Sex and the City was the show that put HBO on the map as a provider of quality television, and now it’s back, sort of, in the form of the revival, And Just Like That. But this time, the women are in their 50s and minus Samantha, who moved to the U.K.. But while And Just Like That is a different story now that the women are at completely different points in their lives, it still nicely pays homage to the original.

There were several instances, in fact, from even the first two episodes that celebrated Sex and the City for fans who were glued to their TV screens watching the original every week. Only die-hard fans, however, might have noticed them.

10 Carrie’s Mention Of Jury Duty

In one scene, Carrie talks about having to head over to her job on a podcast, and she compares it to jury duty, implying that she doesn’t really want to do it but it’s part of her brand so she has no choice.

This is actually a callback to Sex and the City. In one episode, Carrie is called to jury duty, but the civic duty quickly becomes a metaphor for her rocky relationship at the time with Berger. Fans will recall that, in one of the scenes that live rent-free in every fan’s head from Sex and the City, Berger broke up with her via Post-it note.

9 The Manolo Blahniks

These shoes might have simply appeared to be a fashionable choice to wear to Lilly’s piano recital. But this isn’t the first appearance for these incredibly expensive shoes: they were a huge part of Carrie’s life in Sex and the City.

The reason she chooses them for such a special occasion, and why she points them out to Big to see if he recognizes them, is that they’re the same ones she wore when Big proposed to her, and when they got married in the courthouse. Knowing this makes the symbolic nature of the shoes getting ruined after she kicks them off into a pool of water even more emotional during the heart-wrenching scene.


8 The Records And Wine

Carrie and Big were happily child-free, focused on their careers, personal lives, and one another. The show wrote the pandemic into the script, with Carrie referencing the new routine the pair adopted during lockdown: playing a different record every night and enjoying listening with a glass of wine. This isn’t an entirely new concept, though.

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Back in the fourth season of the show, just before Big decided to move to Napa, he and Carrie enjoyed a quiet dance together in the apartment to the song “Moon River” while sipping on wine. It was a nice reminder and callback to one of the most romantic episodes of the show.

7 The Remixed Theme Song

The theme song, complete with Carrie running through the streets of New York City in a pink tutu (which only die-hard fans of Sex and the City know only cost $5), has become an iconic part of pop culture history. But while the same song doesn’t appear in And Just Like That, a remixed version of it does.

The instrumental song, which never had a name beyond just “Sex and the City theme,” was written by Douglas J. Cuomo and Tom Findlay. A remixed version of the refrain is heard in the beginning of And Just Like That, but for the most part, this new show is standing on its own musically.

6 Sweaters In The Oven

When Carrie arrives home with fish for dinner, fans wonder if something had changed and she could all of a sudden cook. That idea is quickly squashed when she preps the food so Big can do the cooking. He jokes about how she has come a bit farther in that department since she “used to put her sweaters in the oven.”

This is in reference to the original show when Carrie revealed that since she never cooked, she used her oven interior as extra storage space for her clothing, of which she had tons. Now, all her clothes are kept in a closet where they belong.

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5 Cosmopolitans And Drama

Miranda’s drink of choice seems to have switched to Chablis, or even whiskey. The women have grown out of their desire for indulging in a Cosmopolitan (or two) at brunch or while enjoying a night at the bar. They may now have more refined tastes than the sweet cocktail would satisfy, or maybe they abandoned the drink, as noted in the movie, because it was no longer “cool” now that everyone ordered them.

Still, the drink that Sex and the City single-handedly made incredibly popular during its run still got a shout-out in the new show. While discussing his constant arguing with Stanford, Anthony rolled his eyes and said to Carrie “I hope you like your cosmos with a side of drama.”

4 “Hello, Lovers”

The second Carrie uttered these two words when she walked into her elaborate walk-in closet, fans of Sex and the City got goosebumps. Carrie had always been obsessed with expensive shoes, and she first spoke these words when looking at shoes in a store window while walking down the street with Samantha. She also adored clothes, with one of the best Carrie quotes from Sex and the City referencing that she likes her “money where I can see it, hanging in my closet.”

Seeing her selection of shoes always brought Carrie joy, so when she stares satisfyingly at them and declares “hello, lovers,” fans realize that some things have not changed about her.

3 Multiple Mentions Of Samantha

Even though Samantha, who was a huge part of the original, does not appear in the new show, she is mentioned several times. While walking and talking, Carrie reveals to Miranda that she reached out many times and Samantha didn’t reply, holding a grudge because of a professional rift.

In the most touching scene, however, Carrie gets upset that flowers are on Big’s casket when she explicitly told the funeral home she didn’t want any. But she decides to keep them there when she reads the card and sees that they were delivered from Samantha.

2 Character Cameos

Several characters from the original show and two movies made short cameos in And Just Like That, including Bitsy von Muffling, who runs into the threesome at lunch and asks about Samantha (yet another mention of the missing character). She is also seen once again at Big’s funeral, talking about the death of her husband who, in the original, was played by Nathan Lane. Muffling was one of the supporting characters fans hoped would be in the revival of Sex and the City.

Another character that returns is Susan Sharon, who was around during Carrie’s Aidan days. She alludes to wanting to let go of a rift between she and Carrie that Carrie seemingly didn’t even know existed.

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1 The Name Of Charlotte’s Dog

Fans of Sex and the City will remember that Charlotte’s dog, a spaniel, was named Elizabeth Taylor. Naturally, it would not make sense for the dog to still be alive, but Charlotte has gotten a new one.

Another rescue, this one is a French bulldog and his name is Richard Burton, who was Taylor’s husband twice over, and supposedly her one true romance. It makes sense that Charlotte would carry on the tradition, but those who didn’t watch the original might not have understood the Easter Egg.

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