Sasha Tran and Marcus Kim are the main two characters in this Netflix rom-com that follows the two as they reconnect later in life. They try to begin a new relationship, but they find that they’re extremely different and need to work on themselves individually and work and compromise together.

The film has two hilarious main characters, portrayed by Ali Wong and Randall Park, and a wide array of side characters from their parents, romantic partners, co-workers, and Keanu Reeves. The dialogue is creative and inventive throughout the funny rom-com.

10 Do you have any dishes that play with the concept of time?

Keanu Reeves portrays himself in this film and is a new romantic partner who meets Sasha at a Netflix film gathering that she catered. He plays a hyped up and pretentious version of himself as he, Sasha, Marcus, and Jenny go out to an experimental restaurant.

Keanu asks this question of the waiter right when they sit down and it’s such an odd question to ask that it ends up being hilarious. Marcus is the only one that thinks the entire experience is odd, while everyone else enjoys themselves.

9 I hope you have terrible karma and come back in the next life as a nasty little lizard and get stepped on by someone on a hike!

Sasha’s fiancé and manager, Brandon, says they should postpone the wedding and see other people before they get married. At first, Sasha tells herself that she’s fine with that, but then sees through his lies when he calls her to only talk about her career.

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She says that it was all business to him and has a great cathartic moment where she tells him what she really feels.


8 You know what I’d like to catch? A hamburger.

Young Marcus and Sasha go out fishing on the pier one day and Marcus teaches her how to cast the line. Sasha asks what she’s supposed to do now, and Marcus says just wait to catch the fish and that’s all fishing is.

She’s disappointed and quips this one-liner that makes Marcus laugh.

7 I’m an LGBTQIA ally, so thank you for your service.

Marcus’s friend and bandmate Tony makes a joke asking if he’s the father of Veronica’s baby and she answers, pretty deadpan, that it’s hers and her fiancé Denise’s child.

Tony backpedals real quick and delivers this line, saying that he’s an ally, and hilariously thanking Veronica for her service as part of the LGBTQIA community.

6 Invest your money in lettuce. Kale can’t hold on forever.

Sasha reunites with Marcus and his dad when her friend and assistant Veronica hires them to work on her rental she’s staying in in San Francisco.

Mr. Kim immediately starts talking finances, wondering how much money Sasha has as she’s a celebrity chef and opening multiples restaurants, and then gives her this advice out of nowhere.

5 All celebrities are insane. I once saw Glenn Close order a pineapple sandwich.

Marcus’ dad is trying to convince him that he’s better off with Sasha instead of staying in a relationship with Jenny, but Marcus won’t hear it.

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He says that Jenny’s a good person who does good work in the community and that Sasha’s turned into a celebrity. He claims that all celebrities are insane, including Sasha, and brings up this one instance with Glenn Close to try to prove his point.

4 You cute. But you dumb.

Marcus goes to Sasha’s San Francisco restaurant to try to see if she’s there so he can talk to her after she’s left all of his messages unanswered. He discovers that Sasha has been the one ordering Hello Peril merchandise and why Marcus has seen an uptick on his band’s website.

Veronica comes to talk to him and says this line when he asks why Sasha would be buying all of the merchandise, meaning that he’s dumb for not realizing that Sasha loves him.

3 Can I interest you in a Whooper? You can get it to go if you wanna eat it in your car and cry.

Sasha and Marcus have a big blow out argument in a Burger King that ends their years-long friendship. The Burger King employee sees it all as Sasha storms off and delivers this line to Marcus without any judgment.

It’s a hilarious line after a tense moment that cuts through all the niceties and is a surprisingly realistic and truthful reaction.

2 Just kidding. We’re grateful, glad I wore my Spanx.

Marcus is fed up with the fancy restaurant and the $6,400 check for food that didn’t even end up filling him up. He screams at everyone before he leaves, saying this is ridiculous, and asking for a monochrome burrito to go because he’s still hungry.

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He storms off and Sasha apologizes for his outburst and says he’s just kidding and that she’s happy she dressed up with her Spanx to the restaurant.

1 Best believe I punched Keanu Reeves.

Marcus wonders if everyone knows that he punched Keanu Reeves and Sasha tells him he should probably write a song about it so everyone knows.

The end credits feature the new Hello Peril song entitled “I Punched Keanu Reeves” and the above lyric is part of the chorus that’s played throughout the hilarious song.

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