The singing competition series American Idol has given a platform to some gifted singers, but we’re here to talk about the worst auditions in the show’s history. While Kelly Clarkson and Katherine McPhee take people back to the days when they were first being discovered on the American Idol stage, they were the cream of the crop. To find the best singers, American Idol judges need to endure plenty of auditions that don’t hit the target.

It’s possible that a few of these American Idol auditions are a product of people being aware of the virality of bad auditions. Some contestants may hope to be the next William Hung, whose cover of “She Bangs” is a classic. However, it’s certain that at least some of these auditions are genuine performances that the singers hoped would blow away the judges. Instead, judges cringed, or hid their faces behind pieces of paper, or made faces.


Derek Stillings

Derek Stillings had the number one worst audition. Simon was quick to call him, “The worst singer in America,” without any hesitation. Stillings was 20-years-old when he auditioned for American Idol. He strutted in with full confidence, explaining that he fully intended to be the next Justin Timberlake. His hair had frosted tips and his outfit was a nod to NSYNC boy band style. If only he also had the voice and talent to match. The audition went horribly for Stillings and, unfortunately, his dreams of becoming the next big thing came to an abrupt halt.

Steven Thoen

The second-worst audition is Steven Thoen’s. He wanted to be one of the most memorable contestants on American Idol, so he went with a little song called Bohemian Rhapsody. It might have been his mistake to preface his audition by saying that hitting the song’s high notes was a breeze. Maybe his biggest mistake was deciding to appear on American Idol in the first place. Whatever the case may be, Thoen decided that he was more than ready to butcher the song in front of the judges. He also didn’t take criticism about his performance well.

Mary Roach

Mary Roach had the third-worst audition. By combining lack of talent with attitude, she stood out, but not in a good way. Some of the best acts to come from American Idol feature people who start with a bang and end with a bang. Roach tried to follow that formula for success but ended up on the wrong side of the tracks. She was considered to be lacking in talent and class. When the judges were rightfully criticizing her audition, Roach went on a cursing rampage that lasted until she was all the way out the door. She then looked for the first camera she could find and continued to diss the judges passionately.

Shadall Harris

The fourth-worst audition was from Shadall Harris. She took her mom with her to the Texas auditions for American Idol. The college student sang her own version of Falling by Alicia Keys. Coincidentally, the title of her audition song aptly described her audition. Simon Cowell described the experience as so traumatic that he could no longer listen to that song. The other judges, although fair (sometimes, judges on the show are slammed for not being constructive in their criticism) were not kind. Randy Jackson kept it simple, calling her a bad singer. Harris, much like any other contestant that was desperate for another shot, tried to get a second song in, but the judges had heard enough.

Trista Giese

Trista Giese had the fifth-worst audition. If her name is familiar at all, it might be because her lion impression melted some hearts. Giese did something in her American Idol audition that was unique, but not necessarily good. What was more memorable was the fact that her audition made Simon Cowell look like he wasn’t quite sure what he was watching. Simon had dubbed the audition one of the strangest that he’d ever seen in his life. She was quick to defend herself, saying that she offers something different. While she wasn’t wrong, she wasn’t what the judges were looking for. Suffice it to say that Giese was not one of the most shocking eliminations in the history of American Idol.

Brenna Kyner

The sixth-worst audition came from Brenna Kyner. The goal of auditions is to wow the judges with range and talent, so usually, people come onto the scene with songs that can showcase all of that. Kyner had the right idea, but her execution fell a bit short. Kyner really went for it in her auditions, going for one high note after the other.

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When Brenna asked for input on her performance, Simon Cowell said that it was almost as bad as it could possibly get. He even went as far as to say that he hated the audition. Kyner was not going to let that stop her though. She remarked that she has had ten years of training. She added that if she was bad from the get-go, someone would have said something. Simon came back with, “it’s because I wasn’t your teacher.” Kyner isn’t going to go down as one of the top singers on the show.

Stephanie Sanson

The seventh-worst audition was from Stephanie Sanson. She was a 16-year-old student who auditioned in Los Angeles. She started out her audition by introducing herself and looking almost shy. She then proceeded to hype herself up before doing her screamo version of Set Fire To The Rain by Adele. The judges looked stunned throughout, with Randy Jackson yelling at her to make her way to the exit in the middle of her song. Sanson did as she was told and kept promoting her band while she left. This might be one of those auditions where it could be argued that it was possibly staged. She did get her band name out there. She also managed to leave quite the impression on the judges on her way out.

Ian Bernardo

When Ian Bernardo (who has the eighth-worst audition) went to the American Idol auditions in New York, he was a legend in his own mind. He said that he wanted to add American Idol winner to his already very impressive CV. After discussing his long list of accomplishments, he began his rendition of Gloria, which included dance steps and full eye contact with the judges. Jackson asked him if he was for real. Cowell was less kind in his comments, saying that Bernardo wasn’t for American Idol and was talentless all around.

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Bernardo did not take this news well. He refused to listen to any of Simon Cowell’s savage words. The funniest exchange occurred when Simon proceeded to call Bernardo’s performance rubbish. Then, the contestant asked, “Rubbish? That’s British for garbage?” Bernardo went on to ask if Simon had a working visa in the United States, which honestly was a valid question.


The ninth-worst audition comes from Koby. She is one of the more recent people to audition for American Idol. She claimed to be one of the best performers in Colorado after rigorous training in singing, dancing, musical theater, and opera. She even went to the audition with an original song. She made sure to get her Girl Power message across to Katy Perry before starting her audition, which was not to the judges’ liking.

Koby’s audition was all over the place and the judges made sure to point that out. However, Koby could not be convinced that her performance was anything short of amazing. Koby declared that she had no intention of leaving the audition without a golden ticket. Katy Perry went on to say that as a double Scorpio like Koby, she can’t lie and allow that. Outside of the audition, Koby told cameras that Katy Perry is jealous of her and that American Idol is only looking for mediocre singers. While it’s true that some of the greatest singers from the show lost, that was a bit harsh.

Sarah Goldberg

The tenth-worst audition is Sarah Goldberg’s. If there is one thing to take from Goldberg’s audition, it’s that she was honest. She did her rendition of Dreaming of You by Selena and it basically fell flat. The judges asked if she thought she could really sing and Sarah said no. Right after that, she explained that even though she’s tone-deaf, she loves to sing. She felt she could still be the next American Idol if they taught her how to sing. Goldberg went into an audition for a competition and treated it like a workshop. She played the card of calling herself different and unique, but the judges weren’t buying it.

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