With there being so many Spider-Man movies, the superhero has a surprisingly good track record in terms of quality compared to other franchises. However, a couple of them are considerably much less loved than the rest, especially the second movie in the Amazing Spider-Man series.

The film is generally considered to be disjointed due to its many subplots, whether it’s Richard Parker’s backstory or setting up the Sinister Six. Yet, it doesn’t mean that they should be discounted as there are many reasons why this is not just a fun movie, but a great Spider-Man flick that attempts things that no other Spidey movie has tried. Between the chemistry between the lead actors and the fluid action scenes, there’s still a lot to love about The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

10 Andrew Garfield And Emma Stone’s Chemistry

Between the two MJs in Sami Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy and in the MCU, Peter’s love interest has always been the primary motivation behind anything he does. But the best on-screen relationship Peter has in the Amazing Spider-Man series is with Gwen Stacy. It helped that the two actors were dating in real life, which helped to make their characters’ relationship more authentic.

Though some fans may have had a problem with killing off Gwen Stacy, even though she dies in the comics, her death is one of Garfield’s best and most iconic moments as Spider-Man. No other moment in any of the other Spider-Man series has been as emotional as when Peter realized she had died.

9 Electro Is A Great Villain

Of all of the wild casting rumors surrounding the upcoming Spider-Man: No Way Home, one is completely true, and that’s that Jamie Foxx is returning as Electro. Electro is, by far, one of the more interesting villains that have featured in any of the Spider-Man movies as audiences got to learn a lot about him.

Foxx pulled off playing a goofy Spider-Man fan with no friends incredibly well. The scene in which Electro tears up Times Square when he first realizes the full extent of his powers is exhilarating and one of the most thrilling scenes in the superhero genre. The final battle that occurs at the power grid was also one of the best fighting sequences as fans got a sneak peek at how powerful he could be.


8 The Action Is Fluid

There might be many critics and fans who criticize the way Rhino was depicted, but the opening action scene perfectly captures the whole film’s tone. Spider-Man has never been quicker or more agile than he has in any other movie.

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The action scenes perfectly balance with Spidey’s sarcastic humor, which hilariously irritates his enemies. The way that Spider-Man summersaults between taxicabs being flung at him is the best on-screen use of his spider-sense yet. Him also using swinging grates with his webs or using the environment to his advantage is also something that had never been shown in the movies before.

7 The Soundtrack Is Great

One of the few instances that the Amazing Spider-Man series was consistent in was its soundtrack. The first one was filled with incredible music, as “Saving New York,” the song that plays in The Amazing Spider-Man when Spidey jumps off the crane, is the best musical moment of the past 10 years.

The music continued to be great in the sequel movie, as it was uplifting, exciting, and sometimes cheesy. Hans Zimmer seemed to experiment with some new instruments too as a few scores also featured some dubstep too.

6 It Doesn’t Take Itself Too Seriously

One of the things that the movie doesn’t do so well is keeping the tone consistent, as some scenes come off as way too dark, especially for a movie about a character as hopeful as Spider-Man. However, other scenes are just as fun as any of the scenes in Raimi’s movies.

Rhino’s inclusion was fun to watch, and the way it was an inconsequential soft-opening to the movie felt like a nice homage to the animated series too. Even Homecoming borrows one of TASM2’s funniest scenes, which is when Spidey catches a car thief in the middle of the act and then proceeds to mess with him for minutes on end.

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5 Peter Is Responsible For His Own Actions

At the end of The Amazing Spider-Man, Peter promises George Stacy that he won’t continue dating his daughter. However, he goes back on his promise in Amazing Spider-Man 2. That leads to Gwen getting killed in the clock tower, and it was exactly that type of thing that made George demand that Peter break it off. They both knew the dangers that came with dating Spider-Man.

Peter understandably feels like it was his fault that Gwen got killed, and he has to go through a grieving process that is unlike anyone his age has ever had to go through. Though the quote, “with great power comes great responsibility” has been uttered since 2002’s Spider-Man, the character has never been more responsible for his actions than in The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

4 The Visual Effects Are Stunning

Visual effects are always going to improve with each consecutive movie as long as technology continues to develop, so the visual effects are clearly an improvement over Raimi’s trilogy. However, there’s also so much style and flair in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 compared to Jon Watts’ MCU movies too.

There are minor details that add to the overall feeling. Even the very first shot of the movie is sensational and immediately gives audiences goosebumps and a sense of speed. As Spidey is gliding through the sky from a monumental height, the material of the back of Spidey’s suit is flapping from the wind. Even the following movies that were part of the MCU weren’t able to give that feeling of adrenaline.

3 Peter’s Father’s Story Has Never Been Told Before

Fans have heard about Uncle Ben on so many occasions at this point that it’s embedded in everyone’s brains, but the story of Peter’s father has rarely been told.

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 didn’t just mention it in passing, but the movie did a deep dive on the plane crash that Richard was in, and the business partnership he had with Norman Osborn. There are some great Spider-Man subplots in phase three of the MCU, but Richard’s story is one of the best, as his story unfolded in surprising ways, including Peter’s discovery of the abandoned subway laboratory.

2 It Was Building Up To The Sinister Six

There are many unanswered questions about The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and the biggest one of all is what happened to the Sinister Six. Though it was all build-up, the mystery surrounding the classic comic book villain team is one of the most exciting subplots of the movie. At one point, Norman Osborn walks past Vulture’s wings and Doctor Octopus’s mechanical tentacles.

However, just like how fans will never get the payoff that Peter’s father’s story was building up to, the build-up to the Sinister Six ultimately led to nothing. But with the post-credits scene in Homecoming, where Vulture meets with Scorpion in jail, Sony could still be planning a Sinister Six movie (even if it isn’t in the same universe).

1 Garfield Is A Great Spider-Man

When it comes to the age-old argument over who is the best Peter Parker, Garfield almost always comes last on fans’ lists. The actor generally comes off as too cool for fans to believe he’s an unpopular photography nerd. But it’s a different story entirely when it comes to the argument over who is a better Spider-Man.

When Garfield dons the mask, he has a cocky and arrogant attitude, constantly toying with the criminals like he’s cat with a mouse. It’s why Garfield is a better Spider-Man than Tom Holland. Even when he’s being shot at in on-coming traffic, the one-liners don’t stop.

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