Animal Crossing: New Horizons includes some of the most interesting anthropomorphic animals in gaming. One of the biggest appeals of the Animal Crossing series is the quirky, often eccentric animal villagers players can befriend, as well as the onsite staff and vendor NPCs. Increasing friendship levels by exchanging gifts and correspondence can result in the character giving the player their photo, the ultimate memento of the bond between human and talking animal, that can be hung inside players’ homes as a treasured souvenir. Though many of the animals are endearing and adorable, players will likely find that there are a few that stand out as the most interesting characters in Animal Crossing.


Peeling back the curtain on New Horizon’s systems, animal villagers fall into one of eight personality archetypes, and much of the characters’ behavior and dialogue are shared if they have the same personality. Players with multiple Jock characters on their island may soon realize they have given their abs the same names, Lazy villagers will all share their food with bugs, and so on. This means one player’s most distinctive villager might have a spiritual doppelgänger with a different name and species in another player’s game.

Animals might reveal their personalities in their activities, or in dialogue exchanges, particularly when they share their thoughts on a furniture item nearby, or when encountered inside the clothing shop or Nook’s Cranny. The way they decorate their houses can also provide some insights into their character, although these are sometimes seemingly at odds with other aspects of their persona. Writing letters to villagers is among the best ways to get to know them, as the letters they send in reply often reveal much more than what they share in chats around the island. These are a few of the most interesting characters in Animal Crossing, though players may recognize some traits in a different character from their own bespoke islands.

Interesting Animal Crossing Character – Gonzo

Gonzo is a diminutive, Cranky gray koala bear with a surprisingly deep baritone warble. Though every villager engages in DIY projects in New Horizons, it seems a natural fit for Gonzo, as the log cabin aesthetic of his house and his aura of experience and self-sufficiency presents him as a Ron Swanson-type character, complete with his insistence on giving a gift in exchange for each he receives, often adding, “Ain’t nothing free in this world, kiddo.” Gonzo behaves like an older, more seasoned animal, than most, and the cryptic details he provides add up to a very strange picture.

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Gonzo’s letters push the character from interesting to fascinating. As a complete non sequitur, Gonzo might write, “First, I wanna thank you for the letter ya sent me. Second, outer space ain’t real! Anybody who tells ya otherwise is sellin’ somethin’! Third, are we really on an island?” The koala craftsman is also a conspiracy buff, it seems. At other times Gonzo might question why no one else is panicking when the sun sets at night. When other animals write about fashion, Gonzo is the one penning dire-sounding messages about the nature of fear. Whatever dark past Gonzo has is still shrouded in mystery, leaving the player with more questions than answers, though with some effort they can persuade the Cranky koala to reveal his “downright sunny disposition.”

Interesting Animal Crossing Character – Apple

On the surface, Apple is among the most straightforward villagers in New Horizons: a small, round, red hamster that embodies the Peppy archetype in every action. Apple’s house is decorated, appropriately, with a bright pink apple motif, and she dreams of being a pop star. The character’s outgoing personality will occasionally betray a rich fantasy world and cases where Apple may have a hard time distinguishing her dreams from reality.

Without any context, the player might see a dialogue bubble of Apple shouting, “Where can I get lasers?!” Apple may discuss a new episode of her favorite TV show that involves a romance between trains, which may or may not exist outside of her imagination. Apple has some relatable hobbies as well, and will gleefully announce her plans to stay up all night binge-watching horror movies or playing video games. The hamster might write a letter purportedly scented with her ‘home-brew perfume, ‘Sparkle Boss’,” evidently cobbled together from wasp nests, fruits, and other items available on the player’s island. Apple is prone to feuds with other villagers, but her capacity for holding a grudge seems as short as her attention span. In everything she does, Apple is out to “be me as loud as I can.”

Interesting Animal Crossing Character – Plucky

Plucky the chicken falls under the Big Sister personality archetype, and might be among the first to offer a new player medicine when they are stung by wasps. Her house is decorated with a sand floor, and has a surf shop aesthetic. Despite living on an island and being a short walk from the beach, no matter where the player might move her house, Plucky never actually surfs, nor does she spend more time on the beach in Animal Crossing than any other character, suggesting her surfboard collecting is either an affectation of the surfer lifestyle, or mementos of a phase she has outgrown.

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Like the Cranky characters, Sisterly animals can a bit curt. Plucky seems aware of her intimidating demeanor, which contrasts with the meek Normal personality or the childlike Lazy animals. She might go out of her way to encourage the player to spread the word that she likes flowers, and she has a sensitive side. Deepening the bond with Plucky can result in her sharing her bad egg background, as she may write about how she often clashed with her parents during her rebellious youth, and regrets it now in maturity. Plucky is a surprisingly nuanced character for a cartoon chicken, and definitely one of the more interesting villagers on any island.

Interesting Animal Crossing Character – Flick

Unlike the previously noted characters, Flick is not a possible resident of the player’s island, but a vendor who will occasionally appear to buy bugs at a higher than normal price, or craft sculptures of insects. Where Lazy villagers will talk about rolling around with bugs, Flick the chameleon seems to revere them as objects of worship, too sacred for such a casual relationship.

When the player speaks to Flick, he will continually proselytize them toward his bug-centered worldview. Flick’s imagined cosmology places bugs at the center of all things, with such statements as, “I divide myself into three segments. I am the head, thorax, and abdomen of the universe.” The chameleon’s insect-centered theology appears to focus on a “personal journey towards True Infestation.” Flick is far more than a hobbyist, as the animal that has most clearly crossed over to obsession in New Horizons, but the player fortunately doesn’t need to go down the metaphorical beetle hole with Flick to sell bugs for Bells.

Interesting Animal Crossing Character – The Player

The player’s self-insert character is the lone human living on an island of talking animals. When following the suggested course provided by Tom Nook, the player builds up an island from an untamed locale that might be covered in weeds and infested with wasps and roaches into a functional city state, albeit one with a modest population. They create infrastructure, selecting the locations for bridges and inclines, eventually meeting the approval of an unseen HOA of sorts, before being awarded with regular visits from a popular dog musician.

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The regular course of play makes the player character a fascinating oddity, occupying a position somewhere between mayor, city planner, and island deity, as they gain the ability to terraform the land, creating streams and hills at will. Depending on their whims, the entire layout of the island can change, as they move buildings and restructure local geography in Animal Crossing. In many ways the player is the most interesting character in New Horizons, and their personality shines through in the world they help shape.

Every player who spends time in the world of Animal Crossing: New Horizons is likely to encounter an animal that is of particular interest to them. Much more than vendors, trading partners, and sources for new DIY recipes, the animals of the series are cleverly written characters that are full of depth and surprises.

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