Warning: contains major spoilers for Wonder Woman #781!

Evil Superman and evil Batman variants are common tropes in the DC Universe, but now Wonder Woman has her own iterations of villainous counterparts. Wonder Woman #781 shows Diana’s attempts to settle back into her former life after dying and going to Valhalla, but it seems Janus’ twisted mirror of the Goddess of Truth was only the beginning.

Justice Lord Superman and the Batman Who Laughs are evil versions of two of DC’s trinity. Janus, the dual-faced god, split themselves in half and caused havoc in the multiverse in Diana’s previous arc. They impersonated Wonder Woman, mirroring her most extreme desires, but she was able to defeat them and showed them mercy. However, a similar threat has now come to her home universe.


Wonder Woman #781 comes from the creative team of Michael W. Conrad, Becky Cloonan, Marcio Takara, Tamra Bonvillain, and Pat Brosseau. The titular heroine has not yet reconnected with Steve Trevor, having put off meeting with him. She has been keeping busy with saving others and has unfinished business, teaming up with Deadman once more to return Siegfried’s sword to his resting place. However, she and Steve both have some troubles ahead. Evil duplicates of Wonder Woman are beginning to attack.

Steve Trevor believed Diana had finally come to talk to him after returning to life, but instead, he’s facing off with an evil doppelganger of his former love. She claims to be Wonder Woman as she tries to kill him, but the foe shatters like glass when he shoots her. While on a plane with Deadman on the way to return Siggy’s sword, Diana looks out the window – spotting several more evil clones in flight.

Thus far, the clones’ origin isn’t known, though it could have something to do with Diana’s resurrection or Doctor Psycho. Nonetheless, these doppelgangers are ready for battle even though their goals are also not known as of yet. Considering Wonder Woman spent her recent afterlife chasing after an evil duplicate of herself, this clone plot is familiar. Janus was a powerful enemy made of flesh, but these doppelgangers are far more delicate, despite their viscousness. Although they resemble Wonder Woman and have some of her abilities, including flight, they either don’t have her skill or appropriate equipment. This duplicate does not use her bracelet to deflect Steve’s bullet, indicating that they don’t have all of Diana’s capabilities.

So far it seems Janus was a far more formidable evil iteration of Wonder Woman, but that is subject to change in coming issues. Wonder Woman is one of DC’s best heroes, but her evil iterations are ready for battle.

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