While many X-Men have overcome tumultuous backgrounds, few have shown as much heroic growth as Elixir. Though he now serves mutantkind as a member of the Five and is crucial to the cycle of rebirth that the X-Men currently enjoy, Elixir was initially a member of the Reavers, an anti-mutant hate group determined to kill anybody possessing the X-gene. However, after discovering his own mutant powers, Elixir was kicked out of the Reavers and fought to overcome his past ignorance and prove his value as a member of the X-Men.

Elixir – real name Josh Foley – was introduced to readers as a young, eager recruit of the Reavers in New Mutants #5 by Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir, and Mark Robinson. Led by Donald Pierce, a former member of the Hellfire Club and a persistent foe to the X-Men, the Reavers were tasked with kidnapping a businessman in the hopes of drawing out his mutant daughter. Their plan worked, and the Reavers soon found themselves facing off against the daughter and her classmates from the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. The students easily defeated Josh and his fellow grunts, but were outmatched by Pierce , who nearly killed one of the students. Witnessing this, Josh was struck with compassion, revealed his own mutant abilities as a healer, and saved the girl’s life.


In revealing himself, Josh unknowingly took the first steps towards his own redemption. When the Reavers realized that Josh was a mutant, he was beaten in the streets. His family kicked him out and with nowhere else to turn, Josh was forced to enroll in the Xavier Institute. Josh’s new classmates hated him for his past actions as an anti-mutant bigot, but he proved his noble intentions over time by saving lives with his healing powers.

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Though Elixir had been a Reaver, it became clear over time that he was not irredeemable. Like many bullies and insecure young men, Josh wanted approval from his peers. He only joined the Reavers due to a need to feel accepted. Elixir came from an abusive and bigoted family and perpetuated their hatred towards people that weren’t like them, even though he didn’t truly hold those views. In fact, Josh was remarkably compassionate. This was shown in his rocky friendship with Hellion, a fellow student at Xavier’s. Hellion liked to pick on others, something that drove a wedge in his friendship with Josh. Elixir continued to show sympathy for others and would often tend to the people hurt by Hellion’s brash behavior. Elixir’s classmates took notice of his change in his character and began to accept him more.

Elixir’s arc was completed when he teamed up with the original New Mutants to face off against a returning Donald Pierce. It was during this battle that he learned about Cannonball’s early experiences as a member of the Reavers and how he overcame them to become a leader within the X-Men. The pep talk inspired Elixir, as he realized that he could work past his own troubled past. From that moment on, Josh never looked back.

Over time, Elixir evolved from a Reaver to a New Mutant to a New X-Men to a member of X-Force. Now, as one of the Five, he has come to learn the value of all mutant life and is critical to the survival of the mutant race. Elixir is an Omega-level mutant with the power to change the world, but it was his own journey as a young man that taught him how to be a hero. As with many X-Men before him, Josh stumbled in his early days, but his heart and compassion proved to be vital in guiding him towards a life of heroism.

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