American Horror Story keeps digging deeper and deeper into the supernatural. Over the years, several magical powers have been witnessed in the anthology series. These powers have mostly been showcased in four out of the nine seasons so far, namely: Hotel, Coven, Roanoke, and Apocalypse.

Some magical abilities can only be performed by certain individuals while some are unique but still common to many individuals. Some individuals are also born with their powers while some have to learn them. The following are the most unique abilities seen so far.

10 Injury Transference

Once injured, a witch with this magical ability can transmute all the injuries sustained to another body of their choosing. The pain and damage to the body is often transferred as well, leaving the person who was initially injured, healed.

The ability was first seen in the show’s third season titled “Coven.” It was used by Queenie, the teacher at Miss Robichaux’s Academy. When she held a hot spatula to her face, she was able to transfer the pain and injury to Spalding. However, zombies and ghosts are resistant to this magical ability.

9 Power Negation

Those with this magical ability are able to cancel someone else’s voodoo curse or magic. Zoe was the first person to have this power. She used it after Marie Laveau sent zombies to attack Miss Robichaux’s Academy.

Before those events, she had no idea she possessed the powers. They were only activated due to her panic. All she had to to do was say the words “Be In Your Nature” and everything went back to normal.


8 Scrying

Scrying is the ability to see visions and prophecies, through any reflective surface such as glass and water. It is a form of Divination. All “Level One” sorcerers are said to possess this power. It was frequently used in the third and eighth seasons.

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While staring at water in a bathtub, Zoe used the power to find out what caused Nan’s death. Within a short while, she was able to see how Fiona Goode and Marie Laveau drowned Nan.  And by using a mirror, Michael Langdon also used the power to pass Baldwin Pennypacker’s test.

7 Cholorokinesis

Misty Day has a variety of powers such as resurgence, She was also able to demonstrate the power of chlorokinesis. This is the ability to exert control over plant life, something similar to what Posion Ivy does in the DC comics.

As she was preparing for the Test Of The Seven Wonders, Misty was able to prune a flower’s petals then she used the power of Chlorokinesis to make them grow within minutes.

6 Stiricidium

Stiricidium is the ability to manipulate the weather through water molecules present in the atmosphere. It is often one of the tests conducted during the Warlock’s Evaluation at the at Hawthorne School for Exceptional Young Men.

During the test, students are asked to cause snow or rain. Out of all the students, Michael proved to be the one most capable of using this power effectively. Michael was also the only student who passed all four tests.

5 Gluten Detection

People with this power can detect if food has gluten just by looking at it. Outpost 3 captive Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt demonstrated this power in “Apocalypse” when she prevented her sick brother from eating bread that had gluten in it.

After that incident, she was hired by several Beverly Hills socialites to help them with their diet until her father decided to enroll her at her Miss Robichaux’s Academy. Coco also demonstrated a similiar power known as Calorie Detection.

4 Astral Projection

This power is a variation of Descensum. Anyone who possesses can separate their soul from their body, thus entering a trance and being able to travel the Astral Plane.

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Cordelia Goode used this power to analyze the destruction caused by Miriam Mead and Michael Langdon in Miss Robichaux’s Academy. While she was out of her body, she tried to reach the souls of the girls in order to bring them back to life.

3 Concilium

Concilium is the power to copy your will into another person’s mind and make them do as you would do. Several witches in the series possess this ability.

And if anyone tries to resist, their intracranial pressure increases to a point where the brain bursts. The power has been used to control stubborn people or make good people do evil things, only to regret later.

2 Vitalum Vitalis

This magical ability allows a witch to transfer her life force to nearly dead or totally dead living beings in order to restore their life or heal them. However, it has failed on a few occasions.

Once the witches transfer their life force, they experience side effects such as dizziness and fainting. Some witches are even able to turn and old person into a young person using the power. They can also clear wounds using the power.

1 Descensum

Descensum is one of the Seven Wonders that all witches are required to master. The magical ability enables witches to descend into the dark regions of the afterlife and enter hell.

However, it’s often a dangerous task to perform because if a witch gets stuck in hell for too long, they aren’t able to come back. Their body ends up disintegrating into dust particles. The witches have to chant an incarnation to trigger this power.

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