The newest update to Among Us introduces player roles, like the shapeshifter, that adds a whole new strategy to the game. While the update brings a ton of new content to Among Us, the shapeshifter role for the imposter is one of the most interesting.

Though Among Us has had a few big updates in the past like adding 15-player lobbies, a new map, and new features, this most recent update brings big changes to how the game is played. Previously, the game saw crewmates attempting to complete their tasks while trying to root out the imposters—the game was relatively straightforward. Now, however, players must also be on the lookout for shapeshifting imposters while trying to effectively use the crewmate roles like the engineer.


The shapeshifter role allows imposters to transform their appearance into one of the other crewmates. In addition to changing the player’s color and wearables, the shapeshifted imposter also has their name changed to that of the imitated crewmate. With the right strategy, players can take advantage of Among Us’ new shapeshifter role to defeat the crewmates without ever being suspected.

How to Win as the Shapeshifter

While some of the mechanics of shapeshifting are decided by the lobby host, many tips and tricks for playing the shapeshifter successfully are universal. It is important to keep in mind that shapeshifting wears off, so the first step to being a successful shapeshifter is to use the ability wisely. On top of that, shapeshifting leaves behind evidence, which can keep players from making the most of a shapeshift. Find an isolated area before transforming, preferably near a vent to quickly get back to the other crewmates.

Selecting the right location to transform is important, but just as important is effectively using the shapeshift ability before it expires. One of the best uses for the shapeshifter is to cause confusion and chaos. To do this, wait until another player has been accused of being the imposter, and then shapeshift into them and kill a crewmate to get them voted out. This will help the imposters to essentially double the crewmates they take out per round. The only thing to worry about might be a crewmate acting as the guardian angel.

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Regardless of what strategy players decide to use, the shapeshifter role in Among Us is a game-changer. While the update introduced a new wave of cosmetic items and unlockables, the inclusion of crewmate and imposter roles brought new life to the game. Though the new crewmate roles help to give them a leg up on the imposters, the shapeshifter levels the playing field.[tldr_position]

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Among Us is available on Google Play, iOS, Steam,, Epic Games, Windows Store, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. It will be available on Playstation soon.

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