The witches of American Horror Story are powerful forces to be reckoned with. Adept at manipulating the energies of nature, the third season of the popular anthology horror series introduced some of the series’ most powerful players, including the witch coven of Miss Robichaux’s Academy and the voodoo tribe of New Orleans.

Several characters throughout the series have demonstrated exceptional mastery of the Seven Wonders. For this list, demonic entities including Papa Legba and Michael Langdon will be excluded and only witches of human blood viable candidates. Here are the ten most powerful witches in American Horror Story, ranked.

10 Behold Chablis

Behold Chablis was introduced in Apocalypse, along with the rest of the warlocks from Hawthorne School For Exceptional Men. A member of the Warlock Council and suspicious of the ‘Alpha’ Michael Langdon, Behold accompanies a resurrected Madison Montgomery to the famed Murder House of season one to uncover the origins of the Anti-Christ.

Though not as powerful as his female counterparts, Behold was a capable warlock and demonstrated several abilities, including Telekinesis and Divination. He and Madison make an unlikely but formidable duo, casting numerous spells together to repel the spirits of the Murder House.

9 Zoe Benson

Zoe is actress Taissa Farmiga’s second role in the anthology horror series. Her powers begin to manifest during a sexual encounter and Zoe is shipped off to Miss Robichaux’s Academy immediately.

Zoe’s powers appear limited at the beginning of the season but the young witch manifests more abilities as Coven progresses. She nearly performed all of the Seven Wonders, failing only at Transmutation, and in Apocalypse, she is a teacher and close friend of Supreme witch Cordelia.


8 Nan

Nan was particularly gifted with Clairvoyance, which ultimately led to her death at the hands of Fiona Goode and Marie Laveau. She develops other powers as the season progresses including Telekinesis and Concilium which she uses to exact grisly revenge on Joan Ramsay after the manic matriarch kills Luke.

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Nan was often overlooked by the other witches who frequently disregarded her as a candidate for Supremacy, but the young witch was nevertheless powerful. Her alliance with Papa Legba is shown to be still going strong in Apocalypse, with the Gatekeeper warmly regarding her as one of his favorites.

7 Queenie

Queenie is a powerful and prominent member of the Coven and shares blood with the voodoo tribes of New Orleans as well as the Salem witches. She is a “human voodoo doll” and can transfer any physical damage inflicted on her body to somebody else.

Queenie demonstrated several powers in Coven and almost performed the Seven Wonders before failing to bring Zoe back from the dead. She meets a sudden end in Hotel at the hands of James Patrick March before being brought back in Apocalypse by Michael Langdon.

6 Misty Day

Misty Day is one of the most iconic characters from American Horror Story, made easily recognizable by her hippie dresses and Stevie Nicks-inspired shawls. The young witch meets a fiery end in the opening episode of Coven but utilizes her gift of Resurgence to bring herself back from the dead.

Misty uses her powers numerous times throughout the series to revive fallen characters, including Madison Montgomery and Joan Ramsay. Myrtle Snow originally suspects her of being the next Supreme but, despite mastering at least four of the Seven Wonders, Misty fails to return from Hell when performing Descensum.

5 Madison Montgomery

Madison Montgomery is shown to be exceptional from the beginning of Coven. A miniature version of Fiona Good, the former Supreme suspects Madison of being her successor due to Madison’s mastering of Pyrokinesis and Telekineses.

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Madison performs nearly all of the Seven Wonders, failing only at Divination. She is resurrected in Apocalypse by Michael Langdon along with Misty Day and Queenie, returning to the Coven with a softer attitude and warmer heart.

4 Marie Laveau

Marie Laveau was one of the most powerful witches to feature in American Horror Story. A member of the voodoo tribe as well as an immortal, Marie demonstrated an exceptional mastery of voodoo which made her a formidable enemy and ally to the Coven.

Marie’s immortality was given to her at a price by Papa Legba, the mysterious Gatekeeper to the Underworld. She gives some of her immortality to Delphine LaLaurie as punishment for the sadistic torture of Marie’s lover Bastian, burying her alive beneath her house.

3 Fiona Goode

Fiona Goode was actress Jessica Lange’s third role in American Horror Story and one of the most despicable characters in Coven. The mother of Cordelia, Fiona reigned as Supreme after killing her predecessor Anna Leigh before abandoning the Coven to pursue a life of her own.

Fiona was a powerful witch with near-unlimited power. She performed all Seven Wonders to become Supreme and was shown throughout the season to be an expert in Telekinesis, Concilium and Vitalum Vitalis. She eventually succumbs to death so as her daughter Cordelia can come into her power as Supreme and is last shown trapped in Hell with the Axe Man.

2 Cordelia Goode

As the daughter of former Supreme witch Fiona, Cordelia had a lot to live up to. Her powers appear limited at the beginning of Coven but develop as the season progresses until she eventually manages to perform all Seven Wonders, restoring her eyesight and establishing her Supremacy.

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Cordelia’s powers are tested in Apocalypse as the Supreme is forced to battle the Antichrist, Michael Langdon. As Supreme she led the Coven into a new era, declaring their existence to the world.

1 Mallory

Mallory was introduced in Apocalypse as an unassuming servant at Outpost 3 before her true identity was revealed. A descendant of Salem witches, Mallory inadvertently demonstrates her powers during an interview with Michael and is shown to be the only character in the series to stand a chance against the Antichrist.

During flashbacks, Mallory’s true backstory and powers are revealed. After being sent to Miss Robichaux’s she uses her powers to reverse the death of her friend Coco after the young heiress chokes to death and is handpicked by Cordelia as the next Supreme.

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