Christina Applegate portrays the witty, talented, and game-changing Veronica Corningstone in the Anchorman series. She is perhaps the most significant character in those films, as she is the catalyst that comes to turn everything upside-down, kicking down doors and becoming one of the first female anchors on the news.

Her wardrobe is heavily linked to her own narrative with costume designer Debra McGuire clearly taking a lot of cues from the script when it comes to matching what Veronica wears to the major scenes she’s involved with. Her outfits contain a number of secrets, from the use of jewelry to the colors that have been chosen.

10 Bridal White

The first time that Ron Burgundy comes across Veronica Corningstone it’s at a party. She immediately stands out to the titular anchorman, although his chat-up lines are misogynistic and certainly don’t create the desired effect. Corningstone’s costume for the scene is actually quite ironic though.

For their initial meeting, Veronica is dressed in all white, a color traditionally associated with a bride. This choice is a nod to the future relationship that Veronica and Ron eventually share, foreshadowing their eventual marriage to one another, despite Ron’s abhorrent first impressions.

9 Pink Introduction

Veronica’s initial introduction into the workplace carries with it another interesting choice of color in her attire. A certain expectation had been made of women in the newsroom, with most of them holding roles such as secretaries rather than reporters thanks to the time period.

Veronica is looking to smash some glass ceilings on her way to the top but initially plays into those expectations. She wears pink on her first day on the job, a color often linked to ‘traditional femininity.’ It’s interesting to note how those color choices shift as her career progresses.


8 Powerful Shoulder Pads

A common tactic used by the costume designer throughout Veronica’s scenes is the use of shoulder pads. For the time period, shoulder pads were often seen as a power statement. Indeed, key politicians such as Margaret Thatcher popularized the look.

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While Veronica’s worldview is far from that of the UK politician, she also utilizes the shoulder pad to produce a sense of authority. That very first scene in the pink blazer contains shoulder pads, adding a layer of professionalism to her attire. As the film goes on the use of shoulder pads is far more frequent to reflect her growing ratings and power at the station.

7 A Workplace Dress

Interestingly, both modern and throwback productions based around the newsroom often tackle issues of sexism within the workplace. Veronica has to face off against her own share of misogyny when most of the men in the office begin to harass her.

Throughout these scenes, an interesting choice is made in her clothing. It’s one of the rare occasions where Veronica is actually seen in a dress. Visually, the removal of the blazer and shoulder pads suggests a vulnerability or lack of power. Yet Corningstone’s own actions symbolize the exact opposite, with her great emotional strength and intelligence becoming the armor she needs rather than any clothing she might wear.

6 Suit Up For The Role

Nonetheless, despite not needing the suits and blazers as some kind of armor in the workplace, Veronica still chooses this kind of attire as she rises up the ranks. The newsroom is presented as a man’s world and in many ways, these outfit choices try to match that.

Of course, Veronica puts her own twist on these looks, with jewelry, heels, and a wider range of colors. As the movie goes on though it’s easy to make parallels between the suits that Veronica picks out and what some of the other male hosts might wear for their roles.

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5 Losing The Blazer In A Moment Of Triumph

While Ron Burgundy might have a few memorable quotes, Veronica has plenty of her own, with her speech about wanting an opportunity to become the sole news anchor becoming particularly notable. Here, her outfit once again suggests something quite interesting.

Veronica strongly makes her case as to why she would be the best replacement for Ron. In the scene, she wears her waistcoat, harking back to the ‘man’s world analogy’ but her blazer is absent. Indeed, the looks set her apart from her male counterparts, demonstrating how she is in a league of her own, with her own intelligence and strength once again becoming the focus; there are no smoke and mirrors to her abilities.

4 Her Necklace

In most of Veronica’s scenes, she can be seen wearing a very simple necklace, although it isn’t completely clear what the symbol is. This may be the point though, as at different angles it could represent a number of alternate things.

In some ways it looks like a V for Veronica, demonstrating her self-confidence. Sometimes it looks like scissors as if Veronica is cutting her way to the top. It could even be compared to a butterfly, something supposedly feminine in nature but a representation of metamorphosis and becoming something more; as she does in her career path.

3 Matching The News Branding

Once Veronica earns the top job it leads to some hilarious scenes involving Ron’s jealousy of her newfound success. Color is once again interesting here though as Veronica begins to choose more blue suits to wear to work.

In both the newsroom and during her final assignment where she encounters a bear, she can be seen wearing these darker blues. The color is that of the news network that she represents, with Veronica clearly firmly planting herself as the face of the network by matching the branding.

2 Burgandy’s Colors

The colorful and over-the-top Ron Burgundy is really a parody of many things. He is one of the key aspects of the Anchorman series’ success and his relationship with Veronica is a complex one. Both characters wear colors that both clash and match numerous times throughout the show.

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As their rivalry intensifies they wear more garish colors in order to try to stand out from one another. Yet as their love blossoms their wardrobe choices begin to reflect each other, with Veronica’s final blue suit of the bear pit matching nicely to Ron’s tie, showing their emotional reunion.

1 Era Appropriate

Costume designer Debra McGuire and director Adam McKay really tried to keep all of the costumes as era-appropriate as possible. This is relatively easy to do for the men of the film, who mostly wear suits that wouldn’t be too out of place in modern fashion.

From the textures to the shapes and materials used, Veronica Corningstone’s wardrobe is really a letter to a bygone era. In fact, her journey and the sexism she meets is as much a story about the time period as it is today and it’s appropriate that her clothing, therefore, fits into the era but could somehow also feel quite current.

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