authorization of the local law enforcement.

After climbing out on a narrow ledge, he punches a hole through the window and enters the apartment. This would be an automatic break and enter charge, which is no minor crime. It would be doubly serious given that Mills is not a citizen of France, which means he’d be caught up in a foreign legal system.

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Assault & Battery

Suspecting that a young man Kim and her friend met at the airport upon arrival in France might be tied to her kidnapping, Mills hunted him down, shoved him in a cab, and started punching him while demanding answers. An accomplice dragged him out of the car, and a brutal fistfight ensued, giving the boy time to run.

If Mills were ever caught by a police officer doing this, he’d be slapped immediately with twin assault and battery charges. It would be difficult to argue self-defense, as well, since he was the one who started the ruckus in the first place. The courts wouldn’t look too fondly on that. However, the scene does harken back to films like the iconic Dirty Harry franchise, where brute force played a prominent role.

Grand Theft Auto

This charge probably wouldn’t be as serious, given that Mills had no intention of stealing a car and driving off with it. He was more concerned with catching up to the young man at the airport who managed to elude his grasp. To that end, he commandeered a taxi and chased him along a freeway, before losing him again.

It’s hard to tell whether this would have netted him a full grand theft auto charge, but it is effectively vehicular theft, so the charge would undoubtedly go through. It’s lucky he didn’t cause and vehicular deaths during his short-lived chase, otherwise the charge would be more severe.


No big surprise here. Bryan Mills kills a lot of people in the quest to get his daughter back. His main target is the Albian mob responsible for the abduction of countless girls just like Kim, and he doesn’t hesitate when it comes to dishing out death on their behalf.

This type of cowboy vigilantism doesn’t fly anywhere in the world, particularly in a country like France. Mills would be hauled before a judge for multiple counts of premeditated murder, and it’s doubtful his story would garner much traction.

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Resisting Arrest

After taking out one of the Albanian trafficking nests, his friend Jean-Claude Pitrel orders his arrest. As a former member of French intelligence, Pitrel has had past dealings with Mills, and knows what he’s capable of. His intention is to stop Mills before he turns Paris into a war zone.

Mills easily evades the police with a simple diversionary tactic, giving him ample time to escape. However, if he were caught, he’d face charges of resisting arrest by uniformed French police officers, and that wouldn’t go over very well in court.


Taken is one of the best revenge movies ever made, thanks to Bryan Mills’ fluid sense of morality when it comes to dishing out punishment. No civilized country on Earth would tolerate torture, and Mills was an expert at it. After tracking down the men responsible for kidnapping Kim, he kills them all, leaving just one alive to extract information from. He straps him to a chair that has been rigged up to the building’s electrical system and proceeds to electrocute him repeatedly for info.

The technique works, but a court would have no sympathy for it if he were ever charged. Not only is torture a major felony that carries years of jail time, but it’s also been outlawed in wartime scenarios by the Geneva Convention.

Assault With A Deadly Weapon

As the clock ticks down, so too does Mills’ patience, and he eventually tries more drastic measures to get the intel he needs to save Kim. He visits his friend Jean-Claude and confronts him about his involvement with the Albanian trafficking ring, and the police protection racket he has set up to line his own pockets.

Realizing that Jean-Claude has been corrupted, he pulls out a gun and shoots his wife in the arm, then threatens to kill her unless Jean-Claude reveals the location of the crime boss Patrice Saint-Clair. It would be another felony added to Mills’ already extensive mile-long list, this time centering on assault with a deadly weapon. He’d also face another death threat for promising to kill Pitrel’s wife unless he cooperated.

Impersonating A Police Officer

After getting the information he needs out of Jean-Claude, Mills decides to crash a party hosted by Patrice Saint-Clair, where he believes he’ll find his daughter. He gains access to the affair by showing the security guard a laminated police badge of his own face with Jean-Claude’s name on the back.

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The ruse is successful, and clever. It allowed Mills to infiltrate the party unnoticed, getting him one step closer to Kim. Unfortunately, the penalties for impersonating an officer of the law are quite severe, and this infraction would undoubtedly have sent Mills straight up the river.

Reckless Driving

After being knocked out and nearly killed in his attempt to get his daughter back, Mills manages to escape, and makes one last-ditch run for a boat that is set to sail with her on it. To buy some time, he commandeers a car and begins racing toward the dock to catch it before it leaves.

Along the way, Mills decides to drive the wrong direction down a busy street at very high speeds, mounting sidewalks, and blazing through intersections. If he were ever arrested, the courts would have nailed him for every single vehicular infraction on the books.

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