“A blood sacrifice by a son, wow! That is powerful enough to restore me to all my former glory,” Wednesday told Shadow Moon, who didn’t seem to realize that Wednesday was grooming him to be his sacrifice. Wednesday is so full of tricks that is hard to tell whether he is actually losing or whether all the losses he has suffered in American Gods are all part of his grand plan.

Although Mr. World is supposed to be Mr. Wednesday’s nemesis, they are surprisingly similar. Wednesday doesn’t seem to care much about the welfare of the other Old Gods except himself. He is still supposed to bring the New Gods to heel but it is not clear how he is going to do that either. There is just so much about him that the show hasn’t explained.

10 Why Didn’t He Treat Shadow Better?

Even gods care about their children, don’t they? Well, Wednesday doesn’t seem to. He left Shadow to suffer throughout his childhood from birth to the time he went to prison. Shadow was beaten and bullied by other kids in the neighborhood and forced to grow up as an orphan since Wednesday never showed up even after his mother died.

When he came into Shadow’s life, he first killed his wife and then employed him as his bodyguard, a combination of actions that don’t exactly spell, “sorry son, I was a deadbeat but I am here now.” The only other people that seemed to care about Shadow are Laura and his midwife Euginia who instructed Bilquis to save him. So, why is Odin the All-Father such a bad father?

9 Why Did He Start The War Now?

Mr. Wednesday has been in America for a very long time, probably longer than any of the other gods. That means that the people he is waging war against have all gained their influence right under his nose. He had all the time in the world to bring the Old Gods together before the New Gods started outshining them.

He has also known Mr. World for a long time, meaning he saw him come to America and he had lots of time to prevent him from becoming more popular than the Old Gods. So, why didn’t he do something against the decline of the Old Gods when there was time and chance? Why start a war now when most of the Old Gods are weak and disinterested in fighting?


8 Why Didn’t He Protect Himself From Gungnir?

Gungnir is Odin’s spear; His main weapon of war which he has wielded for many years. It was broken and he only repaired it to use in the war against Mr.World. When Mad Sweeney hid it in his hoard, Wednesday must have known that it would pose a threat to him if it fell in the wrong hands. He could have sought out a leprechaun to retrieve Gungnir before Laura did with Mr.World’s help but he didn’t.

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Mr. Wednesday must also have thought of developing a way of protecting himself from the only weapon that could harm him at one point in all those years. However, when Laura showed up with the spear, Wednesday didn’t even seem surprised nor keen on saving himself. He just stood there and let death come to him which left so many questions unanswered.

7 What Did Mad Sweeney Owe Him?

Laura was right to blame Mad Sweeney’s death on Wednesday. Wednesday wouldn’t let the leprechaun go for a reason the show never made clear. The only thing Sweeney said was that he was in Wednesday’s debt and that they had an agreement. The agreement seemed to have some limits which Wednesday didn’t seem to respect that much.

Sweeney also regretted ever agreeing to work for Wednesday because the debt never seemed to get repaid even after he killed Laura and did everything Wednesday asked him to do. So what was this big debt that literally put Sweeney’s life in Wednesday’s hands?

6 Why Did He Kill Laura?

Laura Moon seems to be the only thing in Shadow’s life that Wednesday never planned for and he hated her from the start of the show. Laura also seems to get onto Wednesday’s nerves each time they meet, and she enjoys it. However, Laura wasn’t that big a threat to Wednesday before he killed her.

All she had done was cause Shadow to go to prison and cheat on him and those are not exactly reasons to kill. Killing Laura has brought more problems to Wednesday than he would be comfortable with. So, why did he kill Shadow’s wife to begin with? What was so dangerous about Laura Moon that Wednesday couldn’t live with?

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5 Why Did He Refuse To Save Laura?

Shadow was heartbroken by Laura’s death. Apart from helping Shadow, Wednesday could have saved himself lots of trouble if he had just helped Laura when she rose from the grave. However, from the time he took her to Ostara to the time she helped him kill Argus, Wednesday just used and lied to Laura.

He obviously knew the solution to stopping Laura’s rot but just wouldn’t give it to her, making her angrier when Sweeney finally told her the truth. Even after Laura helped him kill Argus the god of surveillance. It is clear that Wednesday didn’t like Laura but why not help her? Why would he continue to lie to Laura even when she had done everything he asked of her?

4 Is He Secretly Collaborating With Mr. World?

Mr. World’s identity was a mystery until the third season revealed him to be the illusionist that tricked technical boy in the fifth episode, making him Loki the trickster. So, when Shadow Moon realized that the powers of the gods couldn’t work inside American Mortel, he asked why Wednesday didn’t have his peace talks with Mr. World there. Having the peace talks in American Mortel would mean that Gungnir couldn’t kill Wednesday.

Mr. World seemed to be talking to Wednesday before the peace talks meeting that also happened to lead to Wednesday’s death. On the phone, Mr. World asked Wednesday what to do with Laura. Mr. World is also the only other person that knew where that meeting would be held which is why he told Laura Moon which means that Wednesday may have colluded in his own assassination.

3 Why Isn’t He Fighting The New Gods?

Wednesday’s war seems to be more of a squabble, because no one is throwing actual punches. When Wednesday got Gungnir, he seemed to be finally prepared for battle but the spear was never used against any of the New Gods. He has actually fought with his allies more than he has with Mr. World and his allies.

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When World killed Zorya, Wednesday didn’t do anything in retaliation. Instead, he seemed to enjoy the anger her death caused among the Old Gods. The only time Wednesday attacked the New Gods was when he caused the thunder to strike Mr. World and his minions at the end of the first season. Instead of going to war in the third season, Wednesday asked for peace, which didn’t make any sense. So, is the war of the gods really happening?

2 Is He Really Dead?

Mr. Wednesday is supposed to be thousands of years old and he has obviously faced harder battles than Laura Moon’s spear. He actually seemed prepared for Laura Monn’s spear as it was probably his way of getting Shadow to sacrifice himself.

However, before the third season ended, Laura moon crawled through the ceiling to a room where a sleeping Shadow was dreaming about Odin asking him for help and Laura seems to wake him up. So, if Shadow wakes up before the sacrifice is complete, will that mean the end of Odin?

1 What Was His Endgame?

When Wednesday declared a war on the New Gods, he must have had a plan on how he planned to handle the threat. Taking out the New Gods one by one or creating a plan on increasing the worshipers for the Old Gods would be a good start but none of that never happened.

His team has taken more blows than the enemy and he didn’t seem to be bothered by the speed at which his allies were being decimated. He asked Mr. World for peace but he didn’t seem serious about it either which leaves so many questions about his war. The main question every fan has about him is what was he hoping to achieve with his war, to begin with?

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